This Kid Is About To Start His Dance Routine But When The Background Suddenly Changes My Jaw Dropped!

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What began as a bucket list that one young man decided to share with the world has now become a global phenomenon! Matt Bray decided that he didn’t have to wait until he was old to start a bucket list and get items crossed off. What’s unique about his list is that he shares it with the world: every time he crosses something off the list, he puts it on video.

#22 on that list was to learn to dance, but as he learned he decided to get creative. “I worked for months on this video to find a song, make the choreography, practice the dance routine three times a day to make sure I had it down to muscle memory,” Bray says. And that doesn’t even include the filming!

The resulting video shows him flawlessly performing the dance in 100 different locations, and it is a sight to behold. This video is part of a series Matt he calls “ProjectOneLife” and includes everything from sumo wrestling, running a marathon and learning how to juggle to hanging out with a monkey.

According to over 7 million people, this video of Matt dancing in 100 different places is his best yet! Let us know what you think about the video and about your own bucket list in the comments.

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