Sick Of Aggressive Wasps Harassing You In Your Yard? THIS Simple Trick Will Stop Them For Good!

Just recently we heard about the shocking and tragic death of a man out gardening, and getting several wasp bites as he disturbed a nest.  As noted, the yellow jacket is often thought of as a “bee”, when in fact it is part of the wasp family!

Unlike most bees, the wasp is an angry an aggressive insect, whose bites are very painful.  Although people may be aware of having an allergy to the bee sting, they may have no knowledge of one to wasps.  A severe allergy to these scary pests can not only be painful, but has the potential to be deathly if not immediately treated with Epinephrine or an “EPI pen”.

According to the video you are about to watch below, as much as WE fear being attacked by wasps, the WASPS themselves ironically FEAR OTHER WASPS!!  So you may be asking yourself, as I did, what am I going to do…get other wasps to go to war with the wasps in my garden?  Hardly!  You will not believe this hack, that tricks those horrible wasps into leaving the area in which you are trying to relax and enjoy your summer…it’s amazingly simple, costs nothing and works!

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You Won’t Get Poison Ivy Again Even If You Come Into Contact With It After You Learn THIS Trick

Poison ivy earned its foreboding name because the vines of the plant creep and climb up things and can be highly toxic to humans when they come into contact with skin. When that occurs most people develop an allergic reaction and an extremely itchy, painful, uncomfortable rash breaks out!

While a small minority of people have a high threshold for poison ivy and never develop a reaction, most others are highly sensitive to it. If they make even slight contact with the plant, like barely brush against it, they are bound to break out. That’s why the best way to prevent a poison ivy rash is to avoid the plant in the first place, but that’s not always possible. If and when you ever do come into contact with poison ivy down the line, you need to know the following information. It can help minimize your risks and save you a lot of pain!

First off, poison ivy reactions are caused by urushiol which is found on the stems and leaves. Urushiol is an oily resin that sticks to everything and so whatever comes into contact with the oil can further spread it all around. Say for example you drive over poison ivy plants, it will get on the tires and then if you touch the tires it can get on your skin. Other more common items that urushiol may contaminate are gardening tools, rakes, chainsaws, and clothing.

Next, if you ever think you may have touched poison ivy then you need to know Jim Brauker’s tip on how to minimize the potential of it turning into a gross, nasty rash. The scientist and wildlife enthusiast explains the best technique for this and demonstrates it himself in the accompanying video. He explains that if you come into contact with poison ivy you need to wash the oil off your skin within 2-8 hours. The sooner you wash the better and even if you’re unsure about whether or not you got any oil on you, wash the area no matter what. Use cold water, soap, and a washcloth to help get it completely off your skin.

The key to this trick is a washcloth, so make sure you use one, because it provides the friction necessary to scrub and lift the oil off your body. Use it on all contaminated areas and a loofah or towel will also work just as well at picking up and removing the oil. As for soap, it doesn’t matter what kind you use, but never wash with hot water!! It causes pores to open up and that will allow the urushiol in.

Poison ivy rashes are no laughing matter and in a perfect world we’d all avoid the plant in the first place. To help you do that, here’s what you need to know on how to identify it:

“Leaves of three, let them be. Leaves of five, let them thrive.” The first half of this old saying is a helpful way to remember how to identify a poison ivy plant, the second part serves to prevent other similar looking vine-type plants from being confused or wrongly associated with it. Other sayings provide more details on how to identify the plant, two of which include; “longer middle stem, don’t touch them” and “hairy vine, no friend of mine.” Out of the three total leaves it’s the middle one that has the longest stem and the vines will have tons of small ‘hairs’ that help it stick to things as it climbs. This is important to know since the leaves die and fall off in the fall/winter but the stems, roots, and vines can still all give you a rash because they also contain urushiol oil. Other things to look for are glossy leaves with smooth or toothed edges and in late summer the plants sometimes grow white berry clusters.

Hopefully you never have to use Jim Brauker’s poison ivy removal method, but if you do you’ll be glad you took the time to check his video out! Pass this tip on to the gardeners, hikers, nature enthusiasts, and the people most likely to run into poison ivy in your life, and stay safe!

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THIS Is How You Can Clear Your Stuffy Nose For Good With This Genius Trick In Only 2 Minutes

It’s that time of year again when the weather changes and we all start getting colds. There are many annoying symptoms of the common cold, but for me the very worst is not being able to breathe.

What I’m talking about here is the endless runny nose; no matter how many times you blow it to try to get relief, there just seems to be an endless supply of mucous. Your nose gets raw from all the blowing, your head hurts and you still can’t get any air!

It makes sleeping difficult, and is just generally a terrible drain on your whole system.In the video below, Prevention magazine offers two great solutions that can clear a stuffy nose in 2 minutes.

The first involves touching your tongue in back of your front teeth and tapping between your eyebrows. It’s best to watch the demonstration and explanation of how to do it, and what it releases.

The second exercise is the “Hold Your Breath and Pinch” method. Watch to see how to do this properly. I think you will find the explanation of why this works not only useful but quite interesting.

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With 3 Simple Steps You Can Unshrink All Clothes Back To The Size They Once Were!

Whether you like doing laundry or not, it is a necessity of life that can’t be avoided.  There is nothing worse than washing cotton clothes that haven’t been preshrunk, and forgetting about NOT putting them in the dryer.  I just cringe when my favorite new tee shirt or pants get shrunk!

Until I came upon this incredible DIY, I never even thought that UNSHRINKING clothes was a possibility!  When cotton clothes shrink, that is known as CONSOLIDATION SHRINKAGE.  The combination of moisture, heat, and the back and forth motions of machine washing and drying causes this type of shrinkage.

Amazingly enough you are about to watch the solution for UNSHRINKING YOUR CLOTHES. All that is required is baby shampoo and water.  The steps in doing this are easy to follow, and I can attest that this works, because I decided to try it myself before passing this on.

This will save you lots of money in replacing ruined clothes!

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I’ve Been In An Elevator A Million Times But I Had No Idea You Could Do THIS!

If you’re like me and the mere act of stepping into an elevator sends you right to the edge of a panic attack, then this is a good trick for you. When you are in the seemingly eternal moments of enduring claustrophobia and wondering if the elevator door is ever going to open again, it could be handy to get the ride over with as quick as possible.

Usually, you have to keep your cool through the repeated stopping of the lift, feeling the enclosed box come to a sudden halt and the instantaneous loss of gravity which provides the feeling of all your innards moving toward your mouth.

Apparently, there is a way to lessen the amount of time spent suffering in this manner. You can actually control whether the elevator stops along the way while you are in it. When you step inside and push the number of the floor you wish to get off at, you can hold down that number together with the close door button for five seconds, and the elevator will go straight to that floor without interruption.

You no longer have to have your anxiety multiplied by every floor and by each person that enters into the tiny space effectively making it smaller and smaller. Conversely, maybe you are a thrill seeker and happen into an elevator with an attractive person whom you might be able to put the moves on.

By inhibiting any disturbance from other elevator riders, you could squeeze in a quickie if the building is tall enough. If you’re only traveling a few stories, a good make out session, or some touchy feeling, is feasible without the intrusion of unsuspecting visitors.

No matter what your incentive, this is a great trick for the elevator regular, except not if you’re the one waiting to get inside.

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Her Clever Trick For Putting On Eyeliner On Perfectly Every time Is Impressive. This Is So Simple.

Being able to create the really dramatic look of winged eyeliner, without the help of a makeup artist, would really be a great achievement. The video you are about to watch below, offers an easy-to-follow tutorial, that will allow you to create the nighttime dramatic eye-popping look!

This YouTuber shows you a way to do this in a really sophisticated, tasteful way. She uses a felt-tipped eye makeup pen to place dots in strategic spots along the rim of the eyelid, that will be connected in order to create the outline that will finally be filled in.

Once you have connected the dots to create the outline for the “cat eye”, it’s time to fill in. This can be done with a gel or liquid liner, depending on what you are most comfortable working with. Finally, you can use those pointed q-tips that you have always since in the pharmacy, to clean up any messy edges or do some blending.

Just watch the footage below that takes you through each step, and then try it for yourself. The method is foolproof, and you will find that it is fun to create this look. Let us know if you try it and are happy with the results.

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