A Reporter Begins To Interview These 2 Parrots. But, They Decide To Start Singing a Popular Song.

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You are about to watch an adorable VIDEO below, of a Fox 32 news reporter interviewing a pair of Yellow-headed Amazon parrots.  Renowned for their talking and singing abilities, this beautiful species of parrots have an uncanny ability to mimic sounds.  As you will hear, their reproduction of songs is distinctly human-like.

The Yellow Heads are known to be incredibly gregarious, which explains the manner in which these two lively birds show off their talents.  You will enjoy a good laugh as they seem to glory in their performance, acting like operatic divas!  When asked to sing they seem to confer with each other as they tune up.

Unbelievably they begin by harmonizing to La Cucaracha, and when asked for their rendition of Old MacDonald’s Farm, they agreeably switch tunes.  This is just about one of the cutest and most charming parrot videos I’ve seen, due to the quality of their singing talents.  Sit back and enjoy their amazing little voices!

Please SHARE this Adorable Video with Family and Friends who need a Smile Today 🙂