5 Thing You Should Stop Doing Immediately If You Are Experiencing Any Back Pain!

Back pain is something that everyone will experience at some point in their life. If you’re lucky it ends up being minor and temporary, but for some people it turns into a chronic, debilitating nightmare. Even with all the advances that modern medicine has made and afforded people, back pain remains the world’s number one leading cause of disability related issues.

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) at any given moment an estimated 31 million Americans are experiencing lower-back pain and every year they spend at least $50 billion in their search to find comfort and relief.

The statistics are grim, but thankfully there are some things that you can do, and refrain from doing, to help improve how you feel. Refer to the accompanying video for more information and if you’re presently suffering from back pain, or happen to know someone who is, the following things should be avoided.

1) Stop slumping and slouching! Posture is a major factor that can determine whether or not you end up developing an achy back problem. When your mother told you to sit up straight with your shoulders back and both feet on the ground, she was right. Practicing better posture can help to alleviate back pain and even keep it at bay.

2) Take it easy. The majority of back pain cases stem from mechanical types of problems, like a slipped disk or a pulled muscle. By simply slowing down and spending more time resting, you can help your body heal and avoid further aggravating the underlying problem.

3) Stop carrying heavy stuff. Obviously you don’t want to head out to the gym to pump some heavy iron when your back is feeling less then optimal. However, people often overlook the many other things that they may be lugging around and carrying throughout the day.  The list is long and the items on it can be heavy; backpacks, purses, luggage, briefcases, grocery bags, small children, boxes and packages that come in the mail, etc.

In the age of over-sized totes and carry-all bags, it’s easy to further strain an already strained back. Try to avoid lifting anything that may be heavier than a total of 5 pounds for at least one week after you first experience any pain. That way your back has a chance to rest, recover and heal.

4) Don’t lay in bed or stop being active. You should aim to keep busy and on your feet, so long as you stay within your comfort limits. Just because your back hurts, it doesn’t mean you have to stop doing everything. Staying active can sometimes help your body heal faster, it can keep you flexible and make you less prone to further potential injury.

Light exercise, yoga, and a daily walk are all excellent ways to stay on your feet. However, if it hurts too much you should stop whatever you’re doing and keep resting, never strain yourself further

5) Don’t wait until the pain is unbearable or it’s been around forever. If the back pain you experience doesn’t lessen or go away after awhile, or gets worse, you need to go see a doctor. Only a medical professional can pinpoint the exact cause of back pain and help you to manage it.

If the pain is chronic and severe, the underlying cause may be a more serious condition, such as an infection, cancer, fracture, or inflammatory arthritis. Visiting a doctor can also help put your mind at ease and less stress means better overall health.

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