Apparently THIS Is What Happens Inside Your Body When You Consume Packaged Ramen Noodles!

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Ramen noodles are a real “go-to” for people who want something satisfying, tasty and inexpensive; for instance college students are big consumers of this processed food.  Although Ramen noodles come in a non-processed form, it is the processed version that is most popular.

It contains a food additive called Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which is commonly used as a preservative for cheap processed foods.  TBHQ is a chemical that is derived from petroleum, and is not digestible.  Because of the difficulty in digesting this chemical, a small study was performed by Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Kuo is a gastroenterologist who wanted to compare the stomach’s ability to digest Fresh vs Preserved ramen noodles. People who participated in the study swallowed a “smart pill” which contains a tiny camera.  The footage you will watch is the stomach trying to break down both the fresh and processed noodles, at different time intervals.

Dr. Kuo, discusses the results and what it may indicate about chemical preservatives staying in the digestive tract for prolonged periods of time.  There need to be larger, longitudinal studies done concerning the consumption of this chemical in foods to determine it’s carcinogenic potential.

Studies dosing lab animals with higher doses of TBHQ does indicate the potential for forming cancerous stomach tumors, which on a personal note gives me pause.  Whether the amounts found in ramen noodles and many other processed foods is deemed safe, the option to eat fresh food that doesn’t contain this chemical seems like a “no-brainer”.

Let us know what you think after watching the video!

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If You Eat Ramen Noodles THIS Is What Happens In Your Body!

Ramen noodles are among the most popular food items in the world thanks to their long shelf life and the fact that they’re cheap, delicious, and easy to make. The Chinese alone ate over 44 billion packets in 2014 according to statistics on the global demand for instant noodles compiled by the World Instant Noodles Association. In that same year Americans consumed over 4 billion packets and demand for the tasty noodles has remained relatively steady for years!

The vast majority of all those noodles being eaten are processed, but many people do make homemade, fresh versions of ramen as well. The processed kind has a far longer shelf life than non-processed noodles because it contains Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), a food additive that’s often used as a preservative. Many highly processed, bargain-priced foods contain TBHQ which happens to be a chemical byproduct of the petroleum industry. It’s also hard to digest, which is why a Massachusetts General Hospital doctor decided to conduct a small, informal study on the noodles.

Dr. Braden Kuo, a gastroenterologist, set out to document and compare how the human stomach digests fresh versus preserved ramen noodles. To help him do this a tiny camera called a “smart pill” was used by participants who swallowed them down along with their meal. The accompanying clip shows some of the footage captured inside of the stomachs trying to break down the fresh and processed noodles. As you can see, the comparison is striking at both the 20 minute and 2 hour intervals. Dr. Kuo explains the differences may indicate that the chemical preservatives and additives remain in the digestive tract for longer periods of time, but cautions that larger and more extensive studies need to be done to draw any real conclusions.

Of particular concern is the potential carcinogenic effect that TBHQ may have on human health. Existing studies that have been done involving TBHQ showed a correlation between high doses of the chemical and cancerous stomach tumors in lab animals. Even still, the chemical is approved for human consumption and considered safe, yet it’s true long-term health implications are relatively unknown.

Fresh food is always better for your body than any cheap, processed alternative option will ever be. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

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Apparently THIS Is What Happens Inside Your Stomach When Consume Packaged Ramen Noodles

People on a budget and many college students have a go-to, fast-cooking food called Ramen noodles. The Ramen noodles discussed in this article are the processed  version.  They are very high in sodium, and contain TBHQ  (Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone).

Utilized as a preservative for inexpensive, processed foods, TBHQ,  (a biproduct of the petroleum industry), is a chemical that is difficult to digest and has questionable nutritional value.  The video you are about to watch, contains an experiment done to compare the digestibility of processed vs non-processed Ramen noodles.

A pill-size stomach camera was swallowed by the subjects, in order to view the digestion over time. Dr. Braden Kuo, a gastrointestinal specialist from Massachusetts General Hospital, conducted this experiment and discusses his findings in the footage below.  What you are about to see is a two-hour time lapse video in which you watch the stomachs’ attempting digestion.

In actuality the ingested camera recorded 32 hours of digestion.  Watch for his conclusions and let us know if you think you will continue to ingest foods that contain TBHQ. Although further more controlled studies with a higher subject pool are needed in order to come to more definitive conclusions about the dangers of human consumption of foods containing TBHQ, other studies should be noted.

Studies done in lab rats, found that high concentrations of TBHQ caused tumors and DNA damage.  There are many foods that contain TBHQ.  A few that are commonly indulged in include: McDonalds chicken nuggets and fries; CHEEZE-IT Crackers; Microwave Popcorn and Pam cooking spray.

I don’t know about you, but going forward I intend to examine the food contents to see if TBHQ is included, before I indulge!

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