If You Eat Ginger 1x Per Day For a Month This Happens To Your Body!

Typically, ginger is an ingredient found in Indian and Asian foods, and has been used for many centuries due to it’s remarkable capacity to remediate many health issues.  It’s flavor is delicious as well, but the part of the ginger plant used for it’s health benefits is the root. The video that you are about to watch below, is an easy to follow tutorial, that  discusses some of the medicinal properties of ginger, and how to prepare it in making fresh ginger tea.

Ginger is particularly well known in relieving issues involving STOMACH DISCOMFORT.  One of the problems many people face, is the amount of time it takes food and fluids to move through their GI tract.  If you have a problem with DIGESTION, because your stomach doesn’t empty quickly enough, ginger can RELIEVE INDIGESTION. In one study 24 healthy subjects were given 1.2 grams of ginger powder prior to eating; their STOMACH EMPTYING WAS ACCELERATED by 50%, which showed a significant impact on relieving the discomfort of indigestion.

Experiencing NAUSEA is one of the worst feelings, which GINGER TEA can alleviate.  It works well with cancer patients who experience nausea from treatment.  A review of twelve studies of 1,278 pregnant women who had morning sickness and were administered 1.1-1.5 grams of ginger, experienced a SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION OF NAUSEA.

Studies have shown that Ginger has a significant impact on the REDUCTION of MUSCLE PAIN.  Research at the University of Georgia found that daily use of ginger yielded 25% less muscle pain, and was also effective in minimizing the day-to-day progression of muscle pain.  MENSTRUAL CRAMP REDUCTION is another benefit of ingesting ginger.

A study of 247 people with OSTEOARTHRITIS of the KNEE found a significant decrease in pain when taking a daily supplement of ginger extract.   Joint pain and stiffness is one of the most debilitating aspects of aging.  The ANTI-INFLAMMATORY properties of ginger will allow people to take less pain medications, which have many negative side effects.

A REDUCED RISK OF HEART DISEASE by 10% was concluded from a study in which patients with TYPE 2 DIABETES were administered 2 grams of ginger powder daily.  Over a 12 week period it was found that their blood sugars were lowered by 10%.  As high blood sugar is a major cause of heart disease, it was concluded that ginger could lower the risk of heart disease by at least 10%.

A LOWERING OF CHOLESTEROL LEVELS with 3 grams of ginger powder daily was found to be significant in a 45 day study.  This offers further evidence of the significant impact of ginger in reducing the risk of heart disease.

There are ongoing studies of the substance 6-gingerol, found in ginger, as a possible alternative treatment for certain forms of CANCER.  A significant finding in one study, of reduced pro-inflammatory signaling molecules in the colon, when patients received 2 grams of ginger extract daily.

Last, but not least, studies of the ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and bioactive properties of ginger, have suggested that this powerful root may have a significant impact on REDUCING AGE-RELATED BRAIN IMPAIRMENT.  Studies have shown an improvement in reaction time and working memory from ingesting ginger.  With further research, the importance of ginger in PROMOTING BRAIN HEALTH is promising.

The video below will instruct you on the easy way to make home-made ginger tea, to start promoting better health, in a lovely relaxing way.

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I Always Heard Coconut Oil Was Amazing But They Never Talked About This

Coconut oil has been around for years and has traditionally been used mainly in cooking. Foods taste wonderful after being sautéed or baked with it, but there are many other uses for the oil that extend far beyond cooking.

More and more people are adding coconut oil to their health and beauty routines for its all-natural antimicrobial effects and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s gentle on skin, hair, nails, teeth, and gums, making it a great alternative for those with sensitivity issues.

The natural moisturizing and hydrating properties leave skin feeling smooth and polished and it smells wonderful too. A jar of quality coconut oil usually costs less than $10 so it’s affordable and you only need to use a little bit.

Perhaps one of the greatest things about coconut oil is that it’s all-natural and won’t end up harming the environment like most of the ingredients found in beauty products do.

Below is a list of some of the best alternative uses for coconut oil and instructions on how to work it into your health and beauty routine. These will save you money and energy, and don’t forget to check out the video for even more great tips!

1) Removes Glue Residue- Rub a little bit of coconut oil on the sticky gunk that stickers leave behind and it will clear the pesky stuff right off. This also works for stuck zippers, rings on fingers, or any other similar type of situation like that.

2) Deodorant Alternative- People with sensitive skin can benefit from the gentle, all-natural deodorizing effects that coconut oil has to offer. It’s just as effective as the chemical laden versions sold in stores and it smells terrific.

3) Shave Gel Alternative- The next time you take a shower slather on a little bit of coconut oil instead of shave gel. It’ll help the razor glide smoothly over skin, reducing the likelihood of razor burn or cuts. You’ll not only come out smelling fresh but your skin will also be super moisturized as well!

4) Soothe Mosquito Bites- It’s that time of year again when all of the nasty blood sucking mosquitoes come out of seemingly nowhere to feast on us. Those insanely itchy bites they leave behind can drive a person insane. When no amount of scratching seems to make the itch go away rub some coconut oil on the bite and the area around it for quick, soothing relief.

5) Oil pulling- Oil pulling is a great way to help improve your oral, and thus overall, health. People swear by the practice and claim it helps to do everything from whitening teeth to cleaning out toxins from the blood.

Other benefits that have been touted include the following; it kills bacteria that causes bad breath, inhibits tooth decay, fights exhaustion, keeps colds at bay, helps strengthen gums, makes skin glow, helps prevent cancer, decreases instances of mouth sores/ulcers, and re-mineralizes teeth.

Here’s what you need to know in order to try it at home- First, pick out a good organic cold-pressed coconut oil. Take a spoon and place 1-2 teaspoons in your mouth. I’ll feel odd and lumpy at first but it quickly melts to liquid and that’s when you can swish it around your mouth.

You need to swish for a minimum of 10 minutes but many people go for 20, the longer the better. Try not to swallow any oil but if you do it won’t harm you, it’ll just taste gross. When you’re done spit out the oil into a trash can.

Don’t spit it into the sink!! It’s oil and will re-solidify which can result in clogged septic systems. Finally, rinse out your mouth with warm water and finish by brushing your teeth.

6) Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Face Scrub- Washing your face daily is essential to maintaining clear healthy skin and a glowing complexion. Equally important is what you use to wash your face with. This all natural, non-toxic, simply derived face wash can provide all the cleansing power your skin needs without aggravating or over-drying it.

Here’s how to make it- In a small bowl combine coconut oil and baking soda (make sure to break up any lumps in the soda before adding in the coconut oil). There are no set amounts to this recipe and you can adjust it to your skin type and needs.

People with sensitive skin should use a ratio of two parts coconut oil to one part baking soda, 2:1. Those who wish to exfoliate their skin should use equal parts of each ingredient, 1:1.

Mix it together well and then massage it gently onto your face in circular motions. You can leave it on for a couple of minutes as you would a facial mask, or you can wash it off immediately using warm water. It’ll leave your skin smooth, calm, and polished.

The combination of baking soda and coconut oil is effective at treating and fading acne scars, redness, and breakouts, plus it works well at exfoliating rough, dry skin, leaving it moisturized and clean.

Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial agent and helps to unclog pores by fighting against and ridding it of germs while baking soda works to regulate pH since it’s not overly acidic or too alkaline.

7) Coconut Oil Toothpaste- Coconut oil toothpaste is a simple yet effective way to clean and whiten teeth. It helps to remineralize them and is gentle and safe on enamel so it won’t end up doing more harm than good by damaging your teeth.

The recipe that follows shows you how to make all natural homemade toothpaste all you need is a few simple ingredients that include coconut oil, baking powder, food grade flavors like peppermint or sweet orange, and a container to put it all in.

Here’s how to make it- Start off by mixing together 1 part coconut oil with 1 part baking soda. Add in 3-5 drops of whatever food-grade essential oils you prefer in order to flavor it to your desired taste.

Finally, if you mixed it in a separate container, transfer it into the tube or jar you plan on storing it in and allow the paste to set. With regular use this toothpaste will whiten your teeth and give you a healthy, clean mouth. The baking soda helps to whiten teeth and since it’s slightly abrasive it works to clean them as well.

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Scientists Recently Discovered The 5 Health Benefits of Eating 3 Eggs Per Day

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For years, it was thought that eating eggs regularly, would raise your cholesterol to unhealthy levels. However, recent scientific findings have proven that although our bodies naturally produce significant amounts of cholesterol, they accommodate by producing less, when we consume foods that contain cholesterol.

This is great news, especially in the case of eggs, that have incredible health benefits when eaten daily! Not only do they have the capacity to provide nutrients containing much-needed vitamins and protein, but they also act as a preventative for many potentially life-threatening diseases.

Two to three eggs per day will enrich your diet with Vitamins A, D, E and B-12. According to the “Huffington Post”, they are also rich in folate, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN in a single egg, according to “Health 24”, is equal to 30 grams of meat! The quality of this protein is rated much higher, than that found in beef or milk.

The VIDEO you are about to watch below will go into greater detail about these important nutrients, as well as CHOLINE…important for BRAIN HEALTH, and the anti-oxidants found in eggs. These ANTI-OXIDANTS protect EYE HEALTH and LOWER the RISK of many CANCERS. Also discussed is the WEIGHT CONTROL provided by eggs, as well as BONE, HAIR and NAIL HEALTH.

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10 Benefits of Eating 2 Black-Spotted Bananas Twice a Day. Good To Know.

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Bananas are delicious, but most of us tend to throw them away as they form brown spots or eventually turn completely black as they get very ripe…big mistake!  As it turns out these brown spots, as you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, turn bananas into a SUPER FOOD!  Not only do the dark patches on Bananas increase their amount of cancer-fighting anti-oxidants, the riper bananas have other incredible properties that benefit your body!

According to “healthyfoodstyle.net”, the nutrients in ripened bananas benefit your health when you EAT 2 PER DAY.  These include:

1. Lowered Blood Pressure and Protection against Stroke and Heart Attacks – This occurs due to the low amounts of sodium and high levels of Potassium

2.  Increase in Energy – Two ripened, calorie-dense bananas boost energy for several hours, as they are packed with low-glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.   It’s Potassium helps to increase stamina by preventing muscle cramps.

3.  Relief from Heartburn – Ripened bananas are a fantastic “antacid”.  Their smooth texture lines the stomach walls, protecting it from harmful acids and irritation.

4. Depressed Mood – High levels of Tryptophan found in ripened bananas, boost serotonin levels, which improves mood.

5. Anxiety/Irritability/PMS – Richness in B vitamins helps to calm nerves.

Other health benefits  of ripened bananas discussed in the footage below are the effects of being: 6. Fiber-rich,  7. filled with Manganese, 8. being Iron Rich, 9. an aid to Digestion, and 10 being Fat and Cholesterol Free.  If you don’t enjoy the softer texture of ripened bananas, blend them in a smoothie…their sweetness is a great substitute for unhealthy refined sugar!

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If You Eat Celery Once Per Day For 7 Days THIS Happens To Your Body

Celery is by far one of the most underrated vegetables. Many people assume that the crunchy green stalks are just full of water and mostly void of any real or substantial nutritional benefit. However, such an assumption couldn’t be further from the truth because celery is packed full of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and all sorts of good stuff that our bodies need to stay healthy.

By simply eating more celery you can bring about many positive changes in your body. For example, studies have shown that by eating celery everyday it can help to protect and strengthen your eyesight and even brighten your eyes, making them appear whiter and more clear. In effect, this also makes you look fresh faced and younger looking. Plus, the better your vision, the less you have to strain your eyes and squint.

Below is a list of the top health benefits that celery has to offer us. The accompanying video covers many of the following but be sure to check it out for even more information on why you should aim to incorporate more celery into your diet.

Anti-Inflammatory- Celery contains particular non-starch types of polysaccharides which are believed to give it anti-inflammatory benefits. It also contains antioxidants which fight against free radical damage, which is a major contributing factor to inflammation and chronic diseases like cancer and arthritis. Furthermore, those who have ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or other issues with inflammation in their digestive tracts can benefit greatly from eating celery because the antioxidants in it have been shown, and used, to effectively treat those conditions.

Protects and Repairs Damage at the Cellular Level- Celery contains over a dozen different types of antioxidants including flavonoids, vitamin K, and lunularin. These antioxidant nutrients help to naturally relieve oxidative stress and aid our bodies in removing damage causing free radicals, thus providing protection for our cells, blood vessels, and organs against them.

Regulates Body Temperature- Celery’s high water content and naturally present electrolytes help to regulate your body temperature by both hydrating and cooling your body down on a really hot day

Helps Prevent Ulcers- Celery can help prevent ulcers, those tiny painful sores in the stomach or small intestine, from forming because it contains a certain type of ethanol extract that protects the digestive system lining. Studies have shown that celery greatly increases amounts of gastric mucus in the stomach lining which is vital in the protection against ulcers, rips and tears. This is especially true for people who suffer from low or insufficient levels of gastric mucus to begin with.

Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infections- Celery is like cranberries in this respect because it stimulates urine production while also helping to reduce uric acid levels. This makes it an excellent aid for helping to prevent and fight against UTIs and other bacterial infections in the reproductive and/or digestive tracts.

Helps You Lose Weight- At only 10 calories per stick it’s extremely low calorie, all-natural, and yet still full of vitamins and nutrients. It also helps regulate metabolism and fills you up, thereby reducing your urge to snack afterwards on less healthy options.

In addition, celery has been proven to help lower cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure, and protect our livers against fat build up. It may even help to protect us from certain types of cancers but the research in that area is on-going and more studies in that area are needed. The video goes over all these points in greater detail so check it out and remember to stock up on celery the next time you go to the store!

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The Health Benefits Of Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey In The A.M. On An Empty Stomach

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People will go to extremes in order to stay looking good and feeling healthy. They turn to diets, fasts, detoxes, special exercise programs, and even surgery to try and achieve their optimal mind, body, and health. The vast majority of these things are either passing fads or prohibitively expensive to pursue. Oftentimes it turns out that the best path to health and wellness is a more simple and all-natural one. If you truly want to feel good and purify your body from the inside out you should do the following; drink apple cider vinegar-honey water first thing in the morning.

This recipe for apple cider vinegar and honey infused water is an easy way to cleanse your body at its basic cellular level. Apple cider vinegar works wonders for our bodies because it’s alkaline, which helps maintain our pH balance. The more processed and refined foods you consume, the poorer your diet and more acidic your body becomes. Acidity is linked to a number of health problems such as inflammation, joint and muscle pain, infections, fatigue, nausea, digestive issues, and more. One of the top best things you can do to restore and balance your body’s pH is to drink raw apple cider vinegar regularly. In addition to being alkaline, it contains amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals like manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

Honey is also a wonderful detox agent for our systems because it helps us stay regular by increasing urine flow, which in turn flushes and cleanses our kidneys. This leads to better water balance and toxins being removed from your body more regularly. Raw unprocessed honey also improves immunity because it contains various enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which all make us stronger and healthier. Plus, it has natural anti-bacterial properties, and the antioxidants in it fight off free radicals and limit the damage they cause.

If you wish to drink to your health, then you’ll want to make this drink. It will reduce joint pain and inflammation, aid in digestion, increase energy, treat a sore throat and conquer stinky breath, it even supports weight loss! Not only is it something that just about everyone can manage to do, it’s affordable too! Here’s the ingredients and directions on how to make the simple health tonic:

1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Teaspoon Pure Natural Honey
1 Cup of Water

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a glass and mix them together well.
2. Allow it to rest for a minimum of 20 minutes and then drink it before you eat any breakfast, on an empty stomach. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as it will help to further flush out toxins from your body.

For this recipe try to use both apple cider vinegar and honey that is labeled as raw, all-natural, unfiltered, and organic. Essentially, the purer and less refined the ingredients, the better they are for you. Overall, the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar honey water are too good to ignore. The simple drink is easy to gulp down and will leave you feeling fresh and ready to take on the day. Please spread this healthy drink recipe and pass this information along to let your friends and loved ones know how they can naturally clean out their systems and feel good. Try it for yourself and see what a difference it can make in your life!

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