Watch These Brave People Rescue a Bear With a Bucket Stuck On His Head

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We’ve all heard the term “giving a bear hug”, but never have thought about it literally.  What ensues in the amazingly brave video footage you are about to watch below, is just that.  A picture of a young black bear who had been roaming around an area in western Pennsylvania, was taken by Krissy Elder.  She took the photo because the bear had an object, that appeared to be a bucket, stuck on it’s head.

Elder reported the situation to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, but was told that nothing could be done to help this poor bear, because it was healthy and “mobile.”  The photo was seen by Dean Hornberger and his girlfriend Samantha Eigenbrod, who were determined to help this poor creature.

As Dean is an animal rescue volunteer, he felt confident that he and some friends could rescue the bear, and release his head from the object that had been stuck there for nearly 2 months!

After several hours of searching, they were nearly ready to give up, when amazingly they sighted the bear on the side of the road.  Watching them attempt to catch and contain the bear in order to remove, what turned out to be a rubber air bag from a tractor trailer that was tightly attached by a metal ring around it’s head, will have you holding your breath!

Watching this chase and rescue, that took real guts on the part of these brave men, is extraordinary to watch.  It was truly a “bear hug”, in every way!

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