5 Clear Signs The Spirit World Is Nearby and Trying To Send You a Message

When it comes to spirits people are usually divided into two groups, those who believe in them and those who do not. The idea that after death our souls pass on to another life, realm, or dimension is entirely possible. After all, no one knows for certain what truly happens after death. What is often assumed is that when we cease to exist our spirits leave our bodies, where they go and what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Many people all over the world believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they have passed. They report feeling a certain type of presence near them unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before. It’s not a threatening or haunting feeling, instead it’s more mystical and reassuring. Rather than being frightened by it all, they attribute it to the spirit of their loved ones trying to communicate with them.

These otherworldly interactions show up seemingly randomly in our lives. Our loved ones may send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals that we pick up on. Inevitably you’ve likely wondered at some point in your life if the spirit of a loved one was trying to contact or tell you something. The following information will help you figure out and interpret the telltale signs that point to when the spirit world trying to get through to you. These are just several of the main ways that a loved one may show up in our lives and the accompanying video covers several more so be sure to check it out.

1. Lights flicker and electronic devices act strange.
It’s a common belief that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. It both charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire. Lights will suddenly turn on and off, computers and laptops act out of wack, radio or television channels change, speaker volume gets altered, maybe even your car won’t start. When all these types of things occur with seemingly no explanation out of the blue, this could be a spirit attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

2. You hear music.
When songs that remind you of someone who has passed play on the radio or in TV shows and movies, it’s a sign they are with you in spirit. Oftentimes you’ll hear their favorite tune or a song that played at their funeral and the memory it triggers is them dropping in to say hello.

3. You see shadows off to the side.
Spirits often appear as faint shadows that we are only able to see out of the corners of our eyes. When we turn our heads to look directly at them, they disappear and immediately fade from view. If you’ve ever experienced this phenomenon, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Spirits often appear as muted, blurry, misty types of shadows that our peripheral vision picks up and if your able to see these, you’re lucky!

4. You feel a chill and get the goosebumps.
When the temperature in the room drops suddenly and the air becomes all heavy and very still, it means a spirit is nearby. The chill will be immediately noticeable and it can be quite intense, it may even run through your body and give you goosebumps. This is perhaps one of the most common and closest experiences we’re able to have with spirits. For some it can be off putting but it need not be, the next time it happens to you, embrace it.

5. You just feel and know that some otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you.
This inkling manifests as a calming and peaceful internal feeling that you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. It’s as if they’re inside your head talking to you and sending you messages. When this happens it’s never scary or unsettling. Rather, it’s reassuring and welcome. Have you ever experienced any of these signs? let us know in the comments

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5 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Make Contact With You From The Afterlife.

It often seems that we are ultimately on our own in the world, yet every person alive has their own spirit guide watching over them. Our spirit guides help us navigate the paths we choose in life, they protect and keep us safe when times get tough or tragedies happen.  Regardless of whether or not you believe in spirit guides, there are many other similar types of animals, spirits, and people who we consider to be healers and protectors of humanity.

They communicate with us indirectly and send us all many different signs and signals. If you are familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. Below are four of the most common signals your spirit guide uses when trying to contact you:

1) Loose Change:
Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and other loose change that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. Our spirit guides will often stick coins is the most unusual places knowing that we will stumble across them. They do this when we are feeling sad and blue as a way to help boost our mood and make us feel happier. The next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere strange, like in your medicine cabinet, thank your spirit guide for the thoughtful gift!

2) Dreams:
Have you ever had a dream that really affected you and the vividness of it all stuck with you long after you woke up? Maybe your dream even came true. This type of déjà vu or memorable dream experience is likely to contain a message or answer to something that you have been searching for. Don’t ignore or write it off as just another dream, it’s guidance and advice from your spirit guide.

3) Feathers:
If and when you come across a white feather, don’t ignore it. The simple, natural beauty of white feathers symbolize that your spirit guide is close by keeping watch over you. They will often appear in random, seemingly obscure places, so they’ll stand out. Keep your eyes open for them!

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant, flowery, and somehow familiar scent, it’s a sign that your spirit guide is trying to tell you something. They use smells that are special to us because we tend to immediately notice them and pay attention to it. When this occurs our guide is signaling that we need to decide on an important matter in our life. Whatever you choose to do, trust that they will have your back and will be there to guide you through it all.

5) Seeing The Same Numbers Over and Over:
Many People have reported seeing the same number or number patterns over and over again. A good example of this is the 11:11 phenomenon that many people tend to always look up and see this time randomly day after day. Other reported numbers people tend to see over and over is the number 23 and the number 47. When our numbers pop up pay attention because there is a good chance your spirit guide could be attempting to send you a message near or around the moment you notice it.

Watch The Video Below For More Information and Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Attempting To Contact You. How Many Signs Have You Had? Let Us Know In The Comments!

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7 Clear Signs a Family Member or Friend That Passed Away Is Close By.

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Until my dad died at the young age of 70, only 8 months after being diagnosed with the killer cancer of the pancreas, I was highly skeptical about people who professed to feel the presence of a loved one who had passed.  I wrote it off to their imagination tricking them, due to the pain of their feelings of loss.

Although my parents had moved to Chicago, and I remained in New York, we saw each other quite a bit; my dad and I were early risers, so we often spoke by phone as we drank our morning coffee.  There was so much that I missed about no longer being able to actually talk with him, especially our “coffee talk”.  After his death I was so emotionally spent, that I felt nothing for a while.  One morning after preparing my coffee, I sat down and began drinking as I stared at the bare trees of winter.  I felt a pat on my back, and looked around assuming my husband had entered the room…no one was there!

This kind of thing would happen as I would drink my morning coffee, for many years after my dad passed.  Part of me thought this was all in my head because I just missed him so much.  One day I smelled his after-shave, as I nervously was getting ready for an important interview…somehow I just knew that he had been watching over me and made his presence known in this way.  I broke down in tears of relief and appreciation.

It has been my experience, as well as that reported by many who have suffered the loss of someone very dear to them, that grief is not something you just get over.  It is more painful in the beginning (first few years), but actually continues throughout the course of your life.  Unless you have had the experience of a deceased love one making their presence known, you might not believe in this otherworldly experience.

Whether you are a believer in such paranormal events or not, I think you will find the video you are about to watch below, thought-provoking.  It’s discussion of people’s reports of how they have experienced the presence of their loved ones who have passed, is varied and certainly is open for interpretation.  The intriguing ways people are “touched” by those who have died include:

1. Lucid Dreams

2. Visions

3. Feeling Their Touch or Presence

4. A Sudden Change in Temperature

5. Unexplainable and Repeated Electrical Phenomena

6. Objects Disappearing and Reappearing Somewhere Else in Your Home

7. Smelling Them

After you watch this footage let us know your thoughts and feelings about these reported experiences.

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