Why Pay The Exterminator a Fortune When You Can Solve Your Ant Issue With THIS 2 Dollar Hack

It’s getting warmer which is great, but it means those pesky ants are around in droves, getting into your home and your food. They love getting into houses because of the food, and the ability to get safe crawl spaces to hide their colonies. I cringe when I see them all over my house and have used store-bought ant traps in the past instead of going to the expense and chemical exposure of calling an exterminator!

The problem is, now that I have a dog those ant traps contain chemicals as well, which can be quite harmful. The video you are about to watch below, offers a great remedy that should be sprayed outside only, and if you have an animal he shows you how to keep them from getting into this recipe.

Using common household natural ingredients, WATER, SUGAR and/or HONEY and BORAX, the tutorial shows you how to mix and apply. The ants love this, and your problem will be solved within 24-48 hours. If you don’t  have a pet and already have a multitude of ants inside, you can soak cotton balls in this mixture and lay them around the areas of entry at nighttime. It is an amazing remedy for what can be a summertime nightmare!

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This Math Equation Is Breaking The Internet. Can You Figure Out The Right Solution?

images via – sun-gazing.com/facebook.com

If you suffer from mathematical anxiety, which is basically like a math-induced phobia, you may want to take a deep breath before you try to solve this problem. The seemingly simple equation below has managed to stump people left and right and social media users are divided over what the correct answer happens to be. Watch the video below to see a step by step tutorial on getting to the right answer and seeing if you actually solved it correctly. Take a moment to work through it yourself and see what answer you come up with:
6 ÷ 2(1+2) =

The vast majority of people end up with an answer of either 1 or 9. Some even think it is 0, 3, or even 6, but if you came up with any of those three numbers, you’re wrong and way off! However, the reason why 9 and 1 are given as the main answers for this problem comes down to how people were taught to do math. However, in the end only one answer can be correct and if you came up with 9 then congratulations, you solved it!

So why has this equation caused so much confusion that its managed to go viral!? According to Presh Talwalkar, the man behind the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions which posted the explanation, there is an ‘old’ way and a ‘new’ way to approach the problem. Depending on which method you use, you will end up with either 1 doing it the old way, or 9 doing it the modern way.

Check out his video for a much more thorough and complete explanation of each step and see if you agree with what’s being asserted. Despite the comprehensive run through, it looks like a lot of people are still confused and arguing over what the correct answer is in the comments!

If you completely botched the answer or failed to come up with the correct solution, don’t be too hard on yourself. Forgetting how to do math problems like this one is normal and inevitable. Other than simple addition and subtraction, most of us don’t do any type of complex math once we’re finished with school.

If and when we do need to solve something above our abilities, we use a calculator or simply Google the answer. Between changes in the way math curriculum is taught, modern technology, and the passage of time, our math abilities tend to decrease and fade away.

Whatever the case may be, it’s fascinating and quite interesting how one equation can end up causing such a stir. People are really passionate about what they think is the correct answer and way to go about solving this equation. It just goes to show that even what we view as simple math isn’t as straight forward and predictable as we often assume it to be. Check out the video and see what you think!

Watch the video below to see a step by step tutorial on getting to the right answer and seeing if you actually solved it correctly:

Please Share This With Family and Friends To See If They Can Get This Math Problem Right 🙂

Instead of Spending $200 on an Exterminator Do THIS $2 Trick To Get Rid of Your Ant Problem!

Ants can be found in virtually every corner of the world, but the one place that nobody ever wants to see them is inside their house. Even if you happen to see one lone ant, the chances are high that hundreds or thousands more are lurking somewhere nearby. If you ever have a dreadful infestation, or just need to get rid of a few pesky ants, definitely try this simple all-natural solution.

It’s a much safer and less harsh alternative to using a toxic chemical based insecticide, such as Raid, yet it’s just as effective. Plus, the best thing about it is that it’s cheap to make, so stir up a batch and restore your home back into an ant-free setting!

In the accompanying video Greg The Gardener demonstrates how to mix up and use this ant control solution which calls for hot water, borax, sugar, honey, and a spray bottle. Start out by boiling up some water. While you wait, grab a cup and combine 6 teaspoons of sugar with 6-8 teaspoons of Borax in it.

Once the water is boiling, carefully pour in some water and stir until the sugar and borax mixture completely dissolves. Next, add some honey to the cup and more hot water if it’s needed, stir it all together and let it sit. When it’s cooled, pour the mixture into the spray bottle, and now you’re ready to go find some ants to get rid of.

Spray the mix on and around ant trails and focus on cracks and places where they may be entering the house. Allow the solution to pool in high problem ant traffic areas and spray around the foundation. A word of caution, only use this spray outside the house, but it’s safe to use on plants.

Do NOT let pets or animals near it because they can get very sick if they lick or ingest it. You can take a small plastic bottle cap or similar object and pour some of the solution into it, then place it somewhere that animals can’t reach. Also, to be extra safe block access to the mixture even further by placing a pot or cover over it.

This works so well because the ants will be attracted to the sugar and honey. They’ll go back and tell all their fellow ants about it and lead them strait to the sugar source. Once they ingest it, the borax builds up a gas inside of them which causes their death. In particular, this is a great way to get rid of carpenter ants that may be causing a lot of damage to your house, deck areas, and stored lumber or wood piles.

This simple spray is by far the safest, cheapest, and easiest ant control solution I’ve ever come across. As you can see, the comments under the video say that it works extremely well and since it can be made for around fifty cents or so, you may as well try it!

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Do You Have An Ant Problem? Get Rid Of Them For Good This Year Naturally With This Simple Trick.

Ants can be found all over the world, but one place nobody ever wants to see them is inside the house. Even if you see one lone ant, chances are that hundreds more are lurking nearby. If you do happen to have an infestation or need to get rid of a few pesky ants, definitely try this simple and all natural solution.

It’s much safer than using harsh, toxic, chemical based insecticides like Raid, and just as effective. Best of all it’s cheap to make, so stir up a batch and restore your home to an ant-free setting.

This ant control solution requires hot water, borax, sugar, honey, and a spray bottle. First, boil up some water. In a cup combine 6 teaspoons of sugar with 6-8 teaspoons of Borax. Pour in some boiling water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Then add some honey to the cup, and more hot water if you need to, and stir it all together. Once it has cooled, pour the mixture into the spray bottle and go find some ants to get rid of.

Only use this spray outside the house, it is safe to use on plants as well. Spray the mix on and around ant trails and focus on cracks and places where they may be entering the house. Allow the solution to pool in high problem ant traffic areas and spray around the foundation.

Do NOT let pets or animals near it because they can get very sick if they lick or ingest it. You can take a small plastic bottle cap or similar object and pour some of the solution into it, then place it somewhere that animals can’t reach. To be extra safe, block access to the mixture even further, by placing a pot or cover over it.

The ants will be attracted to the sugar and honey, then they will tell their fellow ants about it and lead them to the sugar source. Once they ingest it, the borax builds up a gas inside of them which causes their death.

It’s a great way to get rid of carpenter ants that may be causing a lot of damage to the house, deck areas, and stored lumber or wood piles. The comments in the video say that it works well and since it can be made for around fifty cents, you may as well try it!

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THIS Spice You Already Have In Your Home Will Get Rid Of Your Ant Problem Immediately

Ants are basically everywhere. In fact, the only areas on Earth that lack ants are locations where it’s too cold for them to survive. Oddly enough one such place, Antarctica, sounds like it’s named after them!

Even though they’re just about everywhere, the one place no one ever wants to see any ants is in their house. They’re just gross, some have painful bites, and just the sight of them crawling around can ruin your day. That’s because if you see one little ant it’s very likely that somewhere close by hundreds, maybe even thousands, more are lurking.

If or when your home is invaded by ants, keep calm and grab the cinnamon! It’s an effective all-natural remedy that’s a lot safer for pets and children than any of the toxic, chemical laden ant-rid products are. Plus, your house will end up smelling wonderful!

Here’s how to use cinnamon to repel pesky ants- Simply sprinkle a bit of plain powdered cinnamon wherever you see ants around the house. Look to see where they’re coming from and focus on doors, windows, cracks and crevices, the foundation, near the trash, or wherever else you think they could be getting in. You may also use cinnamon essential oil diluted in a bit of water. Dip a Q tip in the oil and draw a line across doorways or around cracks to form a barrier. Ants hate cinnamon and will not walk on or over it, so be thorough. To see just how well cinnamon works check out the accompanying video. If you were skeptical before the clip, it will make you a believer!

There are several different theories as to why cinnamon works. One is that the strong aroma it emits interferes with the ants sense of smell, which they rely on to get around and communicate by. Ants leave a trail of pheromones to scent mark pathways to food and others follow them, that’s why you often see them following one another in uniform lines. The cinnamon blocks these trails and messes up their sense of smell, sending them packing! Another theory is that ants cannot stand having cinnamon essential oil or powder on their bodies and that breathing it in causes them to choke or suffocate. Regardless of the true cause, it works and that’s all that matters.

All in all it sounds like cinnamon is the way to go. You won’t have to worry about your kids or animals, your house will smell good, and all of the ants will be gone. Try it and stop the little invaders in their tracks!

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