What Is Your Strongest Chakra?

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Your strongest chakra is the one that gives you the most direct connection to universal life force energy. When you are asleep at night it is this chakra that plugs you into the cosmos, helping you to renew and recharge for your next day. When you’re awake your alpha chakra gives you power, guiding you along the way. Chakra, root word wheel, is understood as a spinning conical energy center in the body. Traditionally, there are innumerable chakras but modernization of the term typically refers to the seven largest chakras along the spine. Each chakra has corresponding traits like colors, odors, crystals, sounds, behaviors, and more.

The correlation between the chakras and these parts of sensation is that they are said to vibrate at the same frequencies, thus allowing for alignment of rogue energies.

The energy centers, or wheels of light, can be opened and closed. When they are open they spin fast and free, allowing smooth interactions and grace. When the chakras get blocked, or closed, life feels rigid and frustrating.

Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the base of your spine, the bottom of your tailbone. Imagine the color red and let the hue fill your body. Does this color come naturally to you or does your mind feel forced to find it?

If the color is plentiful and vibrant, you have a well functioning root chakra and are probably pretty grounded in your life. If you struggle to see the color red, chances are your base chakra is inhibited and you tend to be scattered or restless.

You can continue this test by moving up your spine and successively visualizing the colors of the rainbow. At the pelvic region identify orange. Above the navel observe yellow. In the center of the chest bone you should easily recall green.

At your throat, a brilliant blue. Between your eyes observe the color purple. And at the very top of your head, behold the color of all colors, white. Notice how easily each color comes to you and if there is enough of it to fill your torso, limbs and head.

Any of the chakras that are blocked can be cleared by either spending more time visualizing it, or using an external object, such as an instrument, a scented oil, or a corresponding gemstone.

Which chakra is your strongest?

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