Blind Guy Put a Cam On His Dog’s Harness. Then His Wife Watches What The Camera Caught In Horror!

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Many of us who have no eye problems take our vision for granted. While the blind will never get to see all the beautiful wonders of our incredible planet earth. The blind will never get to see all the amazing shades of the color spectrum, the beauty of nature, the tender face of a loved one, the beautiful wonders and architecture of the world, the silvery light of the moon and the twinkling of the stars.

Can you for a second imagine what your life would be like in complete darkness? Can you picture yourself navigating to work without the help of your vision? Life is already difficult when all your senses are in working order. I can’t even begin to fathom what a blind person experiences everyday of their life.

There are people who are born blind and learn from day one how to function and live in a world of darkness. Then there are others who had their sight and went blind either in childhood or adulthood leaving them in a dark void where they must figure out and re-learn how to function in a world that was once so vivid, colorful, full of life and vibrance.

This brings us to today’s story where we are featuring a blind man named Amit Patel who at the age of 32 went blind after being able to see for his entire life. He got a disease called Keratoconus which cause changes in the shape of the cornea in your eye and if it’s a bad enough case can leave you completely blind. This is what happened to Amit, luckily for him he had an angel of a wife named Seema who was there with him every step of the way giving him much needed care, love and support.

After Amit tragically went blind he got a special seeing-eye-dog named Kika who would be his main source of vision as he navigated around his new dark environment. Before Kika arrived, Amit was so scared to go out on his own and be an independent person. He was completely dependent on his beautiful wife Seema anytime he needed to go from one place to another.

At first his Amit and his new pup Kika were a bit awkward together stumbling around as they would slowly get used to each other. Then after a few weeks of practice and bonding they blossomed into best friends that could work together as one cohesive unit. Amit was ecstatic because now he was no longer timid and trapped alone in a dark corner. He could go out as he pleased just like any other human on earth.

This happiness began to fade a bit because he had noticed something strange and unexpected happening every time he was out with his seeing-eye-dog. He thought people would be kind, helpful and at the very least not mean.

However, he quickly realized the reality of being blind, as people would openly mock him as he walked by. He couldn’t believe it and neither could his wife so they decided to place a Go-Pro Camera on Kika so that others could visualize what a day in the life of a blind person was truly like.

The next day Amit and Kika went out into the world like any other day to do a little shopping and run a few errands. They were out for a few hours and when they returned Seema took the Camera off Kika and began watching the footage that had been captured. Seema was absolutely horrified and disgusted with what she saw on the video…..

Watch the video below for the full story:

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