He Begins Cutting Potatoes In A Strange Shape Then Puts Them In A Pan. When He’s Done YUM!

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One of the most popular and versatile food items that’s readily available and can be found at virtually any local grocery store is potatoes. Just like corn, rice, and wheat, potatoes rank among the world’s top grown crops and most widely consumed foods.

They are easy to whip up and a simple potato can be transformed and prepared lots of different ways. They can be served hot or cold and people love them mashed, baked, fried, hashed, steamed, chipped, and so on.

This recipe uses a combination of frying and baking to cook potatoes into a golden, delicious perfection. It’s super easy and unless your European, chances are you may not have heard of it yet. They’re called fondant potatoes and in the dead of winter when it’s freezing cold, they hit the spot. Here’s how you make them:

You’ll need russet potatoes, butter, vegetable oil, chicken stock, salt and pepper, and thyme (optional). Begin by cleaning and cutting the ends off the potatoes. Take one and turn it up on end before carefully slicing down the sides to remove the peel, as if you were skinning a pineapple, so you end up with an octagonal-type shape.

Cut it evenly in half and then slice up the rest before soaking them in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes and pat them completely dry with a paper towel. Heat about two tablespoons of vegetable or grape-seed oil in a skillet over high and place the potatoes in when the oil is hot enough and appears shimmery.

Lower the heat to medium-high and cook for about 5-6 minutes, or until browned, and sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Flip them over and blot the tops with a paper towel, then place a lump of butter and a few sprigs of thyme in the pan.

Spoon some melted butter over the tops and sprinkle more salt and pepper on. When the butter starts to brown up, pour ½ a cup of chicken stock in the skillet and place that in a preheated 425 degree oven.

Roast it for 30-35 minutes or until the potatoes are thoroughly cooked all the way through and are tender on the inside. Drizzle any leftover thyme butter over the tops and allow them to cool before serving.

If you follow the recipe above, you’ll end up with beautiful looking oven roasted potatoes that are creamy on the inside and browned, crusty, and golden shelled on the outside. Let your taste buds tingle and try them tonight, bon appetit!

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