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There are many people in our lives who are old souls, you may even be one of them. They are wise beyond what their physical appearance or actual age let on and their innate knowledge has given them a very developed understanding of the world. They are often quieter, preferring to observe and learn from a distance, while internalizing the lessons and all of the experiences they go through in life. They tend to be empaths and are very sensitive to the energies of other people in their life…
Old souls radiate a certain frequency that is peaceful and stable, they are naturally calming to be around. Many believe that they have acquired their wisdom from the past lives they’ve led and that through this they’ve been gifted with an enlightened view of the complex world we live in.
As it follows, old souls both experience and see things differently and this sets them apart from what everyone else goes through. In turn, they also do things differently and here are some of the ways in which this shows:
1. Old souls travel their own path through life:
They are not followers in any sense of the word and never do what may be expected of them. The typical goals and materialistic inclinations of life are of no interest to them. Instead of success and power, they are after self-realizations and happiness. That’s why they’re often more connected, spiritual, and grounded.
2. Old souls have only a few true lifelong friends:
They often have difficulty connecting with people around their age because they aren’t interested in many of the things those people do or talk about. Rather, they gravitate towards a select few friends who are able to truly understand them and their intense nature. They don’t waste their time getting to know people that they just cannot relate to and it can be said that old souls look for friends whom they see as kindred souls.
3. Old souls have an unquenchable thirst for learning:
Their passion for all things intellectual and informative is clear from the get-go. They love critical thinking and any experiences they go through they will examine in depth to extract important life lessons from them. For an old soul, knowledge brings happiness and power. Having their thoughts challenged is what they live for.
4. Old souls adjust to new situations and surroundings with ease:
They don’t like to stand out or make a scene and prefer to hang back and observe. While they aren’t anti-social per se, they do view themselves as a sort of misunderstood social outcast. Their natural curiosity leads them to ask many questions and from this deeper conversations follow. However, if talk turns idle or superficial, they immediately lose interest. If they’re unable to steer it back to more meaningful topics, they will simply end it abruptly and move on.
5. Old souls look beyond the mundane and see the bigger picture:
They filter out the basic everyday details that tend to cloud the thoughts and minds of everyone else. Their vision is clear and uncompromised by material things or selfish vanity, which they see as senseless and unproductive. Instead of being focused on the here and now, they look right past it, way down the line into the future. Thinking far ahead about all of the possibilities, or the consequences of ones actions, is what gives them a wider perspective and understanding of the world beyond the present.
6. Old souls are spiritual:
This doesn’t mean they are religious devotees, or even a part of any organized religion. Instead, they are more in tune with a variety of ancient rituals and traditions which by practicing brings them happiness. Old souls are always seeking enlightenment through knowledge, and spirituality both encompasses and fulfills a major part of this.
Are you and old soul?
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Every Time This Spoiled Bunny’s Human Stops Petting He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit:
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Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.
The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed and at ease.
When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!
Contrary to popular belief, lots of rabbits love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting!”
Rabbits are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet, they have their own distinct personalities!
The adorable bunny in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable telling the man what to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy this hysterical video
Pass This On To Your Friends and Fam 🙂
If you found this interesting keep reading to find out The Signs You Have Had Past Lives and Been Reincarnated Numerous Times:
To be reincarnated means to be reborn again. At its most basic core, reincarnation is the belief that after a person dies their soul continues on and starts life over once again. As time marches on, so do our spirits and we will all end up leading a number of new lives in completely different bodies. This all ties in with the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth that’s all around us and which the universe is forever engaged in. Each time our soul passes on it evolves and becomes wiser, more mature, knowledgeable, and spiritually connected to the universe. As such, people have lived many past lives and they will go on to have many future ones.
If you’ve ever noticed how some people just appear to be old souls, then you are recognizing the energy from their past lives manifesting in their present one. Many people even claim that they either know, feel, or can sense their past life identities in their current lives. They may have memories of the people and events or the places which were associated with who they used to be. Others are simply wise beyond their years and are in tune with whatever life sends their way.
Regardless of whether you can sense or feel your soul’s past or not, we are all a lot older than we’d like to admit! Many of us have died and been re-born again hundreds or thousands of times. It’s the complex interactions between all of our soul’s past lives and experiences that is what forms the deepest levels of our existence. If you believe that you have been reincarnated many times then you will have experienced many of the signs the accompanying video goes over. Six of them are covered in greater detail and they all point towards a person having an old soul:
1. You have the natural gift of foresight:
If you always seem to find yourself sensing and knowing what is going to happen ahead of time then your level of foresight is sharp. Many people have instinctual feelings, which may even be felt physically, dreams, and other visions about what is to come. This is what’s known as precognition and it signifies that ones soul had developed and matured.
2. You can relate to how others are feeling:
Not only are you affected by how other people around you are feeling, you also take on those same emotions. Being empathetic signifies a deep connection with the universe at large and when you have lived many lives it becomes easy for you to plug into other peoples energy.
3. You have a powerfully accurate sense of yourself:
Those of us who are evenly balanced and conscious of our mind, body, and soul have developed this deep sense of self-intuition over many lifetimes. When you’re able to look inside and reach not only your consciousness but also your subconscious, or what’s hidden under the surface and is not so obvious, then you have successfully honed your soul’s connection with your real self.
4. You feel an attraction and kind of kinship for a particular era, place, or civilization:
When you are drawn to a certain culture or time period and you don’t quite know why you are so attracted to it, you just are, it’s your past life influencing your current one. Many people believe that having an inexplicable attraction and feeling of connection to times, places, cultures, societies, and environments is something that gets carried over and remains with your soul from a past life.
5. You have the same dream over and over again:
Recurring dreams are believed to signify recollections of memories from your past lives. These types of dreams are often realistic and life-like, extremely vivid, and oddly familiar in all respects. They stick in your mind well after you have woken up and you can both see and recall minute details from them in your mind’s eye even years later. That’s because at one point those dreams may have been a reality and you lived them in another past life.
6. You oftentimes get a sense of Déjà Vu:
That feeling you get when you sense that you’ve seen or experienced something that you’re currently in the midst of doing before is quite strange. Déjà vu is inevitable and uncontrollable. It always pops up suddenly and we can never prepare ourselves or expect it. It’s believed that déjà vu is connected to our past life experiences and the more past lives you’ve led, the more instances of déjà vu you’re likely to have.
Can you remember any of your past lives? Do you think you have been reincarnated?
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If you found this interesting keep reading to find out Which Zodiac Sign Is Your Perfect Match:
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In the most basic of terms a soulmate is a person who you are meant to be and share your life with. The main idea surrounding soulmates revolves around the thought that both fate and destiny will eventually bring us together with that special someone who we are cosmically bound to end up with.
While this sounds promising and beautiful, the reality is much more complex and drawn out. Real life is messy and fairy tale endings can be hard to come by. Even still, the people who we end up falling in love with are often the ones that we are the most compatible with.
They balance us out and work with us in the sense that they compliment our flaws and abilities. Rather than drag us down, they build us up, and in the process make us better people. This tends to ring true even in the case of opposites attracting, there should be no issues so long as you’re able connect on a deep and meaningful level.
Finding your soulmate can be incredibly easy or a process that involves much trial and error. Some people are just plain lucky and find the one they’re meant to be with early in life, whereas others search endlessly for ‘the one.’ While finding your soulmate can prove difficult to do, there is a way to tell if you’re compatible with someone, by looking to the zodiac signs!
Each and every one of us falls somewhere under the twelve astrologically based zodiac signs. Our signs carry with them a wide ranging variety of information about a person’s personality, character, destiny, emotional attributes, their strengths and weaknesses, and so much more.
In turn, all of the signs are interlaced and linked together in a seemingly endless number of fascinating ways. These connections and traits form a web that can be read and interpreted to figure out many things. One of the revelations it holds are the other specific zodiac signs which you are the most compatible with. From that information you can thus determine who your soulmate is, all according to the zodiac!
Have you found your perfect soulmate?
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If you figured out which Zodiac Sign Is Your Perfect Soulmate Keep Reading To Find Out The Signs If You Have Actually Found Your Soulmate:
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Have you ever met someone and immediately sensed that they were special right from the start? It’s as if the universe conspired to bring the two of you together and you’ve finally met your ideal match. Whether you realize it at the time or not, you’ve found your soulmate. A soulmate is a person who both compliments and completes you on every level. Whether it’s physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally, the two of you just mesh. The chemistry comes naturally and your lifestyles and personalities connect smoothly.
A soulmate balances you out and no matter what you may be going through or facing in life, they always seem to understand what you need and where you’re coming from. You can count on them for help and advice, comfort and reassurance, friendship and love, and virtually anything else.
The instantaneous connection soulmates share doesn’t fade or fizzle out, it grows deeper and stronger over time. They compliment each others flaws and build one another up, making their other half a better person in the process. Even if you have yet to meet your soulmate, don’t worry about it because someone will come along in due time. As the saying goes, “good things come to those who wait,” in the meantime here are the signs that tell you when you’ve finally found your soulmate:
1. You both have similar dreams and goals that you’re striving for. Whether it be career, family, heath and fitness related or more, both of you are similarly aligned.
2. Your sense of humor matches and they have a unique ability at getting you to crack up. After a few days of knowing them you’ll probably already have a couple of hilarious inside jokes.
3. You love talking to them about everything and anything. No topic is off limits or taboo and you don’t hold back any embarrassing details or information for fear of being judged.
4. There is a refreshing, total and complete lack of jealousy on both ends because you trust in each other and are wholly secure in knowing what you have together.
5. You apologize and say sorry whenever you’re wrong or mess up and truly mean every word of it. You don’t fight them any further once you realize you messed up and they accept your apology rather than dragging whatever the situation may be out any further.
6. They bring out the best in you. Maybe they challenge you or don’t let you give up so easy and in doing so you end up accomplishing much more than you ever could have without them.
7. You always have each others back. They constantly cheer you on and encourage you to do your best, you stand up and support them in all of their endeavors, and vice versa.
8. You can read their thoughts and emotions like a book. No words are needed to convey what either of you may be thinking or going through, you just know and can sense what the other is feeling. That kind of completely silent intuition is rare to find, but soulmates share it.
9. You don’t lie to each other. Even if you tried they’d see right through your falsehoods and would call you out on it. You know each other too well and are so open and honest that lying just doesn’t come up.
10. They help you work through your troubles or any issues you may be having. A soulmate wants you to be your best and will work hard right alongside you to solve problems and get over hurdles in the way. They’re often a great source of clarity and keep us focused and centered in the confusing situations we face.
11. There is magic between the two of you when you first meet and lay eyes on one another. It feels magnetic, exciting, and you instinctively know at that moment that you’ve met your soulmate. Listen to what your heart is telling you and go for it!
Have you found the one?
Please Pass This Onto You Family and Friends To See If They Have Found Their True Soulmate
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There are many people in our lives who are old souls, you may even be one of them. They are wise beyond what their physical appearance or actual age let on and their innate knowledge has given them a very developed understanding of the world. They are often quieter, preferring to observe and learn from a distance, while internalizing the lessons and all of the experiences they go through in life. They tend to be empaths and are very sensitive to the energies of other people in their life…
Old souls radiate a certain frequency that is peaceful and stable, they are naturally calming to be around. Many believe that they have acquired their wisdom from the past lives they’ve led and that through this they’ve been gifted with an enlightened view of the complex world we live in.
As it follows, old souls both experience and see things differently and this sets them apart from what everyone else goes through. In turn, they also do things differently and here are some of the ways in which this shows:
1. Old souls travel their own path through life:
They are not followers in any sense of the word and never do what may be expected of them. The typical goals and materialistic inclinations of life are of no interest to them. Instead of success and power, they are after self-realizations and happiness. That’s why they’re often more connected, spiritual, and grounded.
2. Old souls have only a few true lifelong friends:
They often have difficulty connecting with people around their age because they aren’t interested in many of the things those people do or talk about. Rather, they gravitate towards a select few friends who are able to truly understand them and their intense nature. They don’t waste their time getting to know people that they just cannot relate to and it can be said that old souls look for friends whom they see as kindred souls.
3. Old souls have an unquenchable thirst for learning:
Their passion for all things intellectual and informative is clear from the get-go. They love critical thinking and any experiences they go through they will examine in depth to extract important life lessons from them. For an old soul, knowledge brings happiness and power. Having their thoughts challenged is what they live for.
4. Old souls adjust to new situations and surroundings with ease:
They don’t like to stand out or make a scene and prefer to hang back and observe. While they aren’t anti-social per se, they do view themselves as a sort of misunderstood social outcast. Their natural curiosity leads them to ask many questions and from this deeper conversations follow. However, if talk turns idle or superficial, they immediately lose interest. If they’re unable to steer it back to more meaningful topics, they will simply end it abruptly and move on.
5. Old souls look beyond the mundane and see the bigger picture:
They filter out the basic everyday details that tend to cloud the thoughts and minds of everyone else. Their vision is clear and uncompromised by material things or selfish vanity, which they see as senseless and unproductive. Instead of being focused on the here and now, they look right past it, way down the line into the future. Thinking far ahead about all of the possibilities, or the consequences of ones actions, is what gives them a wider perspective and understanding of the world beyond the present.
6. Old souls are spiritual:
This doesn’t mean they are religious devotees, or even a part of any organized religion. Instead, they are more in tune with a variety of ancient rituals and traditions which by practicing brings them happiness. Old souls are always seeking enlightenment through knowledge, and spirituality both encompasses and fulfills a major part of this.
Are you and old soul?
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Every Time This Spoiled Bunny’s Human Stops Petting He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit:
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Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.
The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed and at ease.
When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!
Contrary to popular belief, lots of rabbits love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting!”
Rabbits are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet, they have their own distinct personalities!
The adorable bunny in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable telling the man what to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy this hysterical video
Pass This On To Your Friends and Fam 🙂
If you found this interesting keep reading to find out The Signs You Have Had Past Lives and Been Reincarnated Numerous Times:
To be reincarnated means to be reborn again. At its most basic core, reincarnation is the belief that after a person dies their soul continues on and starts life over once again. As time marches on, so do our spirits and we will all end up leading a number of new lives in completely different bodies. This all ties in with the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth that’s all around us and which the universe is forever engaged in. Each time our soul passes on it evolves and becomes wiser, more mature, knowledgeable, and spiritually connected to the universe. As such, people have lived many past lives and they will go on to have many future ones.
If you’ve ever noticed how some people just appear to be old souls, then you are recognizing the energy from their past lives manifesting in their present one. Many people even claim that they either know, feel, or can sense their past life identities in their current lives. They may have memories of the people and events or the places which were associated with who they used to be. Others are simply wise beyond their years and are in tune with whatever life sends their way.
Regardless of whether you can sense or feel your soul’s past or not, we are all a lot older than we’d like to admit! Many of us have died and been re-born again hundreds or thousands of times. It’s the complex interactions between all of our soul’s past lives and experiences that is what forms the deepest levels of our existence. If you believe that you have been reincarnated many times then you will have experienced many of the signs the accompanying video goes over. Six of them are covered in greater detail and they all point towards a person having an old soul:
1. You have the natural gift of foresight:
If you always seem to find yourself sensing and knowing what is going to happen ahead of time then your level of foresight is sharp. Many people have instinctual feelings, which may even be felt physically, dreams, and other visions about what is to come. This is what’s known as precognition and it signifies that ones soul had developed and matured.
2. You can relate to how others are feeling:
Not only are you affected by how other people around you are feeling, you also take on those same emotions. Being empathetic signifies a deep connection with the universe at large and when you have lived many lives it becomes easy for you to plug into other peoples energy.
3. You have a powerfully accurate sense of yourself:
Those of us who are evenly balanced and conscious of our mind, body, and soul have developed this deep sense of self-intuition over many lifetimes. When you’re able to look inside and reach not only your consciousness but also your subconscious, or what’s hidden under the surface and is not so obvious, then you have successfully honed your soul’s connection with your real self.
4. You feel an attraction and kind of kinship for a particular era, place, or civilization:
When you are drawn to a certain culture or time period and you don’t quite know why you are so attracted to it, you just are, it’s your past life influencing your current one. Many people believe that having an inexplicable attraction and feeling of connection to times, places, cultures, societies, and environments is something that gets carried over and remains with your soul from a past life.
5. You have the same dream over and over again:
Recurring dreams are believed to signify recollections of memories from your past lives. These types of dreams are often realistic and life-like, extremely vivid, and oddly familiar in all respects. They stick in your mind well after you have woken up and you can both see and recall minute details from them in your mind’s eye even years later. That’s because at one point those dreams may have been a reality and you lived them in another past life.
6. You oftentimes get a sense of Déjà Vu:
That feeling you get when you sense that you’ve seen or experienced something that you’re currently in the midst of doing before is quite strange. Déjà vu is inevitable and uncontrollable. It always pops up suddenly and we can never prepare ourselves or expect it. It’s believed that déjà vu is connected to our past life experiences and the more past lives you’ve led, the more instances of déjà vu you’re likely to have.
Can you remember any of your past lives? Do you think you have been reincarnated?
Please Pass This Onto Your Family and Friends
If you found this interesting keep reading to find out Which Zodiac Sign Is Your Perfect Match:
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In the most basic of terms a soulmate is a person who you are meant to be and share your life with. The main idea surrounding soulmates revolves around the thought that both fate and destiny will eventually bring us together with that special someone who we are cosmically bound to end up with.
While this sounds promising and beautiful, the reality is much more complex and drawn out. Real life is messy and fairy tale endings can be hard to come by. Even still, the people who we end up falling in love with are often the ones that we are the most compatible with.
They balance us out and work with us in the sense that they compliment our flaws and abilities. Rather than drag us down, they build us up, and in the process make us better people. This tends to ring true even in the case of opposites attracting, there should be no issues so long as you’re able connect on a deep and meaningful level.
Finding your soulmate can be incredibly easy or a process that involves much trial and error. Some people are just plain lucky and find the one they’re meant to be with early in life, whereas others search endlessly for ‘the one.’ While finding your soulmate can prove difficult to do, there is a way to tell if you’re compatible with someone, by looking to the zodiac signs!
Each and every one of us falls somewhere under the twelve astrologically based zodiac signs. Our signs carry with them a wide ranging variety of information about a person’s personality, character, destiny, emotional attributes, their strengths and weaknesses, and so much more.
In turn, all of the signs are interlaced and linked together in a seemingly endless number of fascinating ways. These connections and traits form a web that can be read and interpreted to figure out many things. One of the revelations it holds are the other specific zodiac signs which you are the most compatible with. From that information you can thus determine who your soulmate is, all according to the zodiac!
Have you found your perfect soulmate?
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If you figured out which Zodiac Sign Is Your Perfect Soulmate Keep Reading To Find Out The Signs If You Have Actually Found Your Soulmate:
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Have you ever met someone and immediately sensed that they were special right from the start? It’s as if the universe conspired to bring the two of you together and you’ve finally met your ideal match. Whether you realize it at the time or not, you’ve found your soulmate. A soulmate is a person who both compliments and completes you on every level. Whether it’s physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally, the two of you just mesh. The chemistry comes naturally and your lifestyles and personalities connect smoothly.
A soulmate balances you out and no matter what you may be going through or facing in life, they always seem to understand what you need and where you’re coming from. You can count on them for help and advice, comfort and reassurance, friendship and love, and virtually anything else.
The instantaneous connection soulmates share doesn’t fade or fizzle out, it grows deeper and stronger over time. They compliment each others flaws and build one another up, making their other half a better person in the process. Even if you have yet to meet your soulmate, don’t worry about it because someone will come along in due time. As the saying goes, “good things come to those who wait,” in the meantime here are the signs that tell you when you’ve finally found your soulmate:
1. You both have similar dreams and goals that you’re striving for. Whether it be career, family, heath and fitness related or more, both of you are similarly aligned.
2. Your sense of humor matches and they have a unique ability at getting you to crack up. After a few days of knowing them you’ll probably already have a couple of hilarious inside jokes.
3. You love talking to them about everything and anything. No topic is off limits or taboo and you don’t hold back any embarrassing details or information for fear of being judged.
4. There is a refreshing, total and complete lack of jealousy on both ends because you trust in each other and are wholly secure in knowing what you have together.
5. You apologize and say sorry whenever you’re wrong or mess up and truly mean every word of it. You don’t fight them any further once you realize you messed up and they accept your apology rather than dragging whatever the situation may be out any further.
6. They bring out the best in you. Maybe they challenge you or don’t let you give up so easy and in doing so you end up accomplishing much more than you ever could have without them.
7. You always have each others back. They constantly cheer you on and encourage you to do your best, you stand up and support them in all of their endeavors, and vice versa.
8. You can read their thoughts and emotions like a book. No words are needed to convey what either of you may be thinking or going through, you just know and can sense what the other is feeling. That kind of completely silent intuition is rare to find, but soulmates share it.
9. You don’t lie to each other. Even if you tried they’d see right through your falsehoods and would call you out on it. You know each other too well and are so open and honest that lying just doesn’t come up.
10. They help you work through your troubles or any issues you may be having. A soulmate wants you to be your best and will work hard right alongside you to solve problems and get over hurdles in the way. They’re often a great source of clarity and keep us focused and centered in the confusing situations we face.
11. There is magic between the two of you when you first meet and lay eyes on one another. It feels magnetic, exciting, and you instinctively know at that moment that you’ve met your soulmate. Listen to what your heart is telling you and go for it!
Have you found the one?
Please Pass This Onto You Family and Friends To See If They Have Found Their True Soulmate