Rare Lunar Eclipse During Capricorn: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On July 16-17 2019

image via – shutterstock.com

There will be a Lunar Eclipse on July 16-17 2019. The eclipse will be visible for those in Australia, Africa, South America, most of Europe, and Asia so sky gazers across the world can look up to watch it, weather permitting. Also don’t worry if you aren’t in one of these areas, we will be streaming it live on Sun Gazing as long as weather permits. This is going to be totally awesome. During the eclipse the moon will appear to be cast in subtle, silvery darkness, as the Earth’s shadow falls upon it.

Lunar eclipses occur when the sun, Earth, and moon all line up in that respective order. As the moon passes behind our planet and enters into the Earth’s umbra, its shadow, the resulting alignment causes the shadow to fall upon the moon, making it noticeably appear a few shades darker. Lunar eclipses are always so magical and we are all in for quite the treat!

From a historical perspective, the full moon in July is traditionally known as the Full Buck Moon. However, what is even more interesting are the astrological implications of this month’s Full Buck Moon and Lunar Eclipse taking place in Capricorn. The celestial events usher in a time for changes and new beginnings and the resulting shift in energy will have a profound impact on people’s lives. So while this month’s beautiful eclipse may be fleeting, in the weeks and months ahead you will end up feeling its effects in a very meaningful way!

Even though each and every one of us will experience a personal change, which may be slight or life-altering, here are the more significant ways in which this lunar eclipse may affect us: Many of us will find a renewed sense of purpose and direction within ourselves, the type of which has been lacking in our lives lately. Eclipses are always times of powerful change and this one is highlighted by the fact that it occurs in Capricorn.

As such, Capricorns are driven, hard workers and have a never give up mentality. They are perceptive, grounded, sensitive, practical and disciplined.  When these traits of a Capricorn are combined with this new sense of purpose, expect a lot of people to finally take back control of their lives and futures. There will be lots of change coming in the next few weeks to months. So strap on your seat belts and get ready to launch.

On a related level, many of us will also begin to stop caring so much about what other people think of us and the decisions we make. We will let go and simply trust in the path we are choosing to push forward on. Where in the past we’d be held back by opinions and judgments coming from others, such things will no longer have any negative or preventative effects on us. With the shift in energy comes a shift in our thinking and we’ll start deciding things on our own, for ourselves.

Some people will be more confident and conscious of their choices. Whether it be a major life decision or a seemingly inconsequential one, they will go with their gut feelings and stick with whatever it is they decide. This will be due in part to a major re-focus in our self-awareness and a more balanced, internal centering that we will turn inwards on ourselves. As a result, we’ll be entering a much happier and more enlightened phase of our lives.

A lot of us will find that things are finally coming to an end and are being completed. This is a very broad and general effect lunar eclipses always seem to usher in, and as such the sense of finality may appear in essentially any area of our lives. It may manifest as a relationship that has finally burned itself out and now you can move on from it, or perhaps you’ll wrap up a project that you’ve been working on for ages. Regardless of where these endings occur, they will mark the last of things which are over and done with! It always feels good to say goodbye and now you can move on to bigger and better things!

Those are just a few of the stronger effects that the Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse may have on any one of us. Overall, the lunar events mark the beginning of a number of transformations that we will each go through in the year ahead, and it has only just gotten started!

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Rare Total Lunar Eclipse During Leo: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On January 21 2019

To start off 2019 the Celestial Skies have a treat for us on the night of January 21, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse taking place on a Full Wolf Super Moon. The eclipse will be visible for those in North and South America, and Western Africa and Europe so sky gazers across the world can look up to watch it, weather permitting. During the eclipse the moon will appear to be cast in subtle, silvery darkness, as the Earth’s shadow falls upon it.

Lunar eclipses occur when the sun, Earth, and moon all line up in that respective order. As the moon passes behind our planet and enters into the Earth’s umbra, its shadow, the resulting alignment causes the shadow to fall upon the moon, making it noticeably appear a few shades darker. Because this is a Total Lunar eclipse we are in for quite the show!

From a historical perspective, the full moon in January is traditionally known as a wolf moon. However, what is even more interesting are the astrological implications of this month’s full wolf moon and lunar eclipse taking place in Leo. The celestial events usher in a time for changes and new beginnings and the resulting shift in energy will have a profound impact on people’s lives. So while this month’s beautiful eclipse may be fleeting, in the weeks and months ahead you will end up feeling its effects in a very meaningful way!

Even though each and every one of us will experience a personal change, which may be slight or life-altering, here are the more significant ways in which this lunar eclipse may affect us: Many of us will find a renewed sense of purpose and direction within ourselves, the type of which has been lacking in our lives lately. Eclipses are always times of powerful change and this one is highlighted by the fact that it occurs in Leo.

As such, the fiery, passionate, dominant characteristics of the noble and courageous leader that Leo embodies will be at the forefront of even the most timid person’s personality. When the influential traits of Leo are combined with this new sense of purpose, expect a lot of people to finally take back control of their lives and futures.

On a related level, many of us will also begin to stop caring so much about what other people think of us and the decisions we make. We will let go and simply trust in the path we are choosing to push forward on. Where in the past we’d be held back by opinions and judgments coming from others, such things will no longer have any negative or preventative effects on us. With the shift in energy comes a shift in our thinking and we’ll start deciding things on our own, for ourselves.

Some people will be more confident and conscious of their choices. Whether it be a major life decision or a seemingly inconsequential one, they will go with their gut feelings and stick with whatever it is they decide. This will be due in part to a major re-focus in our self-awareness and a more balanced, internal centering that we will turn inwards on ourselves. As a result, we’ll be entering a much happier and more enlightened phase of our lives.

A lot of us will find that things are finally coming to an end and are being completed. This is a very broad and general effect lunar eclipses always seem to usher in, and as such the sense of finality may appear in essentially any area of our lives. It may manifest as a relationship that has finally burned itself out and now you can move on from it, or perhaps you’ll wrap up a project that you’ve been working on for ages. Regardless of where these endings occur, they will mark the last of things which are over and done with! It always feels good to say goodbye and now you can move on to bigger and better things.

Those are just a few of the stronger effects that the full wolf moon total lunar eclipse may have on any one of us. Overall, the lunar events mark the beginning of a number of transformations that we will each go through in the year ahead, and it has only just gotten started! NOTE: If trouble viewing turn your Mobile Device or iPad Horizontal!

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Rare Lunar Eclipse During Pisces: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On September 16-17, 2016

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Mid-September always seems to bring with it a number of different changes. Summer is winding down, kids are back in school, the weather starts to get crisp and cool, leaving the feeling of fall in the air. This year all of these September changes will be accompanied by a lunar eclipse which is set to take place on this coming Friday the 16th!

The full moon eclipse will bring about a number of changes and right along with it a major energy shift will also be occurring. While many of us may miss the actual eclipse or be unable to clearly view it, we will nevertheless end up feeling its impact and effects. That’s because this particular lunar event falls in the emotional, complex sign of Pisces. As such, it means the timing is ideal for centering in on your creativeness and spirituality during this full moon.

This full moon is officially named the Harvest Moon and lunar eclipses always, and only, take place when the moon is at its fullest. On the evening of September 16-17th the sun, moon, and Earth will all become evenly aligned and the moon will then pass behind our planet. That’s where it will enter into the Earth’s shadow and the light from the sun will be blocked from reaching it.

Each of us will experience this eclipse in our own unique and individual way on both our conscious and subconscious planes of existence. It may be eye-opening and monumental for some, or slight yet noticeable for others. Below are some of the more significant ways in which this Harvest Moon lunar eclipse may end up affecting you:

Things will come to an end or be completed. This sense of finality can appear in essentially any area of our lives. Perhaps it will manifest as a relationship that’s burned itself out or you’ll finally finish a project you’ve been working long and hard on. Either way, it will be over and done with. Say goodbye and move on to whatever is next on your plate.

The truth will be highlighted for many people, especially in terms of relationships. If there is something that has been kept from you, or you’ve been unable to see it, soon enough it will come to light. When the truth finally does come, don’t ignore or brush it off, face it head on and get past it.

Some of us will finally be able to let go of any pent up anger or rage that we have been holding inside ourselves for so long. As such, we may be very emotional and our judgment may be clouded, but once we release the aggression we can breathe a sigh of relief and think clearly once again.

Some of us will experience a heightened sense of creativity and expressiveness. Use this renewed interest in the arts as an outlet for any of the aforementioned anger or frustration that you may be harboring. Write, sing, draw, or paint out your emotions rather than unleashing them on others. That way you won’t cause anyone unnecessary hurt or burn any bridges.

Many of us will find balance and a renewed sense of ourselves. As shown throughout what was mentioned above, we will dealing with a lot of heavy stuff that’s been weighing us down. When we’re finally free of it we will have grown and become all the more wiser for having experienced it in the first place. Look inwards and determine both what you want and what you stand for, then focus on the answers that only you can provide yourself with!

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Rare Lunar Eclipse During Aquarius: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On The Night of August 18, 2016

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In just a few short days there will be a lunar eclipse taking place and right along with it a major shift will also be occurring. This coming Thursday night, August 18th 2016, be sure to look up the sky to witness the beautiful event!

August 18th is when the moon will be full and this particular one has been named the Sturgeon Moon. Lunar eclipses always take place during full moons and when the sun, Earth, and moon all enter into syzygy, meaning that they are aligned in a straight, even line. The moon will pass behind our planet and into the Earth’s umbra, its shadow, which will block out the light from the sun and plunge the moon into partial darkness. Since this eclipse is considered penumbral rather than total or partial, the moon is expected to enter Earth’s shadow only slightly, therefore it won’t be ultra-visible.

Even though you may not be able to clearly see the eclipse, you will definitely end up feeling its effects in a meaningful way. This lunar eclipse is more noteworthy than usual because it will be taking place in the constellation of Aquarius, and when we are in Leo (July 23–Aug 22) as we are now, it’s opposite the sun. As such, the darkened moon will have a profound impact on all of our lives and we can expect a major shift to come our way!

Every person will experience a sort of change in their own personal way, from slight to life-altering, and here are the more significant ways in which the lunar eclipse may affect us:

Some people will be touchier than usual and quick to anger or upset, especially those who already have a short fuse.

Some of us will crave extra love, support, and attention, especially the mothering type that is more nurturing and encouraging overall.

Some people will begin to stop caring so much about what others think. They will start deciding things on their own and for themselves. Whereas the opinions and judgments of others would have once bothered them immensely and held them back, they will no longer have that negative, stifling effect.

Some people will become more confident, self-aware, and conscious of their choices. In turn, they will also shift into a happier and more enlightened phase of their lives, which is always an upgrade and a good thing!

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