What Psychic Ability Do You Have Based On The Colors You Are Drawn To?

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When most people hear the word ‘psychic’ it brings up thoughts of crystal globes, the future, fortune telling, even Miss Cleo comes to mind! The true spirit of the word has been lost over the years in all of the mumble jumble surrounding it. What it really means to be psychic is to possess an extraordinary mental power or ability. These are accessed by tapping into and using extrasensory perception, or ESP for short, which is akin to having a 6th sense.

You’ve likely fantasized and imagined how it would feel and what it’d be like if you had a real life psychic ability. It’s on the same level as having a super power and who hasn’t dreamed of being able to know exactly what someone else is thinking at any given moment, or of seeing the future!

While many skeptics are of the opinion that extra-ordinary super human powers have yet to exist, they are flat out wrong. There are certain psychic abilities that many people do in fact possess. Time and again people have experienced things that are extraordinary and seemingly miraculous, and while they may be inexplicable, they are out there.

As it turns out, you have within yourself a psychic ability, everyone does. The simple fact of the matter is that the vast, overwhelming majority of people have not yet realized, let alone even recognized, their true psychic potential. However, there is a way to tap into what type of psychic ability you’re blessed with.

This quiz will tell you which of the following metaphysical gifts you possess; clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, astral projection, and aura reading. It examines the colors that you’re drawn to the most and above all else in a series of beautiful images.  Good Luck!

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Can You Pass The Creative Test?

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Remember the days when you would play pretend for hours on end. It was so easy and natural to play house with your friends and build forts which seemed like castles in your minds. When friends chased you around it was like you were running for your life and if you got caught you would be trapped forever on the dark side, which was in the shade under the tree at recess. At least that was how you imagined your game of chase to be, and it was some of the best times ever.

When we are young it’s easy to be creative and to dream up fanciful worlds filled with dramatic adventure and thoughtful touches. As the years add up, we become less and less inclined to so easily and effortlessly imagine things. Instead, we start day dreaming and fantasizing about what could be or should be. Our imaginations turn towards things that we desire, and are much more calculated and precise than those of our childhood past.

How imaginative are you at this point in your life? Take the test to find out and see whether or not you can pass it! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy!

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The Number Of Watermelons You See In this Photo Can Determine Whether You’re Left Or Right Brained

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Take a look at the image below and count how many watermelons you are able to see in it. Not everyone arrives at the same answer because different people use different sides of their brains to analyze and process the photo.

It follows that, depending on how many watermelons you counted, you can figure out whether you happen to be left-brained or right-brained. Each side is associated with different abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and ways of thinking that can be further matched up with ideal careers and more for you! The following is a general breakdown of some of the characteristics that each side of the human brain is connected with:

Left-brain dominant: People who use their left brain are said to be more logical, analytical, and objective thinkers. They’re good at solving math and logic problems, which often leads to them quickly learning and excelling at new things. They like to delve deep into scientific pursuits and plan things out in advance, making to-do lists and checking up on their progress as they go. The best careers for a left brain thinker include engineer, scientist, and lawyer.

Right-brain dominant: Those who use their right brains are usually more creative and expressive thinkers. They tend to be more spontaneous and emotional and often act on their feelings and intuition. Since they’re more expressive they excel at artistic pursuits like painting and music. The best careers for a right brain thinker are writer, designer, and artist.

People often self identify as being either left or right brained depending on whichever side they think they match up with best, in terms of the traits they believe they exhibit. However, there are much less biased means that are better able to determine how your brain is truly wired and this quick visual test is one of them.

It can easily reveal your dominant brain side and all you have to do is see how many watermelons you can spot in the photo, then pick the option that reflects your count. After you read about it you’ll know exactly what side of your brain, left or right, you relied on to arrive at your answer. It’s a fun way to exercise your mind and test your senses, so have fun and enjoy!

How many watermelons do you see? Let us know

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Psychologists Say There Are 9 Different Kinds Of Intelligence. What Type Do You Have?

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If you’re a psychologist, professor, and researcher at one of the world’s most prestigious universities then you’re likely very intelligent. Howard Gardner is all of that and happens to work at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education where he studies, of all things, intelligence.

Over the years he’s done brain research and interviewed all sorts of people, from geniuses and prodigies to victims of stroke and those with autism. His work eventually led him to develop the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI Theory for short) which challenged traditional beliefs and definitions concerning what intelligence means.

Traditionally, intelligence is viewed as a fixed amount of cognitive capacity that people are born with. It consists of only logic and language abilities, and a person’s intelligence level can’t be changed over their lifetime. Gardner’s MI Theory stands in direct contrast.

Instead, he posits that individuals have different amounts, abilities, and unique combinations that can be changed and improved upon throughout their lifetime. The most distinctive aspect of his theory is that instead of there being only 2 types of intelligence, there are nine.

These 9 types directly relate to the various ways in which people interact with the word and environment around them. When Garder’s theory is applied to the classroom level a child’s strongest intelligence is first figured out. Then a teacher can more effectively reach and teach different that child in accordance with their intelligence. The nine intelligences are as follows:

1) Verbal/Linguistic- people who display good reading, writing, speaking, listening, memorization, and other language related skills. Students with these abilities are successful in most classroom settings because traditional teaching methods cater to these strengths.

2) Mathematical/Logical- this type of intelligence has to do with numbers, logic, reasoning, abstract and critical thinking. Those who more easily pick up on the underlying causes and principles of patterns and sequences also do well in traditional teaching settings.

3) Visual/Spatial- people who learn visually and spatially better understand maps, tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, and puzzles. They are often good at art and learn better by seeing things which helps them to understand and grasp concepts.

4) Musical/Rhythmic- people who are sensitive to different aspects of sound tend to learn well through music. They have an ear for tone, rhythm, meter, melody, pitch, and often excel at musical endeavors like singing, composing music and playing instruments. Traditional education doesn’t suit them well.

5) Bodily/Kinesthetic- this area relates to those who learn best through hands on activities like games, building stuff, and moving around. Jobs that require more physical activity are best suited for people with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and athletes, soldiers, builders, surgeons often display it. Kids who learn this way are often seen as hyper and overactive, they don’t fit well traditional classroom settings.

6) Intrapersonal- people who are self-reflective and inwardly focused on their ideas, values, and feelings are this type of intelligent. From the outside they appear reserved, yet they are very intuitive and have a deep understanding of their own self worth. They learn best by taking information and examining how it relates to themselves.

7) Interpersonal- people who are talkative, outgoing, social, and empathetic learn best in groups or with partners. They are better able to sense others feelings, moods, and motivations and can thus connect more easily and better with people. They often excel at discussions and enjoy long conversations. People with high interpersonal intelligence make good managers, politicians, teachers, and salespeople.

8) Naturalist- this type of intelligence has to do with the natural world and those who see, pick up on, and understand various types of flora and fauna. People who love animals, gardening, and exploring nature, and who can relate information to their natural surroundings, have natural intelligence.

9) Existentialist- this type is related to philosophy. People who are deep thinkers and who question everything about existence are existentially intelligent. They pose questions such as “why are we here” and “what is our purpose” and are related to the possibility of additional types of intelligences that are spiritual or religious oriented.

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She Was Diagnosed As ‘Insane’ But She Gave Her Doc a Picture She Drew and Suddenly He Realized The Horrific Truth!

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Modern medicine has come along way since it’s humble beginnings. Scientists and doctors all around the world have made incredible discoveries which have cured incurable diseases and saved millions of lives. Between all the technological advancements in CT Scans, Bloodwork, X-rays and every other tool other than the amazing medicines doctors use to treat their patients they aren’t always perfect! Sometimes there is no clear cut path to take when it comes to curing somebody of their ailment and this can make many of their day to day decisions extremely complicated and stressful.

Even after years and years of medical school, nursing school, dental school or any other medical speciality professional school mistakes can still happen. Remember medical professionals are still human no matter how well they are trained. There are things that can happen that nobody could possibly anticipate but they do the best they can and always try their hardest to follow the hippocratic oath and never neglect or do harm to a patient purposely..

With all this being said it brings us to today’s interesting story about a woman named Suzanna who was an intelligent, driven and happy woman who just landed a dream job at the New York Post when she was only 24 years old. In this same year she had gotten into her first serious relationship with a man who she had been with for over 6 months. Everything was going so unbelievably well for this young woman however things would soon take a turn for the worse than nobody could anticipate.

At first she began getting strange itchy feelings all over her body. She couldn’t see anything on her skin but the feeling was really uncomfortable and disturbing. She thought perhaps it might’ve been bed bugs so she got an exterminator to come over and fumigate her place hoping it would solve her issue. The problem is, when the exterminator arrived and began inspecting her place he couldn’t find a single bed bug. This concerned her because now she had no clue where these strange sensations were coming from and she began to get nervous.

Then things began to spiral out of control as she grew more and more paranoid, with delusions and hallucinations. On top of that she was having recurring seizures. Things got so bad that she couldn’t get to her job at the New York Post or even leave her place for that matter.  She ended up admitting herself to NYU Medical Hospital where her ‘crazy’ episodes escalated and at some times she would even become violent with the doctors and nurses. She felt completely helpless and out of control and she couldn’t understand what in the world was happening! She even went as far to say multiple times that she felt like a zombie and whoever she was before was gone.

The Doctors on staff all agreed that she was probably having a mental break and should go to a mental health facility where she could get the proper care she desperately needed. However there was one Doctor at the clinic that wanted to examine her and take a closer look before she was transferred to the mental health facility because he wasn’t totally convinced she was having a mental break or even crazy at all.

He came into her room, introduced himself and then asked her to do something for him that seemed a bit strange at the time but would end up changing the trajectory of her life forever. The doctor asked her to take a pen and draw a clock on the piece of paper he handed her. She drew the clock and that’s when the doctor knew his hunch was right. What he would discover would leave everyone stunned…

Watch the video below for the full story:

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What Is Your Strongest Brain Power?

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A word cloud is a mash up of a variety of related words that are presented jumbled close together in different size and colored fonts. They are excellent indicators of how a person uses their brain and how they they think, and thus can reveal what someones greatest mental strength is.

When a person is given such a cloud, and is asked to describe all the similar words in just one word, how they perceive and narrow them all down is very revealing about what’s going on inside their head. The thousands of conscious and unconscious, minute calculations, thoughts, feelings, and reactions that are speeding through the mind and brain all lead to one choice and final decision.

The culmination of a series of choices can be used to figure out what type of mental strength the person making them has. All of this centers around the human brain. There are two sides to every brain; the left side and the right side. Each one is associated with different abilities, strengths, weaknesses, ways of thinking, and other similar types of attributes. The following is a general breakdown of the characteristic that each side is connected with:

Left-brain dominant people are said to be more analytical, objective, and logical thinkers. They’re good at solving math and similar types of logic-oriented problems, which often leads to them quickly learning and excelling at new things. They like to delve deep into scientific pursuits and plan things out in advance, making to-do lists and checking up on their progress as they go.

In comparison, right-brain dominant people are more creative and expressive thinkers. They have strong imaginations and approach problems or issues with different, alternative types of solutions. They tend to be more spontaneous and emotional and often act on their feelings and intuition. Since they are more expressive they excel at artistic pursuits like painting and music.

People often self identify as either a left-brain thinker or a right-brain thinker, depending on which side they match up more with, in terms of the traits they believe they exhibit. Yet how your brain is truly wired can better be determined through less biased means.

This cognitive psychology word/visual association test can quickly reveal what your strongest brain power is, as well as what your dominant brain side is. The results are spot on and may surprise you. Try it out now by pressing the “Let’s Play!” button and remember to pass it onto your friends and family so y’all can compare results. As always, have fun and enjoy!

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