This Is What Those Strange Floaty Things In Your Eyes Actually Are!

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If you have ever seen what looks like little bugs in the periphery of your vision, that in fact are not bugs at all, you probably have experienced “floaters”.  The scientific name for this phenomenon is know as “muscae volitantes” or “flying flies”.

This occurs when red blood cells, proteins or tissue have detached, and cast shadows on the retina.  Whatever the tiny object that is casting this shadow, these “floaters” are not dangerous, and in fact are often not visible.  They become more visible when they move closer to the retina, and when you are looking at a bright surface.  The reason why they often go unnoticed, is because the brain has the power to accommodate for these annoying objects, and thus are not seen.

When they are seen, they drift with your eye movement, floating in and out of your line of vision.  The first time you experience this, you probably will find yourself swatting at annoying little bugs until you realize that what you are experiencing is within your eye.  Fortunately, these floating objects are pulled down by gravity, out of the line of your vision.

The video you are about to watch is a TED-Ed production that does a great job of explaining this phenomenon in more depth, and holds important information related to the health of your eye. It is well worth watching to further understand the phenomenon of “floaters” that we all will eventually experience.

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