Daddy Shows His Baby a Dandelion For The First Time Ever But His Reaction Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

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There is nothing more delicious than the sound of a young tot’s laugh when he is experiencing something for the first time.  It’s often the simplest thing that tickles his funny bone.  I’ve seen many videos of babies laughing and they always set off my own giggles.  This one has just left me in a good mood all day!

Little Buzz Fletcher (adorable name) is strapped to his dad’s (Tom) back to take a walk in the park.  Tom comes upon a dandelion that has the white fuzz.  He picks it and blows the top off for little Buzz.  The darling boy’s delight and laughter is a sound that I can listen to over and over.  And I have!

His dad couldn’t get enough of Buzz’s reaction either, as he picked several more dandelions to elicit his hysterical laughter.  His tiny little four front teeth are shown off as he bursts into fits of laughter, that keeps his dad giggling too.  Watch and rewatch!  It’ll make your day!

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