8 Clear Signs You Are An Earth Angel Incarnated On This Planet and Don’t Know It

While we are all ultimately human beings, some of us are more than just that. There are people who walk among us who are Earth Angels and whether you’re aware of it or not, you yourself might may even be one! Earth angels are essentially souls who are sources of hope, inspiration, support, and healing. They come into our lives at completely random, unexpected moments or when we need them the most. They’re here to help guide us on the right path and spread positive vibes, peace, and love. As such, you may know them by several other names which they’re called and people commonly refer to them as spirit guides, healers, and light workers.

Regardless of what you’re familiar with and know them as, Earth Angels are those of us whose souls seem to exist on another dimension. At their core they are selfless and passionate, while their presence is calming and reassuring. If you think that perhaps you are an Earth Angel or know somebody who may be one, but are not completely sure, then check out the signs below. They all point towards someone being an Earth Angel, so if these apply to you, then you most likely are one!

1. You Are An Empath.
This means that you are deeply affected by the emotions other people around you are feeling. You’re highly attuned to the energy and vibrations they’re emitting, so much so that you end up experiencing them as well, and thus are greatly influenced and affected by them.

2. People Tell You That You’re An Old Soul.
Whether you believe them or not, you undoubtedly show an awareness and wisdom beyond what your age lets on. A certain energy vibe you radiate gives people the intrinsic feel that you are an old soul.

3. You Crave Alone Time.
If you go too long without it you end up feeling drained and weak both emotionally and physically. You find solace in solitude, it’s a time when you can meditate and process your emotions. Time spent alone is what restores your inner balance and readies you for whatever comes next.

4. You feel Drawn Towards A Certain Purpose In Life.
Money, fame, fortune, all of those types of things do not appeal to you. Instead, you want a career that is mentally and spiritually fulfilling. Many Earth Angels have an overwhelming desire and need to be able to help or heal others, and so they often end up as the following; doctors, nurses, firefighters, EMTs, therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, teachers, acupuncturists, social workers, and so forth.

5. You Are Highly Sensitive.
Oftentimes you find yourself overwhelmed by all the suffering and problems you see in the world. It affects you greatly and is a source of frustration and anxiety. It almost feels as if all the world’s problems are simultaneously yours and the baggage feels extremely heavy.

6. People Are Drawn To You For Advice.
They seem to seek you out and come to you with their problems because they instinctively know you will both listen to them and help solve or work through them. Even complete strangers will initiate a conversation out of the blue about their troubles, and you always take the time to hear them out and respond. In fact, you love being able to help people past their issues.

7. You Loathe Violence And Suffering.
Whether it is outright physical violence, starvation, pain, poverty, emotional hurt, evilness; whatever form it takes, you hate it. Watching others suffering is very uncomfortable for you and as an empath you tend to take on others pain and hurt.

8. You Have Vivid Dreams And Often Daydream.
When you dream it’s intense and life-like. It’s also likely that you space out a lot and fantasize about magical, awesomely weird, or metaphysical things. Things from the past and future that you couldn’t possibly know unless you were an incarnated earth angel,

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5 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Make Contact With You From The Afterlife.

It often seems that we are ultimately on our own in the world, yet every person alive has their own spirit guide watching over them. Our spirit guides help us navigate the paths we choose in life, they protect and keep us safe when times get tough or tragedies happen.  Regardless of whether or not you believe in spirit guides, there are many other similar types of animals, spirits, and people who we consider to be healers and protectors of humanity.

They communicate with us indirectly and send us all many different signs and signals. If you are familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. Below are four of the most common signals your spirit guide uses when trying to contact you:

1) Loose Change:
Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and other loose change that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. Our spirit guides will often stick coins is the most unusual places knowing that we will stumble across them. They do this when we are feeling sad and blue as a way to help boost our mood and make us feel happier. The next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere strange, like in your medicine cabinet, thank your spirit guide for the thoughtful gift!

2) Dreams:
Have you ever had a dream that really affected you and the vividness of it all stuck with you long after you woke up? Maybe your dream even came true. This type of déjà vu or memorable dream experience is likely to contain a message or answer to something that you have been searching for. Don’t ignore or write it off as just another dream, it’s guidance and advice from your spirit guide.

3) Feathers:
If and when you come across a white feather, don’t ignore it. The simple, natural beauty of white feathers symbolize that your spirit guide is close by keeping watch over you. They will often appear in random, seemingly obscure places, so they’ll stand out. Keep your eyes open for them!

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant, flowery, and somehow familiar scent, it’s a sign that your spirit guide is trying to tell you something. They use smells that are special to us because we tend to immediately notice them and pay attention to it. When this occurs our guide is signaling that we need to decide on an important matter in our life. Whatever you choose to do, trust that they will have your back and will be there to guide you through it all.

5) Seeing The Same Numbers Over and Over:
Many People have reported seeing the same number or number patterns over and over again. A good example of this is the 11:11 phenomenon that many people tend to always look up and see this time randomly day after day. Other reported numbers people tend to see over and over is the number 23 and the number 47. When our numbers pop up pay attention because there is a good chance your spirit guide could be attempting to send you a message near or around the moment you notice it.

Watch The Video Below For More Information and Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Attempting To Contact You. How Many Signs Have You Had? Let Us Know In The Comments!

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5 Warning Signs The Liver Is Toxic and Causing Weight Gain.

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The organ in our bodies, that is responsible for our overall physical vitality and health, is the LIVER.  We live in an environment that is filled with toxins, both in the air we breath and the foods we eat, that rely on the liver to manage these poisons.  In fact, a healthy liver is in charge of filtering out these toxins through our waste (urine and stool), so that we can absorb the vital nutrients that are key for our overall health.

Conversely, if are livers are damaged by alcoholism, the after effects of certain viruses, or overexposure to certain chemicals, it is not able to do it’s job in allowing proper digestion to occur.  When it is overburdened by toxins, it can’t properly act as a filter for elimination; this can eventually result in bodily changes that can alert us that we are at risk for a  potentially serious health risk.

Without the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins regularly and healthfully, it becomes sluggish because the toxins get stored in fat, resulting in an INABILITY TO SHED WEIGHT.  If you have become frustrated, that despite your eating right and exercising your weight doesn’t budge, this can be a sign of liver toxicity. This can occur because our ENVIRONMENT is filled with a multitude of toxins that CAN BURDEN OUR LIVER FUNCTIONING.

As the liver is ultimately responsible for human beings’ survival, it is important to be aware of the EARLY SIGNS OF LIVER TOXICITY:



(a) yellowish hue indicative of a rise in bilirubin leading to jaundice

(b) inflammation causing ITCHINESS or OVERSENSITIVITY


(3) Darkening of URINE (despite healthy ingestion of water) or bloody or black STOOL 


(a) chronic cramping in lower abdomen

(b) extreme gassiness and pressure that eventually can lead to fluid buildup which must be removed before affecting the LUNGS


Any of these symptoms, particularly when combined with others, should be a signal to immediately seek medical help, before more serious liver damage occurs.  The VIDEO you are about to watch below, offers you a great discussion of the importance of the liver, the early signs of toxic overload and HOW TO CLEANSE IT AND GET BACK TO HEALTHY FUNCTIONING.

Please SHARE this IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION with your family and friends; it COULD SAVE A LIFE!

How To Tell If You Are Having a Stroke, Cardiac Arrest or a Heart Attack.

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Cardiovascular disease is the number one leading cause of death across the globe. It claims more people’s lives than every single form of cancer combined. The numbers are scary and speak volumes about just how prevalent and real the threat of experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or sudden cardiac arrest truly is.

According to data compiled by the American Heart Association in their 2016 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update report, 17.3 million deaths word-wide are attributed to cardiovascular disease alone. They also found that on average approximately 2,200 Americans die every single day, which amounts to one person every 40 seconds or so, from either a stroke, heart disease, or cardiac disease.

Statistics like this make it crucial that we educate both ourselves and our families on the basic facts concerning heart related health issues. One of the most important things we should all be aware of is the difference between a heart attack, a stroke, and sudden cardiac arrest. Many people lump the three together or assume that sudden cardiac arrest and a heart attack are one and the same thing, which they are not. The accompanying video goes over and explains the variations between them all, it’s quick and comprehensive so be sure to check it out! In addition, these differences and how to recognize each one of them when they happen follow:

1. Heart Attack: A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. This happens when a blood clot forms in an artery due to plaque and cholesterol clogging it up. With the blood flow oxygen deprived and blocked, it cannot circulate to the heart, leading to a hear attack.

Symptoms- Pressure or tightness in the chest area, chest pain, body aches, pain that radiates in the arms or upper back and jaw, cold sweats, nausea, shortness of breath, anxiety.

2. Stroke: A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. This happens when a blood vessel becomes clogged or bursts, which can either completely obstruct or severely reduce the flow of blood to the brain. Without enough oxygenated blood and nutrients reaching them, brain cells start to die.

Symptoms- Blurred vision, severe headache, vomiting loss of coordination, trouble walking, dizziness, excessive sweating numbness, mental confusion, trouble with speaking, face/arm/leg numbness and in particular on one side of the body.

3. Cardiac Arrest: Cardiac arrest is when the heart suddenly stops beating. This happens when the electrical impulse activity in the heart, which is what keeps it beating and contracting, is disrupted unexpectedly. With no heartbeat, no blood reaches the brain or any other organs, causing the person to pass out. Without immediate treatment, the person will die within a matter of minutes.

Symptoms- The following symptoms will often occur in the minutes leading up to a cardiac arrest incident, as well as during and immediately following loss of consciousness: shortage of breath, gasping for air, shallow breaths and/or trouble breathing, weakness, chest pain, sudden collapse, weak pulse, absence of breath, fainting, blacking out, no response, no pulse.

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15 Clear Signs Your Stress Levels Are Way To High and Destroying Your Health.

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Throughout time, human beings bodies have adapted to feeling threatened; the natural chemical of Adrenaline surges through us, setting off the “fight or flight” mechanism, when presented with STRESS. This is actually a remarkable ability we have to protect ourselves, when faced with acute situations in which we feel endangered.  In this way we are able to cope until we no longer feel threatened, dealing with the uncomfortable and scary parts of our lives, without becoming paralyzed.

However, when STRESS BECOMES CHRONIC, both the emotional and physical impact on human beings can be corrosive.  We begin to struggle to maintain healthy functioning; learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of chronic stress is key to living out our lives in healthy and effective ways.

The VIDEO you are about to watch below does a great job in discussing how CHRONIC STRESS CAN DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH, the warning SIGNS and SYMPTOMS that you are suffering from chronic stress, and effective STRATEGIES to HELP MANAGE STRESS.

















It is essential that in knowing these warning signs, you do whatever you can to reduce your stress so that it becomes manageable.  The footage below presents vital coping skills, so that the stress in your life does not result in a breakdown of your immune system and significant relationships.  Let us know if you have suffered from debilitating stress, and methods you have found in coping effectively.

Please SHARE this important HEALTH INFORMATION with your family and friends