Apparently THIS Is The Simple Life Hack To Fix Any Broken Zipper That Won’t Close!

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A broken zipper can wreak havoc and make life difficult in different ways. It can cause your favorite pair of jeans to become unwearable, render clothes useless, and leave you in a last minute bind when traveling. That’s the worst case scenario, when your jam packed suitcase won’t shut and your at the airport trying to check luggage.

Nightmares like this happen all the time and if hasn’t happened to you yet, it likely will one day. Instead of tossing articles of clothing or bags out, try fixing the zipper yourself. The repair method covered in this video will help if the problem your having is that the zipper won’t close when zipping from the bottom up.

The experts at UCAN Zippers USA guide us through the basic steps necessary to close a stubborn zipper, so follow along closely because this may come in handy one day! When a zipper stops zipping, it’s usually caused by the slider part wearing out because of all the repetitive pulling back and forth on it.

You will need to clamp down on the mouth of the slider, on both the front and back sides of it, so that it grips and grabs the teeth as you slide it along. If done right, this will bring the sides of the zipper together smoothly and thus close it as you go.

All that you need to do is take a pair of pliers and clamp them down on one side of the mouth of the slider. Go easy, don’t apply too much pressure, and test it out as you go to see how it slides. If it’s still not working, clamp down with the pliers on the other side of the slider and try it again.

Be patient and keep pressing the pliers onto the sides of the slider mouth until your finally able to close the zipper. That’s it!

To see exactly how it’s done and for heaps more insightful information on all things zippers, check out the video and you’ll never get your zipper stuck again!

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Do You Have A Broken Zipper That Just Won’t Close? This Unexpectedly Easy Trick Will Fix It Instantly!

There is nothing worse than having a zipper break on a favorite article of clothing, especially when you have gotten dressed and are ready to go out.  You have no time to start figuring out what to change into and need a quick fix.  Impossible? No!

Even worse than a broken zipper on clothes, (which can be changed), is a break on a suitcase as you are all packed and getting ready to leave for the airport; same nightmare with a purse or backpack. We have all had that “Oh Nooo” moment.

Zippers can be so frustrating to fix, or having them replaced is so costly…until now!  The video you are about to watch is the ultimate gift, as it demonstrates a quick and simple solution for the dreaded broken zipper; a DIY that I tried on the broken zipper of my purse.  It was fixed in 4 minutes!

Believe me, I am no Ms. Fixit, and I was able to do this after watching the video once, and then one more time to follow the simple steps.  If you watch carefully you will be able to fix almost any broken zipper.  All that was required was a needle nose pair of pliers.

It was literally like magic!  I’m so happy to have found this solution to what has been an extremely annoying and costly problem. Works like a charm every time. Let your friends know about it!

Please SHARE This Trick With Family and Friends