What Color Is Your Aura?

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Everyone has an aura that is unique and distinctive.  Even if you can’t quite see it in yourself or others, it is always with the person from whom it emanates.  All living things, as well as objects, manifest and put off a certain energy that radiates around them. Many ancient religions, mystics, and spiritualists have described this energy as that of the person’s essence.

Buddhist and Hindu beliefs tie in a person’s aura to the seven colored chakras and Kundalini energy, which can be changed and altered into a sort of spiritual halo with enough spiritual practice and devotion.  This halo of light and ethereal glow crosses over cultures and is well seen in many other western religions, through their art, and in their texts.

A person’s aura can reveal a lot about their emotions and subconscious desires.  If you would like to see what color your aura is, take find out below! This is totally awesome! Enjoy!

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He Growled and Snarled At Everyone Who Got Close To His Cage. But When She Showed Up It’s Unbelievable!

In 2005 the Jukani Predator Park was set up as a refuge for big cats who had previously lived in zoos or experienced abuse in their lives. Conservationists Jurg Olsen and his wife Karen run the South African sanctuary that lions, cheetahs, leopards, panthers, servals and more now call home. Jurg is an ex policeman and shares a close connection with the big cats that he cares for. He is able to play with, walk among, pet, and interact, directly with many of the animals. Except for one, a black leopard.

The leopard previously lived in a European zoo where he had been abused. The trauma turned him into an extremely aggressive cat who trusted no human. He let his hatred be known by growling and snarling at anyone who approached his cage, which he never left. The cat even bit Jurg and put him in the hospital for a week with one bite. Due to his vicious nature, he was named Diabolo.

After 6 months of no progress with Diabolo an outside expert came to visit, who had no knowledge of his past or present condition. Anna Breytenbach, a self styled inter-species communicator, has a unique ability in that she can transmit detailed messages to animals.

She speaks to them visually, through pictures, and silently with thoughts. Anna obtains responses from them that are often extremely detailed and personally revealing. In this video clip, we see her transform the deadly snarling Diabolo into a content and happy cat affectionately re-named Spirit.

When Anna approached the leopards cage he didn’t snarl and growl like always, but instead a wave of peace and calm washed over him. She was able to kneel right outside and look in at him. The two connected and telepathically spoke to one another.

Anna said that he was over-awed by his new surroundings, disliked humans for what they’d done to him, and he was immensely powerful, wise, and felt under appreciated. Specifically, he disliked his name and the darkness it inferred.

He was very concerned about 2 young cubs that used to be next to his cage at the zoo and it was this fact that convinced everyone that Anna must truly be communicating with the leopard. There was no other way she could possibly have known about the two cubs, even they had forgot, but Diabolo hadn’t.

So much more was said and brought out into the light because of Anna’s extraordinary ability and gift for speaking with, and understanding, animals. In less than 24 hours Diabolo’s entire world, demeanor, and life changed for the better, so much so that he earned a new name; Spirit. See what else transpired that fateful day, when Anna met Spirit, and prepare yourself for the unexpected flood of emotions that will wash over you when you hear their wild story.

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