Apparently If You Tap These Spots 1x a Day For a Week THIS Is What Happens To Your Body!

Human beings share many traits and embody unique emotional characteristics that are borne out of unique experiences.  As such, every person has an energy about them that is unique from every other individual.  Therefore the success of different therapies has differing effectiveness from person to person. The particular therapy discussed in the video below is known as EFT, or emotional freedom tapping.

As in acupuncture, acupressure can relieve both physiological and emotional pain.  “Tapping” is a touching acupressure (without needles) that is part of ancient Chinese medicine; it pinpoints blocked energy. As a result of traumatic events in our lives, negative energy gets stored at different points in our body, that get released or healed through this tapping form of acupressure.

EMT has been shown to be successful in alleviating anxiety, and there is now a theory proposed by Jessica Ortner, that tapping your fingers in different places can help with weight loss.  In her book, “Tapping for Weight Loss” she explains how tapping can recondition the negative links between mind and body.  Reconditioning the brain to think calm thoughts while doing EMT, reduces the anxiety that signals physiological food cravings that causes ’emotional overeating’.

Dr. Priscilla Kerr, of Winnipeg, uses acupuncture for alleviating anxiety that leads to weight gain. She sees tapping as a viable extension of this therapy.  This is done by reducing levels of energy in different parts of the body, so that patients are enabled to eat more mindfully.

The tapping technique of EFT uses the acu-points to remove the anxiety associated with overeating.  These nine points of the tapping sequence are addressed in Ortner’s video that you are about to watch.  The beauty of this therapy is that once learned, people can do this on their own.

By going through the tapping sequence that goes from the side of the hand to the top of the head and pairing that with positive affirmations, EFT can be a very useful adjunct for losing weight.  This obviously needs to be combined with healthy eating; it is not a license to eat junk, but rather a tool in reducing such cravings.  Watch the video for a more in depth illustration and explanation of this technique.

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The 8 Most Common Signs Of A Gluten Intolerance Most People Don’t Know They Have Or Just Ignore!

We have all been hearing about gluten free diets for a few years now.  Some people think that everyone needs to be on a gluten free regimen, and others mistakenly think that it has something to do with weight loss.  The truth is that gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a syndrome suffered by approximately 15% of Americans.

This number could be somewhat higher because a large majority who are somewhere on this spectrum, never will be correctly diagnosed.  That is why the information contained in the video below is really quite important.  You may be suffering some of the following symptoms, and have no idea what is wrong with you.

The following are 8 signs that may mean you have a sensitivity or intolerance to gluten:

CHRONIC DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS; everything from constipation to diarrhea, and bloating that comes from gas buildup without any obvious cause, can be a sign of gluten intolerance.  In children particularly, constipation that doesn’t go away may be indicative of gluten intolerance.

Some of you may have touched the back of your arms and thighs and felt little bumps for years.  This “chicken skin”,  believe it or not,  may be a condition known as KERATOSIS PILARIS; it comes from a lack of fatty acid that is a result of gluten doing damage to your gut.  I would never have thought that this could be related to gluten sensitivity.

CHRONIC FATIGUE can be a function of so many disorders,  and obviously too little sleep.  So what might alert you to a relationship between your fatigue and gluten intolerance?  When the fatigue and a kind of brain fogginess follows meals that contain gluten.  With chronic fatigue, a consultation with a physician should be sought right away.

A DIZZY FEELING, almost like being drunk, where your balance is impaired is another common sign of gluten intolerance.

Having pain in multiple trigger points and joints may lead to a diagnosis of FIBROMALGIA.  When coupled with chronic fatigue, rather than being Fibromyalgia, you may very well be suffering from gluten intolerance.  Many diagnosed with Fibromyalgia never look further; by eliminating gluten from their diet they could end up pain-free.

MOOD DISORDERS, or mood swings associated with anxiety, depression, bipolar disease, ADD and ADHD may be triggered by gluten intolerance.  The only way to find out if this is a contributing cause, is to eliminate gluten from your diet, and see if the disorder gets better.

CHRONIC HEADACHES  or MIGRAINES can be caused by many things.  However, it may be indicative of gluten intolerance.  Changing nothing but the elimination of gluten, and seeing if the headaches are reduced or eliminated, is the way to discover if gluten is involved.

Although AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES such as: rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Scleroderma can come from many different sources,  gluten intolerance is one cause that should be ruled out with all of these diseases.

After you watch the video below, please let us know if any of these signs or symptoms are something that you have suffered, and whether you think that gluten intolerance may be a possible cause.

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If You Put An Ice Cube On This Spot 1x a Day For a Month These Are The Health Benefits For Your Body

Both ancient and contemporary medicine involve switching on certain bodily mechanisms with the aim of having it heal and improve itself naturally. The pills and lasers of today are the modern day equivalent of things like crystals and reiki from yesterday.

All of these types of practices, therapies, medicines, and so on center around activating a response from within us in hopes of altering or ameliorating our health for the better.

Ever since mankind has existed people have been engaged in relentless pursuits for miracle cures and anti-aging potions. The endless stream of creams, lotions, tonics, diets, treatments, and more are proof of this and while they often promise the world, they rarely ever deliver.

Rather than wasting your time and hard earned money on some disappointing product that was marketed specifically towards you, try ice point therapy. It’s an easy, all-natural, and affordable approach to optimizing your health and well-being. Here’s how to do it:

Gather together an ice cube and a towel then begin by laying flat on your stomach. Find a comfortable position and relax before placing the towel under your head and chin. Next, place the ice cube on the back of your neck at the base of your skull and if you need a better idea of exactly where to situate it, refer to the accompanying video.

Allow the ice cube to sit there and slowly melt for at least 20 minutes and then use the towel to clean up the water. Ice point therapy works best when it’s done every day in the morning on an empty stomach, and again in the evening right before you go to bed.

This alternative healing method has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s derived from ancient Chinese medicine and is related closely to acupuncture and acupressure. The precise point that it revolves around, where your head and neck meet at the base of your skull, is known as the Feng Fu point.

When ice is applied to the point it has an energizing effect. People report feeling younger, more refreshed, and clear headed after just a few applications. Furthermore, the Feng Fu point is also believed to promote the following health benefits:

– Improved mood – Better sleep – Relief from common colds – Reduced thyroid issues – Headache and migraine pain relief – Toothache relief – Alleviates – PMS symptoms – Reduced risks associated with lung and cardiovascular diseases

In the end, a simple cube of ice can give you a boost of energy and help you stay healthy. Try it for a month straight and see if you notice a difference in your life. Who knows, it might just be the answer you’ve been looking for! Watch the video below for more information:

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This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink 1-3 Tbsp Of Virgin Coconut Oil Per Day For A Month

I know, I know….You are constantly seeing posts that either warn of some unseen or unknown danger that has been lurking in your world forever, that you’ve had no idea about.  OR, alternatively, there is a post claiming some ‘superfood’ that will change your life and health forever!  I get the cynicism of some who read these things, and question their veracity.

However, it is important to screen through the nonsense, and filter out what is important health information and what is fluff.  One way to decide what is worth paying attention to, are longitudinal studies that have been replicated to show significant benefits of a true ‘superfood’.  One such food, that has been experimentally validated in human studies, is COCONUT OIL.

Although, for some time, coconut oil was thought to be tainted by the fact that it contains 90% saturated fat, new studies have shown that SOME SATURATED FATS DON’T CLOG ARTERIES.

The ones found in coconut oil, unlike those found in cheese or red meat, are metabolized differently due to their health-promoting, unique combination of fatty acids.  It has been shown to have profound effects on brain function and disorders such as Alzheimer’s, as well as other significant health benefits.

You will hear in greater detail, about these stunning health benefits, in the video you are about to watch below.  When the fatty acids found in coconut oil are broken down into enzymes, they have the capability to: PREVENT and TREAT CANCER; PROVIDE ENERGY BY STIMULATING THE THYROID, which in turn burns more calories.

This fact as well as the way the saturated oils are broken down into ketones, REDUCES HUNGER which further results in WEIGHT LOSS. It PREVENTS HEART DISEASE, as the oil contains 50% Lauric Acid which kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and prevents infections.  It protects the heart by preventing high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

The video goes on to discuss coconut oil’s ability to IMPROVE DIGESTION, CURE UTIs and KIDNEY INFECTION and PROTECT THE LIVER.  It kills harmful bacteria in the mouth which has a significant benefit to DENTAL HEALTH.

These results certainly give food for thought as to why we, in the Western world, do not have coconut as a staple in our diet.  Certain cultures, particularly in the South Pacific get 60% of their calories from coconuts.  One such population, the Tokelauans, have statistically significant better health, and NO EVIDENCE OF HEART DISEASE.

After watching the video, which will discuss the mechanisms of how coconut oil offers these health benefits in greater depth, let us know whether you will attempt to make it a greater part of your diet.

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13 Signs and Symptoms You Have a Thyroid Condition and May Not Even Know It.

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Without a properly functioning thyroid gland, living a healthy, normal, balanced life is all but impossible to enjoy. That is because the gland, located in the front base of our necks, is responsible for producing all of the hormones our bodies need to function. These hormones help control metabolism and are what our other vital organs rely on for energy in order to work efficiently and properly.

It naturally follows that thyroid hormones can have a huge impact on how different parts of the body work, including the heart, liver, muscles, brain, and more. When the thyroid gland is under-active and does not produce enough thyroid hormone, it leads to a disorder known as hypothyroidism. The most common causes of an under-active thyroid are a lack of sufficient iodine in one’s diet, an underlying autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto’s, and radiation treatment.

In terms of iodine deficiency, a change in diet can help ensure that you are getting enough. The human body does not make its own supply of iodine and so eating foods that are naturally rich in iodine, such as organic yogurt, cranberries, navy beans, strawberries, potatoes, cheddar or cheese made with goat’s milk, can help thyroid function. Thankfully there is an easy way to diagnose hypothyroidism, via a blood test, and from there it can be managed and treated with hormone therapy.

If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to a variety of different health issues. Joint pain, obesity, heart disease, infertility, depression, and even coma can result from the condition. By knowing what symptoms to look out for you can avoid those complications and get treatment before it spirals out of control. Here are the most common signs of hypothyroidism:

1. Sudden and unexplained weight gain 2. Muscle weakness 3. General fatigue 4. Constipation 5. Memory loss 6. Thinning, coarse, or dry hair 7. Rough, dry, pale skin 8. Puffy face 9. Sensitivity and/or intolerance to cold 10. Depression 11. Increased irritability 12. Muscle aches and cramps 13. Abnormal menstrual cycle with heavier or irregular periods in women

Check out the video below for more information:

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5 Easy Ways To Activate Your Weight Loss Hormones and Boost Your Metabolism

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It’s been said that the key to maintaining a healthy weight begins in the kitchen and that it’s 80% diet, 20% exercise and lifestyle. That simple belief has not slowed or lessened humanity’s ongoing desire and search for the latest and greatest miracle cure that promises to help us shed the pounds faster and easier. People are willing to try anything to lose weight, from fasting and taking risky pills to restricting their diet and getting plastic surgery.

While losing weight can be extremely difficult, there are some basic things that you can to to naturally activate your weight loss hormones. Those are the hormones which regulate and have the biggest impact on our body weight. That way you can achieve a healthier overall balance, and weight, without having to resort to the more drastic measures mentioned above. Below are five ways in which you can turn on weight loss hormones, so give them a try and see if they can make a difference in your life:

1. Eat a Proper Breakfast. Never skip the most important meal of the day because it helps to switch your body from a state of fasting to an awake, calorie burning machine. That’s because when you’re asleep and in a state of rest your metabolism, breathing, and heart rate are all slowed down. In order to start your day off right and turn on the weight loss hormones, you need to eat a balanced breakfast. That means a meal consisting of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates that’s around 800 calories or less.

2. Focus on Your Breathing. By practicing certain measured breathing techniques you can speed up your metabolism and burn through more calories than you would with regular, normal breathing patterns. According to a recent study, the following breathing technique led to participants having an increased resting metabolic oxygen consumption rate of up to thirty-seven percent. What they were asked to do was breathe through only one nostril at a time, closing off the other one completely, for twenty-seven breathing cycles. This was done four times per day for one month and it was found to make that much of a difference by speeding up metabolism and activating weight loss hormones.

3. Eat More Satisfying Types of Foods. When you eat junk foods that are filled with sugar and salt you won’t feel full for long and so you end up eating even more just to feel sated. By choosing to eat more filling foods that leave you feeling satisfied for longer after eating, you can avoid piling on the pounds. The hormone which is primarily responsible for making us feel full is leptin and it can be found in high amounts in the following list of foods; oatmeal, hot peppers such as jalapenos, grapefruit, turkey, chicken and other lean types of meats like beef and pork, fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines, yogurt (the low-fat variety), broccoli, green tea, almonds, eggs, beans, skim milk, olive oil, turmeric, and apples. Working these leptin-rich foods into your diet will naturally leave you feeling fuller for longer and will help prevent you from over-eating.

4. Aim to Get a Quality Nights Rest. By getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep every night, you will feel better all around. Failing to get enough sleep leads to leptin levels dropping, the hormone that makes you feel full, and so you’ll be more likely to eat more and yet still not feel satisfied. That leads to overeating as your body is looking for ways to make up for the energy it’s lacking from the lack of sleep. Studies have found that people who don’t get enough sleep are at an increased risk for a number of health issues, including gaining weight.

5. Aim to Increase and Build up Your Muscles. Working out and lifting weights is the key to increasing muscle mass. When you lift heavy weights enough times to feel a burn that means your body is producing testosterone, a sex hormone that we all have in our systems and which helps build muscle by burning fat. You don’t even need a gym or set of weights to activate this weight loss hormone. Instead, by simply carrying heavy things like groceries, packages, or even your kids whenever you get a chance to throughout the day, you can increase testosterone levels. However, doing a number of repetitions and lifting weights to the point where you can feel it, and are sore the next day, is a key factor to shedding pounds.

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