They Say This 5 Year Old Is The Next Bruce Lee. Moments Later OMG!

It is always amazing to see really young kids display adult-like talents. This little 5-year-old Japanese boy, Ryusei displays skills in this video, that literally made me hold my breath. He is evidently extremely enamored with the greatest martial artist of all time, the late Bruce Lee.

Although Bruce Lee died over 40 years ago, people still hold him high as the king of Kung Fu. Ryusei has studied and recreated one of the most famous nunchaku scenes of Lee’s career. In this video we watch Bruce Lee’s performance on the TV screen behind little Ryusei. Without watching, his back to the TV, this little ninja exactly replicates every move and facial expression of the Kung Fu master!

As this impressive video has gone viral, many have mused that little Ryu is a reincarnation of Bruce Lee. He certainly has embodied his mastery of martial arts, way beyond what anyone would expect at such a young age. Bruce Lee, himself, would be proud to call this prodigy his disciple. Watch this incredible performance and share this stunning accomplishment.

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