6 Signs and Behaviors You Might Be With a Guy Who Is an Emotional Psychopath.

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Falling in love sounds like it’s so effortless and gentle, yet oftentimes it turns out to be the complete opposite of that. When it comes down to it, love and intimate relationships are never quite as easy as anyone wishes them to be. We’ve all dated people who were just our type and the same goes for those who were simply no good for us. Sometimes we knew right from the start that they weren’t the one, yet we stuck with them anyways!

However, the most painful relationship situation you could ever get into is ending up with an emotional psychopath. At first they’re deceptively charming and sweet, they have all the right moves and know exactly what to say to sweep you off your feet.

But over time they become less normal and less innocent, instead they twist words and situations to fit their selfish needs and you end up suffering because of it. As much as you may try to justify or rationalize their behavior, it is never okay and never will be.

Rather than live in denial or lie to yourself that everything is great and will work out in the end, you need to face the facts and dump the psychopath. That nagging feeling at the back of your mind is trying to tell you to get out of the relationship NOW, and you need to listen to it and move on!

Don’t ignore the obvious warning signs that you’re in a relationship that’s bound to fail with a manipulator who’s hurting you. Here are the clearest signs that indicate you are dating an emotional psychopath:

1. He Lies Endlessly In Order To Hurt Your Self-esteem And Bring You Down. Serial pathological lying is an emotional psychopath’s favorite way to get into your head and under your skin. They will distort the truth about any and everything under the sun.

Whether it involves making up small, insignificant details or coming up with major stories that are outright lies, they do it to throw you off and make you doubt your own self. He controls the narrative and in turn controls you.

The constant betrayal of trust shows a total lack of respect and is completely unacceptable in any relationship so if your significant other is always twisting the truth, get away from them fast because they will never change!

2. He Isolates You From Friends And Family To The Point You Have No One To Turn To For Help. When you give up other relationships and cut back severely on the time you spend with other people, you eventually end up alone. That’s exactly where emotional psychopaths want you, weak and dependent on them.

Not being able to ask a loved one for help means he has broken you to the point where you rely solely upon him and he is in control. Don’t let it get to this point, always reach out regardless of how alone you may feel, and stay away from anyone who tries to control your personal social life.

3. When Things Don’t Go His Way Or As He Expected, He Blames You. Emotionally abusive psychopaths are rarely as successful or important as they aspire to be in life. The way they try to abuse and manipulate people often ends up coming back to haunt them and as some people like to say, ‘karma’s a b****.’

However, when you are dating someone like this, they blame you for their shortcomings. All those unfulfilled dreams and chances that passed them by are your fault. He’ll say he gave them up or settled for less because of you, no matter what the truth may really be, and it’s all to make you feel bad and stay with him out of guilt.

4. When The Relationship Is Not Going Well, He Blames It Solely On You. When just about anything goes wrong in your relationship, he ends up saying that it’s all your fault, no matter how responsible he may be. By constantly discounting you and placing all of the blame on your shoulders, he’s trying to make you feel terrible and guilty about it.

Eventually you begin to actually feel that it is all your fault and that’s when he has you trapped. You’re giving him all the power when you stay with someone who negatively controls and manipulates your feelings in this type of way.

5. He Puts You Down Any Chance He Can Get To Make You Feel Bad. When someone is forever putting you down or judging you and the choices you make, it’s enough to make anyone feel miserable and negative about their own self worth. By belittling you and making incessant comments he’s breaking you down and making you feel defeated.

This type of behavior can quickly spiral out of control and become abusive and manipulative. When you no longer feel happy or respected because of his actions or words, you need to end things because he clearly doesn’t deserve to have you in his life.

6. He Is Always Unemotional.  Most men will initially put on a tough guy act whenever they meet someone new and they do this because they want to look strong and masculine. For some, it’s part of their nature. However, if the guy you are with never eventually opens up or shows his emotions, it may be due to the fact that he is an emotional psychopath who is incapable of experiencing normal, natural feelings.

If he’s always distant and cold, then it will be impossible to ever connect with him on that deeper level. Being vulnerable and emotionally available is a crucial part of love and commitment, so if he’s a blank slate, it’s time to move on.

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