Man Took Down An Old Wall In His House and Finds an Old Box Filled With Treasure

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For anyone who has ever renovated their house, apartment or office knows how challenging it can be and how even the smallest details can end up taking weeks to fix. Although if you love a good project and working with your hands, renovating a room or space can be pretty fun and rewarding when you are finished and look at your final product. Also on a side-note knocking down walls can be very therapeutic and cathartic FYI. Anyway, this brings us to today’s magical story of discovery.

A man who is a DIY expert and posts his projects online all the time decided to do a little renovation on his house which was originally built back in the 1940’s. And by little, I mean a really big renovation, he had already completely redone the entire first and second floor of his house and was now ready to go all the way downstairs and finish up the old basement.

He got down to the basement and began to get to work. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, just an old cellar that needed to desperately refurbished. As he started measuring and figuring out exactly what he was going to do with the space he started to notice a couple strange things on the wall. There were some names and stick figures written on it which looked like they were done by some kids who possibly used to live in the house back in the 40’s. He didn’t think much of it, and continued to the next part of the basement renovation.

Next, he started to disassemble the ceiling and walls under it, removing old wiring, insulation, wood planks to get to the beams supporting the house. After digging his way through everything he noticed something out of the corner of his eye that didn’t look like it was supposed to be there….

A silver and grey box was just sitting there in the wall. It looked like whoever put it there went through a lot of trouble to get it into this spot and his curiosity and mind began to run wild. What could possibly be in this thing? But before he opened it, being the DIY online expert that he is, got some photos of the box and posted them for his online community to see.

When he posted the picture, he called the box a treasure and he wanted everybody to be part of the discovery process. After he did his post he went back downstairs carefully grabbed the box and brought it outside to his driveway. His wife came out with him as they inspected it. Then he ran inside to try and find a banana. No it’s not because all this renovation was causing him to have a craving for some potassium, it was to take a side by side picture so that people could tell how big the box was compared to an average sized banana.

He looked and looked but no banana was in the house, so he grabbed what looks like possibly an old toothbrush? Either way it would give his fans in his online community a better sense of his new found treasure. He then did another post where he described what he thought it might be, and wanted the online community to make guesses to bring some fun to this little treasure adventure.

Finally, he couldn’t hold back any longer, it was time to open this mysterious box. He slowly began to try and get the lid off trying not to damage or break the box or the contents inside. When the top was finally off, he got to another layer of the box that looked like a layer of wax to cover whatever surprise was beneath.

He carefully removed the wax only to find another layer of newspaper dated 1951, which had clearly been wrapped around whatever was hiding within. Even though the newspaper 1951 was a cool vintage discovery, it wasn’t the main attraction!  There were 3 tightly wrapped packages, again the packaging looked like it was some type of wax.

Next before he tried to remove all the wax, he took another picture which he posted again online. There was a slight green emanating from under the wax and he wrote maybe it could be money? Not sure will check back soon to his online buddies.

With eager anticipation he finally removed the first of the three wax packages. It was filled with a stack of older looking $20 bills. Then he went to the next one, there weren’t 20’s in this stack they were old vintage $50 bills. Finally he got to the third and final package. This one didn’t have 20’s or 50’s it was filled with $100 bill!

The couple began to count all the cash in the stacks. After all was said it done, it was about $20,000! If that wasn’t amazing enough some of these bills looked old and were most likely collectors items and could be sold for a lot more!

He was basically just in shock, but he did the smart thing, he talked to multiple lawyers and dollar bill appraisers to find out exactly what to do and how much these vintage bills in this treasure chest were actually worth! After a full week of meetings and trying to figure out what to do with the money and if it was legal to keep it, he went back downstairs to finish his renovation project.

That’s when lightning struck the bottle twice. As he continued working through his basement renovation he found a second box, which was identical to the first one, the only difference was this one definitely weighed more. He opened it up and there was more surprise treasures.

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