If You Put Some Of These Leaves In and Outside Your Home Will Get Rid Of All Cockroaches For Good!

Cockroaches are two things; gross and scary as heck. When one unexpectedly scurries across the floor most of us either try to kill it or scream and run away in horror. No one wants to share their space with the disease carrying vermin. Not only do the nasty little creatures spread germs and poop all over the place, they also bite and do nothing else except make us feel sick and dirty in our own homes!

Chances are if you spot one cockroach in your house, there’s probably a whole lot more somewhere nearby. Anyone who has ever had to deal with them knows how hard they are to kill and get rid of. It usually takes a few visits from the exterminator and highly toxic chemicals to completely eradicate a roach problem.

But before you go spending your money on a professional exterminator to come in and poison the little suckers try this simple, and much less expensive, alternative method. It’s just as, if not more, effective, and you likely have it on hand in your kitchen cabinet right now. What is it? Bay leaves!

Bay leaves help to keep cockroaches at bay because roaches absolutely hate how they smell and will not go anywhere near them. Placing a few dried bay leaves around the house and anywhere else you don’t want roaches ensures they stay away. Stick them in kitchen cabinets, drawers, under sinks, near baseboards, and in the garage to naturally repel the nasty pests.

One last thing ~ since bay leaves are all-natural, they’re also a whole lot safer to use, especially if your household includes pets and young children!

Please SHARE this tip with friends and family and get the word out that roaches can be easily beat!