If You Mix These 2 Ingredients and Put Under Your Tongue Before Bed You Won’t Get Up Tired Again!

In a perfect world we would all get the recommended amount of nightly sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, happy, and ready to go. However, in the real world that scenario is more like a dream and it’s rarely the actual case for any of us. Instead of tucking into bed and falling asleep right away we tend to toss and turn and run things endlessly through our minds.

Few things feel worse than not being able to fall sleep, it can be downright stressful and even torturous at times, especially when you really need to get a good nights rest. If you have ever stayed up all night staring at the clock, watching the minutes tick slowly by, then you know that dreadful feeling.

Over time a lack of sleep ends up taking a major toll on our health. It’s a known fact that not getting enough shut eye is horrible for our mental and physical well-being. Studies have determined that people who often sleep less than 7 hours a night are slower to react and show marked signs of decreased cognitive functioning.

Individuals who consistently get less than the recommended amount are also at risk for higher rates of diabetes, obesity, and other health disorders. In fact, they’re even more likely to die earlier than those who get an average of 8 or more hours of sleep each night.

People who suffer from sleep deprivation and the ensuing fatigue often try to make up for their lack of energy by chugging caffeine laden drinks. The effects are only temporary and leave you feeling even more exhausted. Others try in vain to lull their mind and body into sleep mode with warm baths, sleeping pills, or counting sheep but they have little to no success with them.

An all-natural and proven effective remedy to counteract sleep deprivation and benefit overall health is by way of Himalayan sea salt. It’s important to note that other varieties of salt, like common table salt, cannot be substituted in its place. The video below is filled with information about why this is so and it covers a lot more on the topic as well.

To harness the power of the ancient salt try mixing the following; 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey with 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt. At night put a small amount of this solution under your tongue to improve the quality and length of your sleep.

In terms of aiding our sleep Himalayan salt specifically helps to regulate melatonin which enables us to sleep better so we wake up more refreshed. Here’s a few additional health benefits that Himalayan sea salt also provides our bodies with:

– Helps detox our bodies
– Lowers blood pressure
– Aids in relaxation
– Helps with sinus and respiratory issues
– Cuts down on likelihood of developing varicose or spider veins

Also, for this recipe try to get the best honey that you can find that’s labeled raw, all-natural, unfiltered, and organic. Basically the purer the better. Here are a few great things that honey can provide our bodies with as well:

-Improved overall digestion
-Detoxes bodily systems
-Improves immunity
-Aids with weight loss
-Reduces allergies

Try this natural remedy out and see what a difference it can end up making in your life. You have nothing tot lose and potentially lots to gain, so what’s stopping you?!

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If You Place THIS Mixture Under Your Tongue Right Before You Sleep You Won’t Ever Wake Up Tired

One of the most common complaints that you hear from both men and women is: “I’m so exhausted!”  This seems to be consistent across age groups.  Rather than getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, people have been averaging 6-7 hours per night.

Although, on face-value this doesn’t appear to be a huge difference, the toll on our bodies is huge. There is a reason that the medical field has had the 7-8 hour guideline.  In order for the body to recharge sufficiently, it needs that amount of time.

People who suffer from sleep deprivation, think that the pick-me-up from caffeine can make up for the sleep deficit…it cannot!  It can hype you up temporarily, but within a short period of time that increased energy plummets. Certainly putting away our technology devices helps, as well as shutting the TV.

However, life stresses can keep us awake; there is a natural way to remedy sleep deprivation that will benefit our overall health.  The surprising answer lies in salt!  That is, Himalayan Sea Salt, not the unhealthy table salt.

The video you are about to watch, below, is filled with information about the health benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt.  It helps our adrenal glands so that the body becomes more alkaline, thus fighting disease more effectively.

It reduces blood pressure, helps with weight loss and skin problems.  Additionally it helps with depression by regulating our Seratonin, and will help you sleep and wake refreshed by regulating Melatonin.

Combine 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey with 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt in a jar.  Put a small amount of this mixture under your tongue at night to improve the quality and length of your sleep!  You will find the following video most informative.

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