It Looked Like She Was Driving A Normal Car. But Watch What Happens When The Door Opens!

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Meet Stacy Zoern a woman who was born with muscular atrophy. For her entire life she has needed a wheelchair and a lot of her other movements were very limited. Whenever she needed to drive to a destination, she always needed to depend on friends or family to get her around. Being handicapped makes life a lot more complicated for many like Stacy. Luckily technology is starting to catch up with the special needs these people deserve.

Stacy learned about a company called Kenguru, which makes special cars for people with wheelchairs. She was so excited that she was finally going to be able to drive around on her own and not have to rely on anybody. Then she got the bad news, that the company was going to have to close down due to limited funding.

She was devastated but that didn’t stop her. She had made her mind up and nothing was going to stop her from her dream of driving her own car and not relying on others. She showed incredible perseverance in the face of adversity and would not take no for an answer!

She decided there was absolutely no way she would give up. She found multiple investors, and started up her own company, which eventually merged with Kenguru, and the special cars stayed in production! The video below is her story, and it is a lesson to us all to never give up in the face of adversity.

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It Seems Like A Regular Handicap Spot. But Watch What Happens When You Try To Park Here. Brilliant!

There is a reason that Handicapped parking exists. This fact often goes over the heads of able-bodied people. We often see people parking in disabled spots, emerging from their cars and walking without any evidence of disability.

What goes through the minds of the lazy people who opt to take the spots reserved for the handicapped? All kinds of rationalizations are used ranging from “nobody is gonna need this spot for the time I will be here” to “I’m sure they will find another spot, and I won’t take that long anyway”.

It is sad to say that this occurs over and over again, because there are rarely consequences for this transgression. The lack of enough officers to enforce the laws makes this possible. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the integrity to obey the law, if they can get away with not doing so.

The statistics for this type of transgression is particularly high in Russia, where nearly 30% of able-bodied drivers think nothing of taking a Handicapped parking spot. They just don’t seem to have a conscience with regard to this really awful behavior. In reaction to this alarming statistic in Russia, a non-profit organization called Dislife came up with an inventive solution.

You are about to watch what they did in the video below, using unbelievable cutting-edge technology, in their effort to get people to wake up and realize the harm caused by their thoughtless behavior. I was literally shocked to see what they came up with.

Let us know what you think, about this inventive way they devised to get their message across, loud and clear!

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