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images via : Relationships are hard work. What makes them even harder is when a partner has a negative habit or quality that especially bothers you. That was the case for Karen Cook whose ex-husband...

images via - Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It's no secret that many of our furry pet...

images via - Not many animals really enjoy taking trips, much less one to the veterinarian's office. Just like people hate visiting the doctor, our pets hate visiting the vet! Who can blame them, th...

images via - Some families love pulling pranks on one another and relatives will oftentimes go to elaborate lengths to fool someone into falling for their tricks! However, the best type of prank to ...

images via : When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can't stand each other. You never know how they're really going to act until you soci...

image via : Along with the cold weather, there are a number of special challenges that winter brings along with it, and we all have to just deal with them! Dry skin, chapped lips, stuffy noses,...

images via - Every dog has talent and each one is gifted in their own special way. Some of them know all the major tricks in the book and can do things like sit, roll over, shake hands, play dead, b...

image via - Great Danes may look impressively large and imposing, but they're really just big babies at heart! They are all around friendly, intelligent, sweet-tempered, social, and even natured ani...

image via - For as long as humans have walked this Earth they have been painting their faces. The reasons for doing so are as varied as the designs and colors people use to adorn themselves. Some di...