16 Year-Old Girl Leaves a Terrifying Goodbye Letter To Her Dad. He Is STUNNED When He Reads THIS Last Line!

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Parenthood is probably the hardest job in the world for an adult to have. Whether they are infants, toddlers, young kids, teenagers and finally adults themselves taking care of them pretty much never ends. A particularly rough time for parents is when their children become teenagers! There nice little son or daughter all of a sudden has all these hormones being released and they go from little angels to devils almost over night!

Soon they are dating, driving around with their friends doing things they probably shouldn’t be doing, having their first sip of alcohol and so on and so forth. I’m not saying all teenagers are bad but for the most part this is the hardest time for any parent who will spend so much time being worried sick that their teenage child.

This brings us to today’s story which features a father and his 16 year-old daughter Anna. This dad was having a particularly rough day because his favorite sports team had just lost the big game and he was feeling really down and depressed about it. He drove home and thought it would be a good idea to pick up his daughter and get some delicious ice cream to try and have some fun and forget about his team’s big loss.

When he arrived at home and went into Anna’s room he was surprised to see that she wasn’t there or anywhere in the house. However, she had left a note for him to explain her whereabouts. Keep in mind, dad was already not in a good headspace so when he picked up this note it was about to become the perfect storm and every parents absolute worst nightmare.

I will paraphrase the note here and then you can watch the video below to get the full details. Trust me you are going to want to read every word of this note. The note basically reads as follows, Anna writes, I met a great guy who drives a motorcycle, has cool scars, tattoos and unique piercings all over his body. He is my boyfriend, my true love and we are going to elope.

Remember, dad was already in a very dark place as sweat dripped down his forehead, his heart dropped into his stomach and full blown panic was starting to set in. He took a deep breath figuring it couldn’t be that bad, not realizing that as he read on the note would get so much worse!

She writes, I packed up my all my stuff and am moving out.  We will be living together in his trailer. Also I am 3 months pregnant and we are going to be getting married next week! At this point dad went from panic to full blown melt down. His little princess was about to make the worst decision of her life and he had no clue where she was or how he could protect her and stop this insanity!

His heart was beating quick, as his fear and confusion levels reached an all time high, could he be living in the twilight zone?  How could his littler girl be so foolish? How could he have not noticed the signs? Where was she right now? But he kept reading, and just as he thought things couldn’t get any worse they did!

Watch the video below for the rest of the note and the wild last line that would leave dad completely stunned!

What would you do if you were Anna’s father? Let us know!

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