What Psychic Ability Do You Have Based On The Colors You Are Drawn To?

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When most people hear the word ‘psychic’ it brings up thoughts of crystal globes, the future, fortune telling, even Miss Cleo comes to mind! The true spirit of the word has been lost over the years in all of the mumble jumble surrounding it. What it really means to be psychic is to possess an extraordinary mental power or ability. These are accessed by tapping into and using extrasensory perception, or ESP for short, which is akin to having a 6th sense.

You’ve likely fantasized and imagined how it would feel and what it’d be like if you had a real life psychic ability. It’s on the same level as having a super power and who hasn’t dreamed of being able to know exactly what someone else is thinking at any given moment, or of seeing the future!

While many skeptics are of the opinion that extra-ordinary super human powers have yet to exist, they are flat out wrong. There are certain psychic abilities that many people do in fact possess. Time and again people have experienced things that are extraordinary and seemingly miraculous, and while they may be inexplicable, they are out there.

As it turns out, you have within yourself a psychic ability, everyone does. The simple fact of the matter is that the vast, overwhelming majority of people have not yet realized, let alone even recognized, their true psychic potential. However, there is a way to tap into what type of psychic ability you’re blessed with.

This quiz will tell you which of the following metaphysical gifts you possess; clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, astral projection, and aura reading. It examines the colors that you’re drawn to the most and above all else in a series of beautiful images.  Good Luck!

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