Your Soul Shines Through Which Part Of You?

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Through which part of you does your soul shine through? Mine shines through my left pinky finger, which poses more problems than I can count, and certainly more than I would have ever thought possible if I were more inclined to think about such things.

Of course, since this has been a problem since before I can remember, I really can’t make such generalized statements. What I can say with certainty is that the pinky soul shining is not a condition you should envy.

I wake up each morning to a blinding light shining from my pinky, the same light which kept me awake the entire night before and wouldn’t let me fall asleep when I lay down each night. I tried covering it with all sorts of things, but it just burns right through, somehow without damaging me or my bed.

It’s almost as if the fire that burns in my soul pinky is not of this world, and it somehow vaporizes certain objects, while leaving the rest perfectly intact.

The second problem, of a near infinite list, is that people often think I am some sort of law enforcement officer or emergency worker when I am driving in my car. You would think this would be a good thing, but the actual law enforcement people think I am doing it on purpose.

Upon seeing a bright light near my windshield, and cars pulling over in front of me, they assume I have a sneaky dash emergency light like the ones the undercover officers use.

This results in my getting arrested multiple times over, which is also problematic because my fellow inmates get very upset when they can’t sleep due to the blazing glory of my exposed soul.

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