She Puts Gemstones Inside An Old Yogurt Lid Then Pours THIS On Top. When She’s Done It’s So AWESOME!

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There is nothing lovelier than introducing a colorful aura into any room in your home. The DIY, in the video you are about to watch below, shows you a crafty and inexpensive way to diffuse sunlight, by making a colorful sun catcher to hang in your window.

The tutorial is easy-to-follow; all you will need is: clear Elmer’s Glue; a Scissor; a plastic yogurt lid (for a round catcher) or a larger one if you want to make a bigger one; assorted colored glass gems (from the Dollar Store); fishing line or yarn for hanging.

She creates a translucent sun catcher that casts beautiful colors in your room, during the daylight hours. It will brighten your day during the remainder of winter, and usher in the warmth and beauty of Spring.

I’ll be making one of these this weekend! If you make one let us know how it comes out! 🙂

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