Dad Tells His Husky He Has To Go In The Crate. The Pup Proceeds To Throw The Funniest Tantrum.

For many of our canine friends, cages and kennels are places of comfort and rest. They are the one spot that a dog can truly call their own and crawl into after a long hard day of playing and doing whatever else it is that dogs do! While many animals do in fact happen to find their kennels to be very cozy and snug, Blaze the Husky is not one of them. He absolutely hates it when he has to go into his home-within-a-home and loudly protests against it.

As you can see in the video that Blaze’s owner shot, it can be quite a task convincing the big puppy to get in his kennel. He whines and says “no” over and over again while laying on the floor. He’s a pretty clever dog as he uses his dead weight to his advantage in order to prolong his time outside the cage. Check out Blaze’s adorably adamant refusal, you’ll fall in love with the handsome boy!

At the time the accompanying video footage was shot Blaze was just 11 months old. These days he’s all grown up and has already led a very busy, fun, and adventure-filled life. He loves going hiking and canoeing with his human companions. Rain, snow, or sunshine, he’s always down for whatever life brings his way…. unless it involves a kennel!

Check out Blaze The Husky’s Facebook page for more awesome pictures and videos of Blaze and his new little sister, Luna! She’s a recent addition to his life and yet the pair are already cuddling up on the couch for nap time together. They’re both insanely adorable so stop by Blaze’s page to see what they’ve been up to!

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Everytime Daddy Gives This Dog Attention The Big Pup Throws a Hysterical Temper Tantrum.

Just like how young children get jealous of other kids, dogs can easily become jealous of their fellow dog friends. This seems to be especially true when it comes to receiving their owner’s undivided love and attention. And while most of our four-legged friends either bark or whine to get it, there’s always going to be a few dogs out there who end up throwing a little temper tantrum instead!

As much as children and dogs are alike in this sense, they’re also very different. That’s because when a dog has what could be called a hissy fit, they are so much more cute and adorable than a screaming, crying, annoying kid!

Case in point: the adorable Husky/Shepherd dog in this short video clip. Holly is the good looking pup on the right, Titan is the handsome Siberian Husky on the left, and their owner can be seen in the middle. Every time her human pets Titan and shows her brother more attention, Holly gets super jealous and immediately lets him know exactly how she feels. She reaches her paw over to her owner’s arm and gently hits him with it, effectively forcing him to re-focus his attention all on her!

Over and over again she paws at him whenever he stops petting her. In the end, every time Holly does it she’s basically saying that she wants him to pet only her, and to do it non-stop. Check out her antics and if you want to make a fellow dog lover smile!

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Daddy Tries To Put a Leash On His Parrot. The Bird Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Temper Tantrum.

Eric The Legend lives up to his name because he is exactly that, a real living legend! His awesomely insane behavior and crazy antics have more than earned him the lofty title, as you’ll soon see. Once you watch this clip of him in action it will all make sense as to why even he refers to himself as a “*beep*ing legend!” If you don’t like hearing curse words, even from the mouth of a bird, consider this a warning; Eric loves to swear. Before we get into the crazy world of Eric and his loving owners, here’s a little bit of background information on the feisty fella. Eric is a Cockatoo, a parrot sub-species that is very well known for being loud-mouthed. However, he cranks the noisiness up to a whole new deafening level.

When things don’t go his way, or he simply dislikes something, he makes it known to everyone within shouting distance by screeching and screaming at the top of his little bird lungs. He also won’t hesitate to curse someone out and that is what you see happening in this video.  His hissy fits and tantrums are legendary across the internet. Eric could possibly be the most famous Cockatoo in the world today.

His father, Lester, was attempting to get him ready so that he could take him outside for one of his beloved daily walks, but Eric was having none of it. He usually loves going on walks, where he gets to gather local flowers and snack on seeds and nuts, but a change of scenery wasn’t in the cards on this day. As soon as he saw his collar in Lester’s hands he freaked out and threw a major hissy fit! He stomped wildly back and forth, squawked loudly, and acted really naughty.

At one point his dad laid the blue harness on a chair beside him and the flustered little parrot tossed it angrily on the floor. After Lester picked it up he tried once again to slip it on Eric but he didn’t get far. In fact, all that he really managed to do was tick Eric off even more, to the point where he lashed out and bit him on the hand! To add insult to injury the spirited cockatoo threw a few choice curse words towards his dad, who’s more than used to hearing them, and which had everyone cracking up!

Apparently, it turns out that Eric only likes it when his mother puts the harness on him because she knows how to do it the right way and has the magic touch. Lester never really stood a chance against his crazy bird son and Eric the Legend strikes again!

There are more funny videos of Eric online so if you enjoyed this one definitely look him up and check out the others. He seems to always be up to no good and whether he’s throwing coins and broccoli on the floor, cursing at the birds outside, or scaring the neighbor’s cat, he manages to leave a path of destruction in his wake. He’s definitely the most entertaining parrot in all of Australia, which is where he resides, and if you ever need to laugh or smile watch this!

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Dad Tells His Dog He Bought a New Pet From The Pet Store. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit.

When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can’t stand each other. You never know how they’re really going to act until you socialize and introduce them to other pets. When a cat and dog initially meet the general belief is that the earlier in life they do that, the better they will get along with one another. Sometimes the initial meeting between the pets goes smooth as silk. Other times, the first meeting can go horribly wrong and a close watch and lots of intervention is necessary before the two animals are comfortable enough to be together alone.  Every animal is different and just like their human counterparts, some of them are more solitary and like being alone, while others prefer having company and are more social in nature.

The adorable black and white dog in this clip falls under the latter category, he would absolutely love and adore to have a fellow animal companion by his side. Well, at least that’s how his owner imagines his dog’s thoughts and feelings to be! Although most likely these are this cute pups precious wish to have a new best friend! He especially does not want a snake, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, newts or parrots. This pup is very clear he wants a new kitty!

He gave his dog a voice and dubbed in quite an interesting conversation between the two of them. He felt that his dog would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic at the thought of getting a brand new addition to the family and would welcome a little fuzzy kitten to call his sister. An adorable baby tabby cat would perhaps be the perfect addition to their lives, and so maybe it’s time they get one!

The hilarious clip of the energetic and happy looking black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of well over 6 million people. It’s easy to see why, the video is just funny and enjoyable to watch! Everything from the conversation to the dog’s actions, words, and movements are quality and spot on. If you’ve ever talked to your pet, or had pretend convos in your head with them, then all of this may look, sound, and seem very familiar to you. Check it out and share the love!

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Husky Tells His Mom He Wants To Take a Bath But She Says No. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum.

Huskies are known around the world as sled dogs. These pups have tons of energy and need an outlet to burn it all off. They are able to withstand extremely cold temperatures due to their thick double coat which keeps them insulated and warm. They are known for their almond shaped stunning pale blue eyes which sometimes come in multiple colors. They are very vocal and tend to howl instead of the usual dog bark we are all accustomed to.  The breed is considered a working dog and they are very loyal companions.  They are consistently in the top 20 most popular dogs in America.

Most dogs hate taking a bath, let alone even getting wet, and will do everything in their power to ultimately avoid anything having to do with bathing. Not Zeus, the Siberian Husky in this short and sweet clip. He’s not like most dogs. He absolutely loves, loves, loves taking baths and when he’s unable to do so, he throws hysterical temper tantrums just like the one seen here.

Zeus had been chilling in the bath tub, hoping and praying for his owner to turn the tap on, when instead she told him to get up and get moving! It was time for his daily walk but he wasn’t having any of that. He whimpers, whines, and moans loudly while splayed out in the bathtub begging his mom to run the water. His tantrum is a bit dramatic and over the top but that’s what makes it so great. The big furry boy practically takes up the whole entire tub, I’ve never seen a dog do anything quite like this!

The fact that Zeus would rather lay in the tub than take a walk is another way in which he’s not like most dogs. Usually when they hear a leash jingle or mention of even just the word walk they go nuts and head straight for the door! It’s all part of the reason why the seven year old dog is known by his nickname “Zeus The Stubborn Husky.” You can find him on Facebook under that name and see what else he’s been up to.

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Adorable Little Baby Won’t Stop Talking So This Jealous Husky Throws a Hysterical Tantrum To Shut Her Up.

It seems that pet owners everywhere absolutely love chatting with their animal companions, no matter what age they may be! Oftentimes our furry friends also love to talk and sometimes they even respond back or sing along with us to songs. When it comes down to it, just about everyone is guilty of having full-on conversations with their pets at some point in time, you can admit to it! After all, they are a much beloved part of our families and anyways, it just happens!

Which leads us to this adorable video of a baby girl getting along well and interacting with her best dog friend in the world. The camera is trained on the sweet black and white husky named Angel and as you can see and hear, he’s quite a vocal pup. He’s hanging out in the family playroom with his little sister, 10-month old Lexi, who’s singing a song and getting him to sing along with her. Every time Lexi sings what sounds like her “alalalalalalala” verse, Angel responds with his own whimpering, howling, yowling type of melody! The whole scene is beyond cute and if you like healthy fluffy dogs and adorable babies, then you just have to see it for yourself!

While it’s anyone’s guess as to what both of them are truly saying or singing about, the two of them might actually understand each other. An AP-Petside poll conducted in 2008 found that 67% of pet owners claim to understand their animals barks, purrs, meows, and all the other sounds they make. In addition, 62% of those surveyed reported that when they speak to their pets, the animals seem to understand and get the message.

Perhaps babies and other very young children are better attuned to what our pets are saying or trying to relay to us. They haven’t been imprinted upon by the world yet and are communicating in the most basic, natural, and instinctual ways. It’s just a thought.. Either way, Angel and Lexi are the cutest duo I’ve seen in awhile and they clearly enjoy each others company!

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