If You Can’t Fall Asleep At Night, Put These 6 Plants In Your Bedroom For Instant Relief

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If you have trouble getting a good nights sleep, you’re not alone. Each year an estimated 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia alone according to a widely circulated NPR report. That number doesn’t even touch on all of the many other possible sleep disorders out there that people may also have.

While the majority of us turn to sleeping pills, melatonin, sound and aromatherapy machines, eye masks, and various other methods in vain attempts to get some much needed shut eye, there may be an easier way. Simply placing several different types of plants around your bedroom can actually help to calm and relax both your body and mind when your head hits the pillow at night. It may not be the answer to all your sleep problems, but it will definitely make a positive, noticeable difference in your overall health.

That’s because having a few plants around your house helps to clean and purify the air inside and breathing in cleaner, fresher air can do wonders for our mind and body. With less toxins floating around in the air, we’re able to breathe in cleaner oxygen, which in turn reduces our chances of becoming sick or ill. It also makes us healthier by boosting our mood, so you stress and worry less at night and can focus on going to bed rather than on all of that stuff.

Here are six plants that can help you get a better nights sleep:

1. Jasmine. Jasmine has a very potent, powerful scent that smells wonderful, as well as natural qualities which make it an effective sleeping aid. According to a study done by Wheeling Jesuit University, jasmine acts to improve sleep while boosting your mood and decreasing anxiety. But this is nothing new, people have turned to the plant in order to help with sleep/anxiety issues for thousands of years.

2. Lavender. Lavender is another pleasant smelling plant which people have used since ancient times to reduce anxiety and stress problems. Its scent is what aids sleep because of the calming effects and soothing properties that it contains. Studies have found that breathing in both lavender essential oil and the fragrance from the plant is effective at helping to treat insomnia and anxiety.

3. Snake Plant. Don’t let the name turn you off, snake plants are extremely hardy and low maintenance. They are excellent mini air filters and come alive at night, when they release higher amounts of oxygen than what they produce during daytime hours. More oxygen equals better air quality which results in cleaner breathing and improved sleep.

4. Aloe Vera. Aloe is perhaps the most widely available plant on this list. It has long been used for a variety of health related issues and people use the gel found in it to treat everything from cuts, scrapes and burns to constipation and other skin related conditions. Aloe helps you sleep better by releasing high amounts of oxygen throughout the night. It’s another one of nature’s natural air purifiers!

5. English Ivy. English ivy works wonders at absorbing harmful toxins, such as formaldehyde and airborne mold, from the air. According to the Clean Air Study conducted by NASA, it ranks as the top-most effective air filtering and purifying plant. Be sure to keep several in your bedroom for the best results!

6. Red Edged Dracaena. This is the biggest plant on the list so it’s perfect if you have an empty spot in your room that needs filling! Red-edged dracaena also happened to make the NASA air study, where it was found to filter out large amounts of highly common VOCs (volatile organic compounds). VOCs are super toxic to human health and include the nasty chemicals such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and toluene. Cleaner air with less of these chemicals in it means better sleep and health

There are a lot of other great plants that can boost your health and improve your quality of sleep beyond those covered above. The accompanying video goes over several more of them so be sure to check it out and see which ones work best for you!

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The 9 Most Common Dream Symbols You Should Pay Close Attention To. Don’t Ignore These Dreams.

Dreaming is something that we all do each night, for 90 minutes to 2 hours; scientifically it is known as REM sleep.  Whether we remember our dreams or not, we all have them.  Freud brought dream interpretation to the fore, and saw it as a window into the unconscious.  While his interpretations may not be held as doctrine by modern psychology, the fascination with common themes in dreams and what they mean, persists today.

The appearance of certain actions or things in our dreams are commonly found in many people.  While each individual who remembers their dreams need to examine them through the lens of their particular conscious life, these SYMBOLS can act as a guide for self-examination of issues you need to pay attention to.



If you have ever had this dream, you are not alone.  In the dream you feel your teeth loosen, and usually feel horrified as they fall into your hand, as you try to save them.  LOSS OF TEETH while dreaming usually represents a LOSS of CONFIDENCE, CONTROL or POWER somewhere in one’s life.  It can be occurring in a relationship at work or in one’s personal life.  The dream signifies your anxiety about this development, and bears looking at, to help resolve the issue when you are conscious.


This again is indicative of a loss of control in one’s waking life; in this circumstance it can be showing a fear of loss.  Examining whether it is something or someone that you fear losing, when you are awake, may help you to resolve the issue.


This generally is pointing you to examination of a lack of confidence, or a fear of being exposed in one’s life.  Are you being yourself in your interactions with others, or are you people-pleasing to fit in?  Are you lying and feeling anxious that the truth will come out?  Only you being truly honest with yourself, when you awake from such a dream, will reveal what aspect of your life you are afraid will be UNMASKED.


Flying in a dream can be a truly exhilarating experience.  If you are soaring up high it can denote a feeling of freedom…perhaps you are feeling liberated from something that has plagued you.  If you are flying lower to the ground, perhaps nearly missing obstacles like cars, or wires, or other people, this can be more troubling.  Are things getting in your way in your life, that are frustrating or upsetting, that you want to resolve?


While dreaming about death can be upsetting, it strangely may be symbolic of positive endings in your waking life.  Perhaps you have moved on from a situation or person that was having a negative impact. It generally is symbolic of change, which is a part of life that is ongoing, and some of us have more difficulty being in transition than others.


This commonly appears in dreams, and is an overall representation of the SELF.  Is it a house from our past or present? Is it intact or is it falling apart from a flood or fire?  Are there animals in the house making you feel in danger?  What goes on in a dream about a house indicates how generally secure or insecure you are feeling.


The common dream experience where you are being chased and you either can’t move very quickly, or seem to not being moving at all as you try to run, is a common ANXIETY dream.  Looking at what you are running away from in your waking life, and facing it, will help to relieve this anxiety.


This common anxiety dream represents a fear of being unprepared.  Perhaps you are procrastinating about certain things in your life; this dream may be alerting you that ignoring or putting things off are causing you unwanted stress.


Last but not least is the symbol of water that commonly appears in our dreams.  What is important in analyzing what it is telling you, is the form it comes in.  Water is the ultimate expression of the unconscious mind expressing your true emotions.  Is it a giant wave coming at you that will suck you under?  Is it a calm relaxing pool or lake?  Is it a waterfall that gently cleanses you, or a torrent of water where you feel like you are drowning?  Looking at how water comes to you in your dream, is a generalized indicator of the degree of ease or uncomfortability in your life.

As you can see, there is a lot to be learned by trying to remember and interpreting our dreams, so that we can make changes or adjustments that will lead to a more peaceful life.

All this being said, there has been a lot of scientific research around sleep and dreams.  Recently, there have been some extraordinary breakthroughs, done by a team at the ATR Computational Neuroscience  Laboratory in Japan.  We watch our dreams, just as we watch things in our waking life; this research that revealed scans that can actually re-form an object a person sees while awake, could lead to identification of visual imagery occurring in our dreams. Eventually we may be able, according to these researchers, to watch our dreams the way we watch waking events!

Let us know which of the above dream symbols have occurred in YOUR DREAMS, and what they have meant to you.

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