If You Put Some Of These Leaves In and Outside Your Home Will Get Rid Of All Cockroaches For Good!

Cockroaches are two things; gross and scary as heck. When one unexpectedly scurries across the floor most of us either try to kill it or scream and run away in horror. No one wants to share their space with the disease carrying vermin. Not only do the nasty little creatures spread germs and poop all over the place, they also bite and do nothing else except make us feel sick and dirty in our own homes!

Chances are if you spot one cockroach in your house, there’s probably a whole lot more somewhere nearby. Anyone who has ever had to deal with them knows how hard they are to kill and get rid of. It usually takes a few visits from the exterminator and highly toxic chemicals to completely eradicate a roach problem.

But before you go spending your money on a professional exterminator to come in and poison the little suckers try this simple, and much less expensive, alternative method. It’s just as, if not more, effective, and you likely have it on hand in your kitchen cabinet right now. What is it? Bay leaves!

Bay leaves help to keep cockroaches at bay because roaches absolutely hate how they smell and will not go anywhere near them. Placing a few dried bay leaves around the house and anywhere else you don’t want roaches ensures they stay away. Stick them in kitchen cabinets, drawers, under sinks, near baseboards, and in the garage to naturally repel the nasty pests.

One last thing ~ since bay leaves are all-natural, they’re also a whole lot safer to use, especially if your household includes pets and young children!

Please SHARE this tip with friends and family and get the word out that roaches can be easily beat!

This Home Was Abandoned 70 Years Ago In Paris And Remained Untouched. What They Find Inside WOW!

In 1939 a young woman locked the door to her Paris apartment for the last time ever and fled the city of light. Word War II had begun and with the German defensive nearing the city she knew she’d be much safer in the south of France. She was 23 years old when she left the apartment her grandmother had bequeathed her, and over the next 70 years, she never returned. Her name was Madame de Florian and year after year, up until the age of 91, she dutifully paid the rent and upkeep on the apartment.

Upon her death in 2010, it was transferred and given to her family, who hired an auctioneer to go through and inventory its contents. Oliver Choppin-Janvry was the man who first stepped into the long-ago forgotten apartment and he was immediately blown away by the sight that lay before him. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and yet it appeared as though Madame de Florian had only been gone for just a moment.

There was an assortment of makeup, brushes, and perfume bottles laying in a dressing table, candle stubs were scattered about, and glassware and books lined shelves. The artwork had been taken down off the walls and sat propped up against furniture, one of the inventory experts described it as “stumbling into the castle of Sleeping Beauty.” True in a sense, but it was more like stepping into early 1900s Paris, a glamorous and exciting place.

Among all of the treasures lay the most valuable and exciting discovery of all, a painting of a woman in a luxurious pink gown. The woman turned out to be Marthe de Florian, the owner Madam de Florian’s grandmother. She had been a well known actress in Paris who lived lavishly and had many lovers. The man who had painted her portrait was one of them, an Italian artist by the name of Giovanni Boldini.

The painting had never been displayed before and no record of it existed but researchers had a hunch that it was done by him. They only discovered that to be true when they found a love note from him in the apartment, which also showed her to be his muse. The painting was put up for auction and sold for $3.4 million dollars, a record for a Boldini work.

Take a peek inside the amazing apartment and check out the video. See for yourself all of the little details and the unbelievable shape it’s in after being forgotten for 70 years! It’s so cool 🙂

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This House Plant Will Prevent Spiders Mice and Other Creepy Critters From Coming In Your Home.

No one likes seeing mice, spiders, or other creepy little pests inside the house. When you spot something crawling around it can leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own home, especially if you happen to suffer from arachnophobia. Even if you are not one of the estimated 3.5 to 6.1% of the population that is deathly afraid of spiders (source: Wikipedia), you likely don’t want bugs and mice hanging around where you live and sleep at night.

Fortunately there is a simple and effective way to naturally keep unwanted critters out and away from your home. You don’t need to use any gruesome mousetraps, poisons, or toxic chemical sprays. Instead, just use some peppermint, it’s totally safe for humans and non-toxic so if you have children you don’t have to worry about them being harmed. Peppermint is widely available, inexpensive, all-natural, and mice and spiders absolutely hate the smell of it. If they get a whiff they’ll turn right around and head back the way they came from!

For a first line of defense against pests you can plant peppermint all around your house. This acts as a natural barrier to keeping mice at bay, plus it smells wonderful and compliments a garden. You can also use the peppermint spray that’s covered below and in the accompanying video to treat patios, decks, and other outdoor spaces with.

For inside your house there are a couple of things you can do with peppermint. One method is to fill a clean sock with a bunch of dried peppermint and place it strategically around your house in places wherever mice can get in.

The second way to make a natural pest repellent is to brew up a simple batch of peppermint tea. Take a pot of hot water and drop in a handful or two of dried peppermint. Allow it to sit for awhile before straining all of the peppermint out. Finally, place the peppermint infused water into a spray bottle and mist it around any interior spaces like closets, cabinets, carpets, even on clothing. Focus on doors and windows and enjoy the fresh, clean, minty smell!

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This Guy and His Son Moved Into An Old Gas Station. But When I Walked Inside It’s Incredible.

If you were a young boy, and your father took you to an old gas station and with great excitement asked you what you thought about living there, do you think you would jump with joy? Needless to say, it’s a rhetorical question! Robert Guthrie, an artist , kept looking at an old gas station with the idea of turning it into a home, but had to wait until he was able to afford it!

When he got the funds together and told his son he was going to turn it into a home for them to live in, his son really thought he had lost it! As you will see in the video you are about to watch below, that shows what an artist with a vision is capable of creating, you will be as blown away as his son and everyone who has seen it has been; the ‘before and after’ of this magnificent two-story loft is truly exciting
to behold!

Although he refurbished the outside, he maintained the look of an old gas station, but when you look inside Guthrie’s masterpiece of architecture with quirky details that incorporate parts of the original…WOW! The transformation is truly a testament to this artist’s imagination, vision and rare talent! Let us know what you think about this unusual living space.

Please SHARE this fantastic home that is truly a work of art, with your family and friends

Her Neighbors Kept Complaining What A Mess Her Home Was. But When He Came To Her House Wow!

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!  Words certainly can be powerful, but good deeds show that the intention behind respectful and loving words are real.  Such is the case in the unbelievably touching video you are about to watch below!

Agnes, a 90-year-old widow, had been reported by the neighbors about garbage and junk that had been mounting in her back yard for years.  This was a result of a relative dumping his stuff on her property, which Agnes was helpless to stop.  After being reported, she was terrified and humiliated.  Facing fines she could not afford to pay, Agnes contacted a group called “Operation Blessing”, to see if they could help her in some way.

Certainly, as will see in the footage of what they did for Agnes, this was no small act of kindness.  You will be as amazed and touched as Agnes was, to watch these “angels” who came to her rescue.  In these days where we wake up to such horrible news of man’s inhumanity to man, this wonderful video is a reminder that we all must try to counter all the hatred.  Doing acts of kindness, large or small, is so important in keeping our hearts open to love and goodness.  Human beings are truly capable of loving selflessness and caring, despite all the darkness currently in our universe.

Please SHARE This Beautiful Story With Your Family and Friends 🙂

Take A Close Look At This Floor Because THIS Is Not Hardwood. Prepare Yourself To Be Blown Away!

Home designs are often quite expensive no matter what you do and there is no easy way to save money. Whether you are remodeling or building from scratch, projects can add up fast. When it comes to houses and interior designs it’s never a good idea to sacrifice quality and integrity for a lower, cheaper cost.

One particular area that can be very expensive is flooring. It’s something you absolutely have to have, and the options vary greatly, along with the costs. Many people prefer hardwood floors over all the other types.

Wood floors are beautiful and come in many different styles, colors, finishes, and grains. The same goes for fake wood floors like Pergo, but the downside is the higher cost that comes with purchasing, installing, and maintaining them. A much cheaper alternative is concrete flooring, which sounds dull and blehh.

However, there is a way to instantly upgrade a classic concrete floor into faux bois, which is French for fake wood. Sounds fancy, right? With a few extra steps you can take your ugly duckling concrete floor and transform it into a rich, warmly textured, glowing hardwood-esque surface.

The design is called wood concrete and this video shows all the main stages of such a floor being installed from start to finish. The video description says that the process isn’t hard to do, so long as you have the right products and techniques. It’s an excellent way to get more bang for your buck when it comes to interior design and the end results look remarkable.

This is a wonderful technique that seems ideal for basements, play rooms, mud rooms, and so on. In comparison to hardwood, concrete stands up much better to water, animals, kids, and all the scratching and wear and tear that comes with them. Plus, it’s way less expensive!

At first glance it looks like a normal wood floor to the average untrained eye, and only upon closer inspection do you realize it’s not. Check out the video to see what I mean.

Let us know what you think!

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