Boy Tells Dr. THIS Pencil Got Trapped Inside His Ear But What The Dr. Removes Is UNTHINKABLE!

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It’s well known that young children love to stick things where they don’t belong.  They’ll put random things in their mouths, up their noses, or in their ears without thinking twice about what they’re even doing.  Think about it, just about everyone has a story from early childhood about how either they or someone they know got a Lego or M&M stuck up their nose!  

Usually when something gets stuck its very temporary, the object eventually works its way out on its own, and in the end it turns out to be harmless.  However, there are times when a child needs professional help and for a young boy named Louis King that was the case.

According to Louis, he had been playing around when he stuck a pencil in his ear.  Part of it broke off and became lodged deep inside, but he neglected to even mention this to his mother for a full week!  Naturally, his mother was concerned and rushed him immediately to the doctor.

After hearing Louis’s story and examining him the doctor began the process of extracting what he believed to be was a pencil. However, the doctor soon realized that the object stuck in the young child’s ear was not what he had been telling them.  Instead of finding a pencil fragment, he found a watch battery!

The battery was so deep that Louis’s eardrum had completely disappeared.  Thankfully eardrums recover and come back over time but if the battery had not been removed it could have caused hearing loss, pain, and infection.

In the end, Louis fully recovered and learned to not stick anything in his ears again.  It’s still unknown how or why he decided to hide a watch battery in his ear, but that’s just kids for you!

Did you or your kids ever do anything like this? Let us know!

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For Years He Couldn’t Hear Because Of A Monster Blockage Of Earwax. When Removed It’s Oddly Satisfying!

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Oh the sweet satisfaction this man must feel at the end of this video! How many years did he live with this monster residing in his ear? How long was he unable to hear the delicate sounds of nature, how many times did his partner have to hear him say “what?” when he couldn’t hear a thing she was saying?

What relief he must feel now that the horror that lived in his ear is gone, an opportunity to hear the world once more.. Why is it that we love to watch disgusting videos? The bigger the pimple, the longer the ingrown hair, the more we want to watch it – often times repetitively. ”

It’s the same kind of thrill people get from, say, riding a roller coaster or bungee jumping – it activates the experience the typically comes with a real kind of danger while actually being protected from the harmful effects typically associated with those situations,” says Daniel Kelly, author of Yuck!

The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust. “Disgusting things tend to capture the attention pretty easily, and (surprisingly) it’s been found that people are more likely to pass along and tell their friends about something that’s disgusting versus something that isn’t.”

Nina Strohminger, author of The Hedonics of Disgust points out that “negative sensations are interesting, particularly when you’re in a context where they can’t hurt you. Sit back relax and feel the odd satisfaction of a man relieving the blockage in his ear! Enjoy the video!

Don’t try this at home!

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He Had A Strange Pain In His Ear And Thought It Was A Bad Earache. But They Pull Out This Unexpected Surprise!

We have all heard that ear wax can build up and become impacted in the ear canal, causing eventual pain and even hearing loss.  What you are about to watch in the following video, that was causing this boy’s distress, is far worse than ear wax. What came crawling out of his ear is just beyond belief!

Fourteen-year-old, Grant Botti, woke up in excruciating pain coming from his ear.  In a state of panic, after feeling something moving, he reached inside his ear to see if he was just imagining the movement.  Incredibly, what he pulled out was so disgusting and startling, that I feel the need to forewarn you.

He grabbed onto the tail of a 4-inch centipede that had become lodged in his ear!!!  It is hard to believe that he was able to pull it out by himself, without passing out from shock or pain. He was able to slowly remove the entire creature!  Even more unbelievable is that his mom watched him pull this grotesque thing from his ear, without passing out herself.

She had the presence of mind to bag this centipede and bring it to the hospital, where her poor son was rushed, in unbearable pain.  At Saline Memorial Hospital, Grant was examined by the doctors, who found abrasions in his ear drum that was causing the continued pain.

It is believed that the centipede entered his ear canal while he was swimming. Thankfully, Grant did not sustain any permanent physical damage.  Hopefully, he and his family have gotten over the psychological trauma of this disturbing and painful event.

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