Undercover Boss Finds Out THIS Employee Is Homeless. What He Does Next Changes Her Life For Good!

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There are many people in the US, who hold down a job that they do with great dedication, and just barely make ends meet.  These people are known as “the working poor”.  Angel, the young single mother of three, whom you will hear about in this overwhelming video you are about to watch below, is just such a person.

We see her training a new sales employee named Joey.  Her diligence and kindness in how she explains the job to him, and the degree of her dedication is remarkable.  As she trains him, they both share some personal aspects of their life, that further their understanding of each other’s circumstances.

Joe tells Angel that he lost his pizza business, which landed him in hard times, that led him to taking this sales position.  Angel explains that despite her having this job which she loves, she and her children have been living in a homeless shelter for two years!

Joe listens to Angel’s plight and her unbelievable commitment to her job and to HIS company.  You see, he is actually the CEO and had decided to go UNDERCOVER in one of his big stores to see how the business was actually operating from the ground up!  He posed as a trainee and Angel was randomly picked to show him the ropes.

The more he worked alongside her, he was so touched not only by her excellent work ethic and dedication to the company, but to her positive attitude about her own situation.  She encouraged him to look on the brighter side of losing his business; better times were sure to come, with hard work and a positive attitude!

He had someone filming his “Undercover program”, with the idea of using whatever he found as a tool for other employees.  That film is what you are about to watch.  When the filming was over, he could not stop thinking about Angel and her family.

The filming continued when he decided to meet with her, as he normally looks, and explained to her that his name wasn’t really Joey.  What happens next is life-changing not just for Angel but for this CEO with a big heart.  You will be brought to tears of joy!

Please SHARE This Heartwarming Story With Your Family and Friends,  it made my day! 🙂

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