2 Horses In A Pond Get Caught On Camera Pulling Off The Most Unexpected and Surprising Trick

Taking a nice dip in cold water is a very quick way to cool off and relax. Not many things can equal the refreshing and rejuvenating feeling that water can provide, as it envelops your skin and makes your body buoyant, floaty, and light. It’s no surprise that horses love water, they are natural and powerful swimmers who acclimate easily to all sorts of bodies of water. Many won’t hesitate to cross rivers and streams and some even enjoy swimming in the ocean.

The two beautiful equines in this video are proof of just how much some horses love water. They both waded chest deep into a small pond to cool off in, and escape from pesky bugs, on a hot summer day in Osgoode, Ontario.

The pair look completely content and at ease as they sit immersed in the water and entertain themselves by blowing bubbles. The sight is adorable and even kind of relaxing to watch, as they steadily blow air out of their large nostrils under the water and fill it with a bunch of bubbles.

Many horses, just like humans, are fascinated by water and these two seem captivated by their bubble blowing abilities. This is a common horse behavior, as some will even blow bubbles in their water troughs or buckets, just like people do with their drinks and what kids do in the bathtub.

According to Equus Magazine, horses will often amuse themselves and pass time by blowing water bubbles. This reminds me of my childhood and blowing bubbles in the small milk cartons kids used to drink out of at school, it was a similar way to entertain ourselves back then.

When horses have access to natural bodies of water they will even roll around in the shallow areas and go for a swim, if they are adventurous and it’s deep and large enough to do so. When swimming, a riderless horse will hold its nose high up out of the water and steadily exhale while moving along with a doggy paddle style stroke.

If you are a horse lover, be sure to check out the clip. There is just something magical, calming, peaceful, and serene about watching these horses happily blow bubbles!

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