They Told Her Not To Wear A Bikini Because She Is Too Big.

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Loey Lane is an army wife, animal lover, college student, and a beauty blogger. She uploads lots of videos to her YouTube channel, LoeyLane, and receives a ton of comments and feedback from them. Sometimes she wears revealing outfits in her videos, like bikinis, and some people feel the need to say things about it.

While many commentators in her audience are positive, non-judgmental, and even defend her, others are quite cruel. To effectively deal with these ‘haters’ and address them directly, Loey made a video titled “Why fat girls shouldn’t wear bikinis.” She runs through the main reasons that people reference when they say that she should cover up and promptly points out the wrong in their reasoning.

She has some very poignant and thoughtful responses and it’s refreshing to see her stand up for herself while taking the high road. She doesn’t lower herself to the level of the trolls who spout off cruel jibes and hide behind their computer screens, and that makes her all the more authentic and worthy of listening to.

Loey’s message is all about body positivity, loving life, and believing in yourself. Every single body type whether it be fit, thin, fat, average, large, and so on, is beautiful. If someone has nothing nice to say then they should keep their mouths shut. Loey is spreading the message that you are free to do what you choose, and that includes wearing whatever you want to.

Life is too short to be miserable and always worried about what others think. Live it for you and only you, not random, judgmental jerks on the internet. Check out her awesome response video and please help to spread and share her body positive message.

No one person’s body is completely perfect, but all of our bodies are beautiful.

Watch the video below for her full epic response:

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Everytime I went to my best friends house it smelled incredible. But then she showed me This Trick:

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It is wonderful to have our homes smell good, and scented candles became very popular over the last decade.  That is, until it was discovered that many of these candles and scented sprays contain really dangerous chemicals, that can cause permanent lung damage.

I, myself, have stopped using those candles that I used to love, because of the inherent health hazard they carry.  I’m always looking for natural alternatives that are chemical free, to provide a nice fresh smell in my home.  When I came upon this DIY video for creating a natural air freshener I was intrigued.

The video below is a great tutorial for how to easily, inexpensively and quickly make your own fresh and chemical-free deodorizer.  Two alternative versions are demonstrated, which differ slightly in how they release the fragrance.

For both versions, all you will need are: a MASON JAR WITH A TIN LID, HAMMER, FORK, EMPTY CANDLE CONTAINER, SCREWDRIVER, BAKING SODA AND SOME ESSENTIAL OIL.  The DIY is easy to follow, and gives you a great means to slow-release a pleasant scent into any room in your home.

Watch the video below for the full simple, easy and cheap DIY air freshener life hack:

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Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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Vinegar is arguably one of the most useful substances on the planet, at least when it comes to making life in your home easier, less expensive and safer! Why use nasty chemicals that cost an arm and a leg when you can use something that has been proven by time and countless mothers and grandmothers? I personally use vinegar for more things than I can count, and I have known about the wonderful liquid since before I can remember because my mom used it for literally everything. We are going to thoroughly run through some of the best little known vinegar life hacks that will make your life so much easier.

Is your drain clogged? Try pouring baking soda, followed by vinegar, down the drain and watch the magic. Something gooey sticking to your wall? Grab the vinegar and give it a squirt, then easily wipe it away.

Does your trash can smell like garbage, even when it’s empty? Soak a piece of bread in vinegar and leave it in the garbage can overnight, and voila, no more stank. It can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner: just fill up a spray bottle with one third vinegar and two thirds water.

Too many fruit flies? Fill a glass with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes. The flies enter, but cannot escape. It can even be used to straighten clothes if an iron isn’t available. A few other uses include keeping cats off the furniture, helping cut flowers stay fresh longer, getting tough stains out of pots and pans and cleaning glasses for a smudge-free sheen. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Hopefully you find these helpful tips and tricks over the next few weeks and months.

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If you found these 10 Vinegar Life Hacks helpful keep scrolling for more awesome vinegar life hacks:


Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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When it comes to cleaning just about everyone loves learning new simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from YouTube channel Outdoors and Gear Review highlights a helpful trick for dealing with a common and difficult problem you’re likely to encounter when tidying and cleaning your bathroom up; hard water deposits and stains.

Hard water can be a real pain in the neck and the nasty looking stains and blemishes that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces can be extremely hard to fully remove. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.

These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains it leaves behind. Over time these gradually build up on stuff, especially faucets and shower heads.

Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there’s a better and more affordable way to go about cleaning a shower head with crusted on mineral build up. All you need is apple cider vinegar, a Ziploc bag, and a rubber band.

Simply pour some apple cider vinegar into the plastic bag and place it over and on the shower head. Use a rubber band to secure it in place and then leave it on overnight. Remove the baggy the following day, wipe the shower head clean, and it should be restored to its former glory!

Check out the video for more information and to see just how shiny and spotless looking it turns out. This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you’re stuck cleaning the house!

Have you tried any of these? Will you be trying any? Let us know..

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If you found this gross and grimy vinegar shower head cleaning life hack helpful keep scrolling for more awesome life hacks


Check out These 5 Awesome Vaseline Life Hacks Everyone Should Know:

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While you may only think of Vaseline as an integral part of your grandmother’s home remedies and go to solutions, it actually really is a product that can seemingly do it all. People use the petroleum based, gooey, slippery substance for all sorts of things. There are countless household and beauty tricks that involve it, whether it’s loosening stuff up or smearing some on minor cuts and burns to help them heal. This article and video focuses on several beauty related uses for the product that may prove useful and come in handy, and will definitely save you time and money.

If you love to paint your nails then you likely have encountered polish bottles with their tops stuck on them. It takes almost superhuman strength to loosen and get them them of when they dry on and stick like that. To prevent this, take a cotton swab and dab some Vaseline around the base of the bottle opening and on the threads where the cap twists on, now it won’t stick the next time you go to open it.

Another nail polish trick is to coat the skin around your nails with some Vaseline before painting them. This will keep the polish from sticking to your skin, cut down on the clean up, and make your paint job look all the more professional.

If you have rough, dry skin on your feet rub a little Vaseline on them before you go to bed. Slather some all over your feet, then put on a pair of socks, and wake up to smooth soft skin. For those of us with sensitive ears that act up and become sore when wearing earrings, try rubbing Vaseline on the metal stud part that goes through your ear.

By coats the earring it helps them slide through and lessens any negative reaction or sensitivity you may have. If the scent of your perfume disappears way too quickly take some Vaseline, apply a thin coat to the area where you plan to spritz it on, then spray the perfume over that area. This works great at holding the fragrance and makes it last much more longer, plus it won’t alter the perfume’s scent.

If you haven’t already, toss a small jar of the wonder product in your bag so it’s always on hand close by. Use it to touch up makeup, soften rough skin, loosen stuck tops and lids, or as a lip gloss/chap-stick stand in when you inevitably lose or misplace them.

Besides being versatile, it’s also widely available and can be found in practically any pharmacy, health, convenience or grocery store around the world. Best of all, Vaseline is relatively cheap and costs only a few dollars, with a jar of it easily lasting a year or two before running out. With Vaseline, the possibilities may just be endless!

Have you tried these life hacks?

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The Next Batch of Life Hacks are some incredibly useful winter life hacks that will make your life so much easier this winter:

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Along with the cold weather, there are a number of special challenges that winter brings along with it, and we all have to just deal with them! Dry skin, chapped lips, stuffy noses, darkness at 4PM, winter storms, the list goes on and on. One of the most annoying things by far is clearing walkways and driveways of snow and ice. The same goes for cars, but while you can often drive through a little bit of snow, you can’t with an ice-covered windshield. Not only is it illegal to drive with an obstructed view, it’s also insanely dumb and extremely dangerous!

While defrosting the car and scraping ice off the windshield seems like a necessary evil, it doesn’t have to be. You really don’t need to wake up extra early just to stumble around in the freezing cold darkness so that you can drive to work. Instead, you can save yourself some time and energy by doing the following:

In a spray bottle container mix together 2 parts isopropyl alcohol with 1 part water and then add in 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Shake it up, spray it directly onto an icy windshield, and watch the ice literally melt away right before your very eyes!

This rubbing alcohol spray is the perfect thing to have on hand for freezing cold mornings and icy windshields. You can leave the bottle in your car and it won’t even freeze, unless it gets well under zero. That’s because the freezing point of isopropyl alcohol is -128.2 degrees Fahrenheit, so when you spray it on the ice, it doesn’t freeze up. Instead, it helps to melt the ice and keeps it from re-freezing. Since all you have to do is mist it on, it’s by far the quickest and easiest way to clear a windshield that’s coated with a thick layer of ice.

Don’t forget to check out the video to see exactly how well this works in action and be sure to pass it along to those who could use the smart tip. If it can make someone’s life a little bit easier this winter, then it’s worth it!

This is super helpful for those rough winter months.

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If you found this awesome winter life hack help keep scrolling and reading for 7 More Amazing Winter Life Hacks:

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Winter is tough. Along with the cold, dry weather comes a number of challenges that we all have to deal with. Cars need to be cleared of snow and ice and the same goes for walkways and driveways. Traveling often becomes way more difficult than usual and to top it off our health also takes a tumble for the worse.

Many of us are plagued by dry itchy skin, sore chapped lips, and stuffy noses that just won’t go away. These things quickly add up and can make it seem like winter is dragging on forever, especially when problems pop up outside on top of the health issues we may be facing.

Which is why these simple winter hacks, covered by the Millennial Moms YouTube channel, are perfect for right now. The video features some of the most clever ways to solve common winter woes and it might offer a solution to a problem you’re currently dealing with. These are some of the best hacks shown in the clip, but there are a total of fifteen, so be sure to check it out for all of the rest.

1) Winterize Boots- This trick does the job to keep feet warm and dry inside of boots that aren’t waterproof. After putting on your socks take two large plastic Ziploc bags and stick a foot in each. Grab a couple of rubber bands and slide them on over the bag to secure it in place and seal the top off around your leg. Pull on your boots and say goodbye to cold, wet feet.

2) Prevent Static Build Up In Hair- Pull a dryer sheet on over the bristles of your hair brush so that they poke through. Brush your hair as normal to eliminate the static, plus it’ll smell clean and great.

3) DIY Boot Inserts- Maintain the shape of tall boots by cutting a foam pool noodle into thirds or fourths, then stick a piece in each boot and they’ll stay upright, making them easier to organize and wear later on.

4) Stop Wipers From Freezing to a Car Windshield- Take an old pair of long cotton socks and slide them over each wiper, puling it down as far as it can go or reaches. This will prevent wipers from freezing and/or sticking to the windshield, and makes life all the more easier.

5) Organize Winter Gear- Hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, neck warmers and all other winter accessories can be neatly stored in one accessible place with a shoe organizer. Hang it over a door and never search for lost gloves again.

6) Windshield Treatment- This one is the best! A combination of vinegar and water works wonders at preventing frost and ice from building up on car windshields and windows. Mix the two liquids up in a spray bottle, spritz it on car windows, then wipe off with a soft cloth.

7) Boot Tray- Keep floors safe, clean, and dry by making your own boot tray. This one is much more appealing than commercially available ones and works even better. Fill a large metal cookie sheet with a layer of decorative rocks and put it near the door so that when people enter they can immediately place wet boots on the rocks. The water will drip through the rocks to the bottom and soon evaporate. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tips covered in the clip and be sure to pass it along to those who could use these smart hacks to make their own lives easier.

These are just really helpful.

Please Pass These Awesome Winter Life Hacks To Your Family and Friends


If you found these 7 incredible winter life hacks to be helpful keep scrolling for a — For 12 Awesome Car Cleaning Life Hacks You Probably Haven’t Heard About:

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Having your car professionally detailed can easily end up being quite expensive. While it’s always nice to have a sparkling clean car, it’s even better when you can have it without spending a small fortune. Thankfully there are all sorts of cheap ways to clean your car with common items that you probably already have around the house. They can do the job just as well, if not even better, than what professional cleaners use.

These are just a few of the handy tricks covered in the accompanying video so be sure to check it out for even more:

Clean your headlights with toothpaste. Use regular toothpaste, not the gel type, to polish up car headlight lenses by rubbing it on evenly with a cloth. Move in quick circular motions to then buff it off and you should notice the grime and fogginess disappear.

Remove stubborn old bumper stickers cleanly and completely with WD-40. Simply spray the sticker with WD-40 and let it sit for a while, the sticker will absorb it, then you can peel it right off.

Remove pet fur from carpets and seats with a spray bottle, water, and a squeegee. Spray the water on the seat and then move the squeegee over the area, it will gather and lift up the hair so you can easily pick it up.

Clean air vents with small foam brushes. They can easily fit in even the smallest vents and pick up all the dirt and dust inside them.

Use coffee filters to dust your car dashboard. Unlike cloth towels and paper towels, coffee filters won’t leave behind lint or just push dust around. Instead they work great at picking up dust and you can toss a few in the glove compartment for whenever you might need one to freshen up the dash.

Get streak free windows by cleaning them with newspaper. It’s the cloths and paper towels that leave streaks when you clean your windows so don’t even bother using them. Instead, spray down the window with cleaner and wipe it off with a piece of newspaper as you normally would.

Get rid of stubborn, lingering odors by sprinkling baking soda on car seats and carpets. Let it sit for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. The baking soda should absorb the foul odors, leaving your car smelling fresh and clean.

There are even more clean car tips covered in the video and it might just have the solution you’ve been looking for so be sure to check it out!

Will you be trying any of these? Let us know

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This Is The Strange Reason Your Tendon Protrudes Out Of Your Wrist Like That.

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Over the past 200,000 years or so modern humans have been developing and many tiny changes have led to our current form. All of us who are alive today are a product of adaptation, evolution, and natural selection. Even though our ancestors may have looked similar in appearance to us, many physical and anatomical things are different these days. Proof of this can be found in the vestigial structures scattered throughout our bodies.

Vestigial structures are are left over parts of the evolutionary creature that used to be useful to the organism but as time progressed through the years these parts have lost almost all of their original function due to changes in evolution. Essentially, mother nature renders certain things absolute or no longer necessary for the survival of a species going forward.

Instead of eliminating it all together, it’s slowly faded out and rendered useless, but still remains intact. Why certain body parts and functions stay, while others get completely eliminated, is largely a mystery of nature. Most of them do not harm us in any way and the ones that do, such as wisdom teeth or an appendix, can be easily dealt with and safely removed.

The best known examples of vestigial structures include the appendix, goosebumps, wisdom teeth, tonsils, male nipples, and the outer ear. These body parts and traits used to serve important, necessary functions to our ancestor’s survival but today they are no longer needed. The accompanying video goes over all of the aforementioned things and more in clear detail so be sure to check it out and learn more about why goosebumps could have come in handy a few hundred thousand years ago.

A neat way to see how you may have evolved is to lay your arm on a flat surface so that the underside and the palm of your hand face up. Touch and press together your pinky finger and thumb and then raise your hand up at the wrist just a little bit, as shown in the video.

If there is a raised band in the middle of your wrist, you have a vestigial muscle in your forearm called the palmris longus. The ridge you see is a tendon that connects to it and that muscle is either absent from both arms, or missing from one arm, in an estimated 10-15% of the population. If you’re missing this muscle there’s no need to worry because it’s essentially useless! Studies have shown that it has absolutely no effect at all on a person’s grip or pinch strength.

Check out the video for more neat and interesting facts on how us humans have evolved over time and pass this article and information on so that more people can be informed!

Did you know about this tendon?

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This Is The Surprising Reason Doctors Are Saying If You Cross Your Legs Stop Right NOW!

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Did your mother ever used to tell you to sit like a lady and cross your legs? Mine did and even if she hadn’t I would have ended up sitting like that anyways. After all, it’s a comfortable position regardless of whether or not you’re wearing a skirt or dress and need to preserve your modesty.

For many women it’s simply the way that they most often sit and they rarely give it much more thought than that. However, perhaps they should re-think sitting cross-legged because it may be bad for our health and bodies in the long run.

Surprisingly, there are several negative impacts that sitting with one leg draped over the other at the knee may lead to. For starters, it can be really bad for your lower back. That’s because it prevents you from sitting up straight and instead you’re forced to maintain a position that leads to poor posture.

Over time this causes stress and strain on the lower spine and back which can be quite painful and uncomfortable. In addition to back pain, sitting cross-legged at the knee can increase blood pressure. Studies have shown that when people sit cross legged for an extended amount of time, their blood pressure goes up.

This is because the position prevents blood from flowing strong and freely, and more blood is sent back up to your chest area. The resulting increase in blood in your upper body puts strain on the heart which has to pump more of it and that leads to increased blood pressure.

Also, by crossing your legs you can end up pinching the arteries located there which means the blood flow is inhibited and greatly reduced until you uncross them. One positive finding from research done on the topic is that there’s no proof the act of crossing ones legs may end up causing varicose veins.

That is a false and widespread rumor which appears to be believed as true by many people. However, sitting in a lady like fashion may increase the risk for developing a blood clot, especially for those who are predisposed to such medical issues.

So how should you sit? According to doctors and experts the best way to cross your legs is to do so at your feet and ankles, rather than higher up at the thighs. This cuts down on the associated health risks so if you must cross your legs, try to do it that way.

Also, as with any position you sit in, make sure to not do it for any extended period of time. Switch up your legs and get up and move around to get the blood flowing and to prevent it from pooling in any one spot or area in your body.

Stay healthy, stay happy, and make sure others stay the same and pass this along.

Do you still cross your legs?

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The Type Of Headache You Get Can Reveal A Lot About The Health Of Your Body. THIS Is What They Mean!

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All of us get headaches from time to time, but many suffer from more chronic debilitating headaches. There are 4 main types of headaches: TENSION (which occur above the eyes and radiate below them); TENSION (which occur primarily above the eyes in the forehead area); MIGRAINES (which tend to be unilateral and radiate from the top of the face to the bottom, down the midline); and CLUSTER which usually occur over one eye.

SINUS headaches result from sinus infections and can be quite debilitating as well. Misdiagnosis of about 12 million Americans, who present with debilitating headache symptoms each year occurs because other symptoms concur with the headache, thus making a correct diagnosis more tricky.

The fact is, that a headache could be indicative of a more serious, even life-threatening illness, rather than a simple consequence stress and/or fatigue. So the question becomes, how do you know the difference between a simple stress headache and one that may be indicative of a more serious problem, e.g. BLEEDING IN THE BRAIN, AN ANEURYISM, A BRAIN TUMOR or a STROKE.

For instance, an acute headache after having sex or exercising may indicate the possibility of a tumor or aneurysm; a sudden or unbearable pain, known as a “thunderclap headache” that gets worse after 60 seconds, could indicate bleeding in the brain. In the video that you are about to watch below, a doctor discusses “Your Body’s Red Light Warning Signals” with headaches of varying types, intensities, and those that present with other neurological deficits.

For instance, any headache that has another marked symptom, such as: weakness, numbness and/or vision changes, could result from a migraine or something more serious.  Watch this important video, so that you won’t overlook symptoms that should be immediately checked by a physician.  It could be the difference between life and death.

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This Is Actually What Your Farts Reveal About The Overall Health Of Your Body!

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There is a quick and easy way to gain insight into your overall general health. All you have to do is pay attention to your farts. It may sound strange, but your gaseous emissions can reveal a lot more than you’d ever imagine about your bodily health and wellness.

Doctors and scientists have uncovered a lot of great information on what the different odors and types of toots can reveal about what’s going on inside our bodies. In particular, it can help us know whether our digestive system and gastrointestinal tract are functioning normally, or if there may be a problem.

First, it’s best to be familiar with what exactly farts are. They’re basically basically a mix of air we ingest and gases produced by bacteria in the lower intestine. When we breathe, we sometimes end up swallowing air, and certain foods and carbonated beverages are also sources of the air that winds up in our digestive systems.

That air accumulates and needs to exit the body, which it does through either burps out the mouth or farts out the other end. The gasses in your intestine are created as the bacteria in them digest and break down sugars and starches.

Like swallowed air, it too builds up and needs to be released. If you pass gas normally and regularly it means you’re healthy and as long as you’re comfortable when it happens, it should be fine. By monitoring flatulence activities you can pick up on any changes or abnormal occurrences in your health.

This helps you to be more aware of any potential issues going on inside you that are causing your farts to suddenly smell different. If you find that all of a sudden you’re passing really stinky gas, that’s smellier than usual, this could be a sign that there’s something off balance going on inside you.

Maybe your gut bacteria is out of whack or your not eating healthy enough. If you’re experiencing a lot of frequent gas, that smells extremely foul and even you find it offensive, it could be related to a chronic problem like gastroenteritis, celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

The word “frequent” here means more than average, which is about 20 farts a day for most people. However, what is average for one person may be alarming to another since farting is quite subjective and varies from person to person.

Beyond smells, the timing of farts also matter. People who are lactose intolerant have to pass gas right after they eat anything dairy. A majority of people are lactose intolerant to a degree, so if this happens to you and it’s accompanied by a lot of discomfort, tell your doctor and get it checked out.

Frequent tooting can also be a sign of an underlying food allergy and/or wheat intolerance. Listen to your body and keep track of how certain foods make you feel right after consuming them. Furthermore, it’s important to note that not all smelly gas is bad or a sign of ill health.

It’s inevitable that some of your farts will smell nasty because about 1% of the gas generated by intestinal bacteria smells like hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide has a distinctively acrid odor that stinks, it’s similar to that of rotten eggs, and when you release it everyone near you will notice.

The source of this malodorous gas is often healthy foods, like broccoli, beans, cauliflower, dairy and red meat, so if those foods are in your diet and what you’re passing is stinky, don’t be alarmed because it’s normal.

Once you’re familiar with what’s normal it’s much easier to spot, or rather smell, any potential issues or irregularities. So do your body a favor and familiarize yourself with the smells it produces and don’t forget to pass this along to family and friends as well. The more everyone knows, the better!

Check out the video below for further information!

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5 Pains You Should Never Ignore..

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Pain is a part of life, it’s our bodies way of telling us that we are hurt or are healing. We all experience aches and stiffness at some point in life and while most of the time it’s not serious, there are some types of pain that should never be ignored.

Below are the main types of bodily pain that medical experts agree should be checked out immediately if they significantly impact your quality of life or continue to persist.

1) A sharp ache between the shoulder blades may be a sign of a heart attack. Many people, especially women, don’t experience the classic symptoms of a heart attack, like chest pressure or numbness in the arm.

Instead, they may experience dizziness, shortness of breath, jaw pain, nausea, and a very sharp, stabbing type of pain in the upper back area. It’s best to seek medical attention when you feel this.

2) A thunderclap headache, the likes of which you have never felt before, and it’s far worse beyond the average type of migraine or headache pain. Instead, the headache will come on extremely quickly, like a clap of thunder, hence the name.

Severe head pain may be a sign of an aneurysm, which is when a blood vessel develops a blood filled bulge in its wall that can burst at any moment. These are extremely dangerous and need to be dealt with immediately and aggressively.

3) Dull stomach pain that gets increasingly sharper over the course of a day or so. This could be appendicitis, which feels like you’re being stabbed in the lower right side of your abdomen. If the pain is accompanied by feelings of nausea or a fever, you should go to the emergency room immediately or risk having it burst.

4) Mid back pain accompanied by a fever could potentially be a dangerous kidney infection that stems from an untreated urinary tract infection. When you touch your lower back it will feel extremely tender and sore. If ignored and left untreated, the toxins in your body might stop being filtered, as the kidneys can shut down.

5) Menstrual cramps or severe pain that accompanies your period, which fails to be alleviated by medication and gets progressively worse each month, could be a sign of endometriosis. Endometriosis is when tissue that lines and grows inside the uterus grows outside of it instead. So if your periods are excruciatingly painful, there is a high probability that it could be due to Endometriosis.

These are just a few of the most common and severe types of pain that people may experience. As mentioned above, pain is your bodies way of telling you something is not right, and so it should never be ignored if it persists or worsens. Brushing aside pain can sometimes lead to much more serious complications, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

No one wants to go through life worried about why they are hurting, so go see a doctor and fix the issue before it’s too late.

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