Video: This Guy Places A Pot Upside Down Over This Plant. The Reason Is BRILLIANT!

Many people find gardening to be a relaxing and rewarding way to spend time outdoors and help improve their lives.  Fresh healthy foods can be had for much less cost than the grocery store kind while flowers, shrubbery and plants can help liven up any plain old yard.  The possibilities for gardens are endless with thousands of varieties and combinations of seeds available.  You can plant herbs, vegetables, perennial bulbs, shade plants, flowers, bushes, grasses, fruit trees and so on.  To make your green thumb even greener, here are some clever ways to help you garden that all include items you can easily find or already have on hand.

First, use a long wooden handled gardening tool as a measuring stick by marking off intervals on it.  When the need arises for plants to be evenly spaced, you will be ready to go.  To label where and what certain plants are, recycle last years labels by scraping off old marker with sandpaper.

Alternatively, you can  take some flat stones or tiles and use them as markers, or make your own by cutting them out of plastic cups.  When it is cold enough to potentially get frost, protect seedlings by covering them with a terracotta pot at night and then uncover it in the morning.  If you ever need to get rid of aphids (aka plant lice) wrap sticky tape around your hand to brush them off plants while keeping them off your hands.

Now time for the water related hacks.  For an easy irrigation system take plastic water bottles, punch several holes in the cap, cut off the the bottom, insert in the ground near the plant, and fill with water.  The water will slowly be released into the ground and last longer, which is especially needed if your growing plants in dry, hot conditions.

You can reuse water leftover from cooking, such as water used to boil veggies in, and collect rainwater from your roof/eaves to water your garden and decrease overall consumption.  Another H2O trick involves soaking seeds overnight in lukewarm water to help them germinate and sprout earlier.

Next, if you have plants sensitive to root disruption, like peas and beans, use cardboard tubes as planters.  This helps ensure their roots don’t tangle up with each other and makes transplanting them much less stressful on the plants.  For those with limited space, drill holes in gutters to make a wall garden, and try to use other available vertical surfaces by getting creative.

There is also software and apps available for planning and plotting out gardens.  It’s useful for new and seasoned gardeners and, best of all, has been shown to reduce the chance of having failed crops.  For more information and a better visual understanding of the points covered above, check out the video and enjoy!  Happy Gardening!

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I Always Served Chips In A Bowl. But After Seeing This I’ll Never Use One Again!

Life hacks can be found all over the internet today and always reminded me of the saying “There is more than one way to eat a Reese’s.”   While there is no one way to do practically everything, there are always more efficient and easy ways to get tasks done.  Without further ado, watch and learn from this expertly prepared video, ten tips to fall back on should you ever need them.

First, if you happen to be unable to get a lid off a jar just stick a knife under the lip and  jimmy it around until you hear the top seal pop.  Personally, the knife they show looks very sharp and I instead use a butter knife when doing this one or turn the jar upside down and smack on the bottom a few times to loosen it.

The hint on proper use of a tetra brick is just good to know in general, as I never understood why those cartons poured so lousy.  I guess my squeezing and shaking were all for nothing.  The garlic peeling tutorial will change my life.  I love garlic but hate the stinky, time consuming, messy way it breaks apart.  Putting it in a jar and shaking it vigorously will eliminate all those cons and save my hands from the scrubbing they would get afterwords.

The other hacks shown in the video are great too.  Many people have different ways of doing the same thing, some methods are better than others, and now you know ten alternatives covered here.

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15 Winter Hacks To Get You Through 2019’s Polar Vortex.

Winter is tough. Along with the cold, dry weather comes a number of challenges that we all have to deal with. Cars need to be cleared of snow and ice and the same goes for walkways and driveways. Traveling often becomes way more difficult than usual and to top it off our health also takes a tumble for the worse. Many of us are plagued by dry itchy skin, sore chapped lips, and stuffy noses that just won’t go away. These things quickly add up and can make it seem like winter is dragging on forever, especially when problems pop up outside on top of the health issues we may be facing. Which is why these simple winter hacks, covered by the Millennial Moms YouTube channel, are perfect for right now. The video features some of the most clever ways to solve common winter woes and it might offer a solution to a problem you’re currently dealing with. Below are some of the best hacks shown in the clip, but there are a total of fifteen, so be sure to check it out for all of the rest.

1) Winterize Boots- This trick does the job to keep feet warm and dry inside of boots that aren’t waterproof. After putting on your socks take two large plastic Ziploc bags and stick a foot in each. Grab a couple of rubber bands and slide them on over the bag to secure it in place and seal the top off around your leg. Pull on your boots and say goodbye to cold, wet feet.

2) Prevent Static Build Up In Hair- Pull a dryer sheet on over the bristles of your hair brush so that they poke through. Brush your hair as normal to eliminate the static, plus it’ll smell clean and great.

3) DIY Boot Inserts- Maintain the shape of tall boots by cutting a foam pool noodle into thirds or fourths, then stick a piece in each boot and they’ll stay upright, making them easier to organize and wear later on.

4) Stop Wipers From Freezing to a Car Windshield- Take an old pair of long cotton socks and slide them over each wiper, puling it down as far as it can go or reaches. This will prevent wipers from freezing and/or sticking to the windshield, and makes life all the more easier.

5) Organize Winter Gear- Hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, neck warmers and all other winter accessories can be neatly stored in one accessible place with a shoe organizer. Hang it over a door and never search for lost gloves again.

6) Windshield Treatment- This one is the best! A combination of vinegar and water works wonders at preventing frost and ice from building up on car windshields and windows. Mix the two liquids up in a spray bottle, spritz it on car windows, then wipe off with a soft cloth.

7) Boot Tray- Keep floors safe, clean, and dry by making your own boot tray. This one is much more appealing than commercially available ones and works even better. Fill a large metal cookie sheet with a layer of decorative rocks and put it near the door so that when people enter they can immediately place wet boots on the rocks. The water will drip through the rocks to the bottom and soon evaporate. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tips covered in the clip and be sure to pass it along to those who could use these smart hacks to make their own lives easier.

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