He Died Days After THIS Strange Red Spot Appeared. When The Docs Figured Out Why They Freaked!

image via – shutterstock.com

A man in Bourbon, Kansas died a terrifying death 6 months ago, which completely stunned all his doctors, who had no explanation for what had caused his rapid demise and untimely death.  It is just now, that the cause has been revealed.

There is a new virus that is being transmitted through ticks, that is just starting to hit the U.S.A. Because the disease is viral, there is not an antibiotic that can treat it (as is the case with all viruses such as lyme disease), and as such is posing a scary threat to the health and well being of people in this location.

According to the infectious disease experts studying this, nothing like this has ever been seen in the Western hemisphere.  Its genome is similar to diseases seen in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia!

Because the man who died lived in Bourbon County, Kansas they have named this rare illness the Bourbon virus which the infectious disease authorities believe is being carried by ticks. There is still tons of research that urgently needs to be done before researchers can even begin get a handle on how this strange virus appeared and why it just recently showed up for the very first time in the west!

It is being studied intensively to determine what in the genome caused the anorexia, severe muscle pain and an unreasonably high fever that was totally untreatable and ultimately led to this man’s death. Let us know your thoughts after watching the video below!

Have you heard about the Bourbon Virus?

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This Isn’t a Normal Insect. If You See One Do Not Go Near It. The Reason is Terrifying!

image via – shutterstock.com

Kissing bugs sound like nice, innocent insects, but they are the exact opposite of that description. The little pests are actually blood sucking parasites who feed on animals and people. They earned the “kissing” name because they tend to operate by biting their sleeping victims around the eye and mouth areas.

In some cases the nasty bugs are even deadly because they are responsible for spreading Chagas disease to both humans and animals. Chagas was once a rare parasitic infection but not anymore. A growing number of people in South America and the US are contracting it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 8 million people in Mexico, Central, and South America have Chagas, while in the US over 300,000 people are currently infected!

Many of those who have it are unaware they’ve been infected and it can be life threatening if left untreated. Furthermore, Kissing bugs also transmit Chagas to pets and animals. Dogs are among the most susceptible to the disease and in the state of Texas, where kissing bugs are increasingly common, about 400 of them have died as a result of Chagas already!

The kissing bugs responsible for all of this death and disease are called by their scientific name “Triatomine Bugs.” They bite their unsuspecting victims around the eyes and mouth and when their feces comes into contact with either the bite area, or a mucous membrane like an eye, they pass the parasite known as Trypanosoma Cruzi to the host.

The parasite is spread in this gross manner because it lives in the bug’s feces and that happens to be the main way in which it enters a person or animal’s body. As if that wasn’t already nasty enough, canines can contract Chagas in other ways, such as by eating the bugs or infected animal feces.

Once a human or animal has been infected they usually remain unaware that they have the disease until it’s progressed to a later, and more serious, stage. Furthermore, in some cases it may be asymptomatic, meaning there are no symptoms whatsoever until one appears suddenly out of nowhere.

This later point is why it’s being called the “silent killer” and people are being urged to familiarize themselves the signs and symptoms of Chagas disease, which include the following; confusion, weakness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy, swollen abdomen, a lack of coordination, seizures or jerky movements, and increased heart rate.

There are currently tests available that can detect Chagas if you ever want to get tested. If you suspect you may have it then definitely get tested right away because when the disease is found early enough it can usually be successfully treated and the harmful side-effects lessened.

Please pass this information on so that others are aware of the dangers that kissing bugs pose, and monitor pets health for any signs of chagas disease.

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This Is Not a Normal Bug and They Are Showing Up Everywhere. If You Spot One Do Not Touch It!

The freakish looking bug you see in this video, that looks like a mutant spider, is not something you ever want to come across inside your home. The fuzzy, spiky-haired creature isn’t a member of the arachnid family at all, it’s actually a caterpillar and it lives in North America.

Sightings of the strange insect have become increasingly common and left many people understandably shaken and wondering- what is that bizarre thing?!

The strange bug is commonly known as a hag moth and it’s scientific name is Phobetron pithecium. However, when it’s in the larva stage, like the one in the accompanying clip, it’s called the monkey slug caterpillar. This ugly little guy will soon spin himself into a cocoon and go through metamorphosis, changing into an adult hag moth that’s just as hairy and hideous as he ever was before.

The monkey slug caterpillar’s habitat ranges from Quebec, Canada all the way down to southern Florida and as far west as Nebraska. They’re easy to spot because of the oddly distinct features they sport on their bodies, which include those curly, hairy, arm-like parts you can clearly see sticking out in the video.

They move quite slow and awkwardly thanks to their suction cup legs, which is what earned them the slug part of their name. Many people who come across these bizarre bugs assume they are poisonous and thus go out of their way to avoid them.

While they aren’t exactly lethal or highly toxic, the hairs covering their bodies are capable of stinging and some people experience a painful reaction when their skin comes into contact with these hairs. However, it varies from person to person and those with more sensitive skin types are at an increased risk of having such a reaction.

All in all, it’s best to not touch or pick up any monkey slug caterpillars you see crawling around, not that you’d ever want to in the first place..

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He Had A Strange Pain In His Ear And Thought It Was A Bad Earache. But They Pull Out This Unexpected Surprise!

We have all heard that ear wax can build up and become impacted in the ear canal, causing eventual pain and even hearing loss.  What you are about to watch in the following video, that was causing this boy’s distress, is far worse than ear wax. What came crawling out of his ear is just beyond belief!

Fourteen-year-old, Grant Botti, woke up in excruciating pain coming from his ear.  In a state of panic, after feeling something moving, he reached inside his ear to see if he was just imagining the movement.  Incredibly, what he pulled out was so disgusting and startling, that I feel the need to forewarn you.

He grabbed onto the tail of a 4-inch centipede that had become lodged in his ear!!!  It is hard to believe that he was able to pull it out by himself, without passing out from shock or pain. He was able to slowly remove the entire creature!  Even more unbelievable is that his mom watched him pull this grotesque thing from his ear, without passing out herself.

She had the presence of mind to bag this centipede and bring it to the hospital, where her poor son was rushed, in unbearable pain.  At Saline Memorial Hospital, Grant was examined by the doctors, who found abrasions in his ear drum that was causing the continued pain.

It is believed that the centipede entered his ear canal while he was swimming. Thankfully, Grant did not sustain any permanent physical damage.  Hopefully, he and his family have gotten over the psychological trauma of this disturbing and painful event.

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This Man Died Days After This Red Spot Showed Up. When The Docs Figured Out Why They Freaked!

A man in Kansas died a horrifying death six months ago, which completely shocked his doctors, who had no explanation for what had caused his demise.  It is just now, that the cause has been determined. It is a new virus that is being transmitted through ticks, that is just hitting the United States.

Because the disease is viral, no antibiotic can treat it (as is the case with lyme disease), and as such is posing a terrible threat.  According to the infectious disease experts studying this, nothing like this has ever been seen in the Western hemisphere.  Its genome is similar to diseases seen in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

Because the man who died lived in Bourbon County, Kansas they have dubbed this illness the Bourbon virus which the infectious disease authorities believe is being carried by ticks.  It is being studied intensively to determine what in the genome caused the anorexia, severe muscle pain and extremely high fever that was untreatable and ultimately killed this man.  Let us know your thoughts after watching the video.

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