Adorable Little Girl Hears Grandma Say a ‘Bad Word’. Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!

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When you’re a D.I.T., aka a diva in training, then you can do what you want and say what you please. For one adorable young girl that means scolding her grandma when she hears her say a bad word!

The little diva’s name is Josie and she is all about proper manners. In this funny clip she can be heard lecturing her Mimi and giving her an earful on how serious she takes foul language. Josie starts off telling her grandma that she is not going to speak to her anymore because of what she said and that it has made her very, very, very upset!

So what awful, terrible, monstrously bad word did her Mimi say that’s affected her so much? Poop, her grandma mentioned the word poop! She specifically said “poop away,” and while we are not given any more context, it was that one little word that set her off.

The best part of the clip comes near the end, when little miss Josie warns her grandma that she’s going to tell on her. She rambles on about how she plans on ratting her Mimi out and goes over her detailed plans explaining that “When my mommy and my daddy pick me up I’m gonna tell them and then I’m gonna… right away, I’m gonna go home, take a rest, then I’m gonna be upset!”

The whole adorable episode is so stinking cute and sweet, Josie’s silly tantrum is the perfect thing to watch if you ever need to feel happy inside or smile. It’ll remind us all of the good old days when we were innocent and the word poop qualified as a bad word!

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