This Is What Skin Tags Actually Are and Here Is The Easiest Way To Naturally Remove Them At Home

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Finding a strange, irregular growth of skin anywhere on your body is cause for concern, but if it’s a skin tag then it need not be. Skin tags are soft, small, painless skin growths that can pop up just about anywhere. They are thankfully harmless and pose no known risk to humans. In fact, they are exceedingly common, so much so that practically everyone reading this right now will develop one or more at some point in their lifetime, if they haven’t yet already.

To spot a skin tag look for a raised flap of skin that appears to be either smooth or irregularly shaped. That is how they are most commonly described but they may appear as slight variations of this general description. In addition, skin tags often appear on the areas of our bodies where the skin naturally folds or creases which includes the eyelids, armpits, neck, groin, and under breasts. It is because of these locations that it’s believed they are somehow formed from skin rubbing on or against skin. Also, certain types of people are much more susceptible to forming skin tags. Those who are obese, as well as middle-aged adults, have higher incidence rates of skin tags and may have between 1 and 100+ on their body.

Overall, skin tags are completely harmless. There are reports of discomfort and irritation but this is often caused by shaving, other skin conditions like eczema, or jewelry and clothing rubbing against them.

The main issue with the little skin growths is that people find them to be very ugly and unattractive. That’s why they often look for ways to get rid of them for good and resort to some pretty gruesome means of doing so. People have tried cutting and tying them off and freezing them as well. While these methods often work, they must be done by a trained medical professional under clean, sterile conditions. If not, the patient risks infection, permanent scarring, or an even more serious medical issue.

Instead of self-mutilating or spending a lot of money visiting the doctor, there is a much less drastic and more affordable way to easily remove skin tags by yourself in the comfort of your own home. This removal method involves only one simple thing, apple cider vinegar. In the accompanying YouTube video Dr. Doug Willen explains exactly how to treat your skin tags with the home remedy. Here’s a step by step breakdown of the information he outlines:

1. Take a bottle of apple cider vinegar and use it to thoroughly soak a cotton ball.

2. Rub the cotton ball right on top of the skin tag(s) at least 2 – 3 times per day. You want to saturate the area and can do even more applications if you wish to.

3. Do this each and every day successively for one week or longer if needed. As time passes, the skin tag should begin to appear darker until it eventually turns black and falls off.

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The Major Health Benefits Of Consuming Coconut Oil Daily

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In the last year I had read a lot about natural organic COCONUT OIL being good for the skin and hair.  I keep a big jar of it at home, and slather it on after showering and throughout the day.  I’ve found a vast difference in my skin tone and suppleness, as well as the shine in my hair.  Little did I know, that what I had sitting in my bathroom belonged in my kitchen as well.  It turns out that ingesting coconut oil, which for a long time had a bad rap about increasing cholesterol, has properties which make it a PROFOUND SOURCE OF HEALTH.

Through much study, it has been shown to RAISE HDL CHOLESTEROL, otherwise known as “GOOD CHOLESTEROL” which helps to fight heart disease!  In the VIDEO you are about to watch below, you will hear Dr. Mary Newport discuss her theory about what DIGESTION of COCONUT OIL provides for the brain.  Her theory grew out of her experience with her husband Steve, who was suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  After a short period of ingesting 2 TABLESPOONS of COCONUT OIL TWICE A DAY, Steve began to show improved cognitive performance.  Over time, his quite debilitated functioning became incredibly improved.  Mary’s theory was that KETONE PRODUCTION is increased by our bodies which helps the BRAIN to REPAIR!  A study published in the June 22, 2012, supplement of the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease” lends credence to the theory that ALZHEIMER’S  is in actuality, a TYPE 3 DIABETES in which brain insulin declines.  It is thought that the impact of COCONUT OIL is that it IMPROVES BRAIN INSULIN! 

It turns out that Mary’s theory has been studied and reproduced by other scientists, as you will hear in the following footage.  Their  research strongly indicates that Ketones are the answer to stopping brain deterioration.  Although they have found a way to produce a much stronger version of what coconut oil does, they are unable to offer it to the public because it is so costly.  If big money were to be donated to the manufacture of this material,  there could very well be a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, which are so devastating.

As you will hear in the UPCOMING VIDEO, the INGESTION of COCONUT OIL may also help with these DISEASES:



(3) ALS








Additionally, COCONUT OIL has been found to be a NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC, that may help KILL VIRUSES like HIV and HERPES by keeping the bacteria level in your body down.  By doing this, when the body is assaulted by a powerful virus or bacteria, the immune system is better able to concentrate on the acute presentation.  Let us know what you think about this astounding information after watching the following footage.

Please SHARE this important HEALTH INFORMATION with your family and friends; it could SAVE A LIFE!