Watch These Brave People Rescue a Bear With a Bucket Stuck On His Head
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We’ve all heard the term “giving a bear hug”, but never have thought about it literally. What ensues in the amazingly brave video footage you are about to watch below, is just that. A picture of a young black bear who had been roaming around an area in western Pennsylvania, was taken by Krissy Elder. She took the photo because the bear had an object, that appeared to be a bucket, stuck on it’s head.
Elder reported the situation to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, but was told that nothing could be done to help this poor bear, because it was healthy and “mobile.” The photo was seen by Dean Hornberger and his girlfriend Samantha Eigenbrod, who were determined to help this poor creature.
As Dean is an animal rescue volunteer, he felt confident that he and some friends could rescue the bear, and release his head from the object that had been stuck there for nearly 2 months!
After several hours of searching, they were nearly ready to give up, when amazingly they sighted the bear on the side of the road. Watching them attempt to catch and contain the bear in order to remove, what turned out to be a rubber air bag from a tractor trailer that was tightly attached by a metal ring around it’s head, will have you holding your breath!
Watching this chase and rescue, that took real guts on the part of these brave men, is extraordinary to watch. It was truly a “bear hug”, in every way!
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Watch This Depressed and Neglected Bear Chained For 30 Years Finally Get It’s Freedom For The First Time
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In the winters, we humans like to cuddle up and ‘hibernate like a bear’. Bears in the wild actually DO innately curl up and go to sleep for approximately 8 months! Human beings know how terrible we feel when we lose sleep, but can you possibly imagine what it would be like to be robbed of a good night’s sleep for 30 years?!? If Fifi the bear could speak, she would tell you about the terrible impact of this loss. As a cub, Fifi was purchased by the Pennsylvania roadside zoo. Usually the living conditions for any animal in any zoo are pretty terrible, this one however was particularly bad!
Forced to perform tricks for their shows for the first 10 years of her life, Fifi further suffered when the zoo would close, as they left her caged in a minuscule, rusty cage for over 30 years! It’s truly unimaginable what kind of adversity this poor creature had to endure for the majority of its life.
Fiji’s horrible neglect and torturous existence ended in July, thanks to the rescue by PETA and The Wild Animal Sanctuary. Robbed of her natural need to hibernate due to her imprisonment in that tiny cage for over 30 years, they found Fifi in a very deteriorated condition, with untreated arthritis. Fifi’s condition was almost to the point of no return.
Her condition was so bad that they had doubts about whether she would be able to regain a strong, healthy state. As you will see in the video below, Fifi’s rescue did allow her to slowly improve…. after 5 months at the sanctuary, you will witness what the miracle of good and loving care, will render. My faith in humanity has officially been restored!
Enjoy this wonderful story of recovery, and finally what a good sleep can do…Fifi is just awakening from her 30 year wait for a winter of hibernation in her cozy den! Even though this bear faced years of hardship it’s good to know it got a happy ending and there are still good people in the world!
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This Big Grizzly Bear Slowly Climbs Up The Pool Ladder. Now Watch His Hysterical Belly Flop.
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Grizzly bears are known to have an inherent need and ability to explore. According to the ‘Western Wildlife Outreach’ they are highly intelligent and inquisitive creatures, both their memory and “smarts” are cultivated and exhibited by their need and talent in tracking down sources of food. An adult female grizzly bear can weigh anywhere from 280 – 400 pounds and adult males can be a whopping 400 – 800 pounds. You can only imagine how much force a nice sized belly flop would do to the water in a tiny pool…
Before we get into today’s hilarious and entertaining video of a very special Grizzly Bear who has a very special talent let’s just go over some facts and history of the legendary creature:
A grizzly’s ability to reason, as you will see in this amazing video, isn’t limited to their survival instincts in getting fed. Can you imagine having all that fur on you in the heat of summer? Just the thought of being out in the oppressive summer heat without any water to cool off in is unbearable, excuse the pun! If there were a special Bear Olympics I’m pretty sure this big guy would take the gold medal!
Perhaps one of the main physical traits that makes grizzlies stand out is the large and very noticeable hump on their backside shoulders. You can easily spot it on the bear in the video and it’s not extra fat as many assume it to be, instead it’s a large muscle.
It gets worked out a lot and needs to be bulky because it’s the main power source for their forelimbs. All day long they use the hump muscles to walk, run, dig, climb, and it greatly helps them in their search for food.
In fact, a wild grizzly spends more time than any other type of bear digging for food, whether it be the ground or logs, they tear through things easily thanks to their powerful muscle.
Grizzlies have many specially honed skills that help to ensure their survival. One happens to be their sense of smell which is sharper than a hound dog’s! They can smell food, such as an animal carcass, from up to 20 miles away if they are upwind.
That’s why anyone who is spending time in bear country hiking or camping should always use special odor-proof plastic bags and bear-safe canisters to store any food.
Once a bear gets a whiff of bacon or trail mix (they have a sweet tooth just like us and love sugar!) they will seek out the source. In the end, simple precautions when storing and transporting food will greatly reduce the chances of a run in with a hungry grizzly.
Another skill that grizzly bears have evolved is their speed. The massive animals can easily outrun any human on Earth, including Usain Bolt. According to worldatlas, they can run up to 35mph comfortably. Whether it’s downhill, uphill, or through difficult terrain, a grizzly will inevitably overtake any person on foot and even someone on a bike would probably lose.
Just as you can’t outrun a grizzly, you can’t outswim one either, not even Michael Phelps could if he tried. Bears are naturally talented swimmers who don’t think twice about plunging into a freezing cold lake or river to cross it or search for tasty fish.
Their shoulder hump muscles help propel their bulky bodies through the water while their fat protects them from the cold. They can doggy paddle for hours at a time and dive under the surface to hunt for food.
Even though grizzlies are excellent swimmers, it’s polar bears who reign supreme in the water. Polar bears have been observed swimming hundreds of miles straight without taking a single break. They do this in freezing arctic waters and while most dips last a few hours, some swim for days at a time.
All the observation and research done on grizzlies clearly shows they have exceptional talent at running and swimming, but what about diving?!? In today’s featured video: You can see for yourself how a grizzly bear goes about the art of navigating a pool ladder and diving into the water. Well actually it’s less like diving and more like an epic belly flop!
Grab a towel (because you may get splashed) and get ready to watch this bear cool off in an above ground pool. His movements are astoundingly human-like, it’s quite amazing to see. Even if you’re not so impressed by it, at the very least the video will give you a good laugh for the day!
We’ll leave you with one final note to ponder; if a bear dives in a pool and no one sees it, did it really happen? 🙂
Hopefully you enjoyed this big funny bear as much as I did. Let us know what you think.
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If you enjoyed this video watch our second favorite bear video ever, where a local neighborhood bear keeps coming on this married couples property everyday. That is until hubby sounds out his “enforcer” (AKA – his wife) for a hilarious video that will put a smile on your face:
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The Grillo family has been getting an unexpected visitor on their porch for the past few weeks. They weren’t really sure what their best course of action was to going to be to handle this specific situation. Everyday a black bear would show up around the same time of day and take a nice stroll through the backyard, exploring the Grillo family’s property. A few times the bear got a little too curious and caused a little bit of damage and left a mess. Finally on this day they had enough of their new neighbor taking over their property when ever he felt like it.
The patriarch of the family Mr. Grillo grabbed his video camera and started filming the bear doing his usual walk across the property like he owns the place. Then the bear ascends the staircase on to the porch which he likes to do most of the time. Mr. Grillo knew his wife was sick and tired of this big old black bear taking over their backyard so he yelled for his wife when he saw the bear about to make himself comfortable on the porch.
At first there was no response, however soon Mr. Grillo’s intimidator/wife Mrs. Grillo swings the door open like she is ready to have a championship boxing match against Mike Tyson in his prime! She comes around and you can tell by her body language and voice she is not messing around and she means business!
Mrs. Grillo makes her presence known and stands up to the black bear with absolutely no fear. Instead of running the opposite way like most people would do if they were standing toe to toe with a big old black bear she walks right towards the confused animal! I know if I was her I would be terrified and immediately run back inside, but she doesn’t even flinch.
Have you ever been in a similar situation?
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If you enjoyed these Two Amazing Bear Videos check out this Remarkable Video of a Man who Rescued This Giant Bear from Drowning in the Ocean By Himself:
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Bears are one of the strongest predators on the planet. They can smell a scent 20 miles away upwind, run upwards of 40 mph, are have teeth and claws that are over an inch long. Attributes like these mean that they are built for hunting and it’s always best to try and avoid them.
These days it seems that there are more and more run-ins between people and bears, specifically black bears. They have proven to be incredibly resilient animals who’ve learned to adapt to our human ways and that has led to an uptick in the number of incidents.
Oftentimes the bears are simply being bears and looking for an easy meal. They smell a birdfeeder or trash and will rummage through it to get a bite to eat. On a few occasions, bears have been known to break into cars to get at a candy bar or tasty treat inside, and left the vehicle torn to shreds in their relentless pursuit of a snack.
In many states when a bear becomes a nuisance, by continuously breaking into dumpsters or other sources of food and being too comfortable around humans, they get tagged and trapped. The bear is then relocated far away from where it was captured and released in the hopes that it will not find its way back.
This was what authorities in Florida were trying to do when they received reports of a 400 pound black bear wandering through a residential neighborhood in Alligator Point, Florida. The bear was spotted going through the trash before entering into a home and had already been ear tagged, so they knew it wasn’t the first time this particular bear had wandered too close for comfort.
After locating the massive animal they hit it with a tranquilizer dart, but that spooked the bear and it took off towards the ocean. The bear started to swim out into the Gulf of Mexico just as the tranquilizer was taking effect.
If he went out too far, he would certainly drown and so a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) biologist looking on went in right after him. Adam Warwick jumped into the ocean without even thinking twice about his own health and safety in order to try and rescue the huge bear. He swam out to it, grabbed the bear around the neck, and started kicking his way back towards shore.
When he first reached the bear it was still awake, but the tranquilizer was quickly causing it to lose its ability to move. The panicked bear struggled to stay afloat and like any drowning animal, it tried to climb on Adam to stay above the water, pushing him down in the process.
Thankfully for Adam, the bear stopped struggling soon afterwards and he reached shallower water. Working calmly, he grabbed the bear by the scruff and dragged him as far as he could using the water to buoy the bear’s massive weight.
Once they reached the shore, it became too difficult to move the heavy animal and so a backhoe was brought in and picked up the groggy bear. From the beach it was loaded onto a truck and driven far away, eventually being relocated to Osceola National Forest.
In the end, the bear survived the traumatizing ordeal and suffered no injuries. Incredibly, Adam suffered only one scratch from his daring rescue mission.
At any moment the semi-lucid bear could have easily bit or swiped at him, but it never once even tried to. All in all, it seems that the worst case scenario of the tranquilized bear running into the ocean turned into the best case scenario of a successful rescue with no one harmed.
This man is a true hero and legend.
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Lion Released and Tastes Freedom Finally
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After 13 long years spent locked in a tiny metal cage this circus lion finally got to know what grass and dirt feel like beneath his paws. The absolutely heartwarming, and breaking, moment took place after Will the lion was rescued by Brazilian animal sanctuary Rancho dos Gnomos. Will had been forced to perform in a traveling circus his whole life. He never had a stable home base. Instead, he was moved around the country is a small box and only let out sporadically for shows and training.
In the video the handsome lion cannot wait to be free from his cramped cage as he paces back and forth. When the gate is released he looks shocked but it only takes a second before he shoots out the door and heads straight towards the soil and grass. Once he steps in, and onto, his new home he immediately kneads his paws through the dirt. Getting his first feel must be an odd sensation! Will continues exploring the new sights, sounds, textures, and smells. He checks out the rocks and stretches his frame fully out, finally able to roll around with the sky above him and earth under his paws.
Will was able to enjoy his final 5 years at the sanctuary before he passed away in 2011. Marcus Pompeo, the sanctuary’s founder and lion caretaker, said that Will “loved to lie in the grass and look at the sky. He was a very happy lion.” This video highlights the sad and cruel conditions under which circus animals are often held. At 13 years old he should have been unimpressed with nature, grass and dirt, yet he was because he’d never experienced it.
No living creature should spend their life in a cage, being forced to perform for the entertainment of others, and denied the simple pleasures life has to offer. At least Will had the chance to live out his final years in peace and harmony among other lions. Help share his story and video, it will make a difference and serve to help the many other big cats stuck in this cruel situation that he was rescued from.
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This Depressed Lion Who Was Chained For Over 20 Years Finally Get His Freedom For The First Time!
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The back of an old, rusty and decrepit old pickup-truck is no place for any animal to live, let alone a full grown adult lion. Sadly, that’s exactly where a mountain lion named Mufasa was forced to live his life as part of a traveling roadside circus in Peru. While the details of the lion Mufasa’s early life remain mostly unknown, it is believed that he had originally been born free in the wild somewhere down in South America. He was most likely kidnapped from his mother when he was still very young cub and sold into captivity shortly after that.
Over the following twenty years he was mistreated and kept bound up in heavy metal chains while being forced to endure life on the road with the circus. Life was anything but natural and comfortable for Mufasa. His captors brought him from one town to the next in the back of an old pickup truck, where he was further chained to some old rusty pieces of equipment.
He barely had any room to move around and no bed or clean spot to lay on, just a dusty corner surrounded by metal bars and dirt. There was no shelter over his head to protect him from the elements and so the hot sun and pouring rain beat down on him The neglectful state he was held in was horrible and sad.
The circus that Mufasa was found with was believed to be the last of many in Peru which for years had been illegally using wild animals in their shows. The country recently changed the law and passed a circus animal ban in response to widespread cruelty, and the sub-par conditions in which most circus animals were kept. The ban made it illegal to keep and or use animals in circus shows and authorities, with the help of animal advocacy non-profits, including Animal Defenders International ‘ADI’, have been enforcing it strictly.
The ADI group had recently gotten a tip that the circus was still holding a mountain lion and they accompanied police and local wildlife officials to investigate it further. That’s when they found Mufasa chained up in the back of an old pick up truck. What followed was a long, strained eight hour standoff, but eventually the circus surrendered Mufasa and this video films every part of this emotional moment when he was finally released from his heavy chains.
The elderly lion can be seen sitting quietly as he patiently waits for officials to cut the harness off and finally free him from a horrible life of captivity and neglect. For the first time in perhaps twenty years he’s able to fully stretch himself out and perform the one action that cats of all types and breeds seem to love best!
Wildlife officials, with the help and support of the many volunteers who’d worked tirelessly to track down and free circus animal all across Peru, transported Mufasa to ADI’s Spirit of Freedom rescue center for rehabilitation. After he’d been checked out and deemed healthy enough to travel, he was taken on a 3 day journey into the Amazon rainforest to his new home!
Mufasa will live out the rest of his life at the Tambopata Reserve where he’s free to wander about his new habitat completely unchained. He no longer faces a life full of uncertainty and constant travel and there are no more people gawking at him. Instead, he finally has the chance to spend his last few years in the wild jungle where he is protected and able to move about on his own, and that is beautiful.
Let us know what you think in the comments:
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Cow Cries Thinking She’s Going To Slaughterhouse But She’s Being Saved and Gets Freedom For The First Time
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Emma the dairy cow was acting nervous and rightly so. Earlier in the day she had been loaded onto a trailer and driven for miles to a destination that was wholly foreign to her, a place called the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany. The dairy farm which she’d called home her whole life had recently closed down, and before rescuers stepped in, she’d originally been headed to the slaughterhouse. Although the dairy farm wasn’t a slaughterhouse the conditions were absolutely terrible and poor Emma the cow thought she was going from bad to worse..
When Emma first started her journey she was terrified as her life was suddenly turned completely upside down. At the start of the video, as she’s being placed in the strange trailer, she can be seen crying visible tears of sadness and fear. It’s heartbreaking to witness, but thankfully not for long. I honestly did not know that cows could actually cry. Seeing this beautiful creature in such a state of fear and sadness truly tore me up inside.
However, once she arrived at the animal sanctuary Emma was released into an open, spacious pasture filled with green grass, rolling hills, and lots of other cows. Seeing her take these first steps of freedom and her new life is just such a joy to witness! She cautiously made her way into her new home and before long a few of the other cows came up to greet her.
They all took turns sniffing and checking each other out and soon had enthusiastically surrounded her. It’s amazing and as if they were all reassuring Emma that everything was going to be just fine. By the end of the video it looks like Emma has quickly been accepted into her new family and the group goes running off happily into the field. What started out as a terrifying ordeal ended in the best way possible.
Thanks to a group of dedicated people Emma was not slaughtered but instead was brought to the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany to live. The group rescues dairy cows and retires them to a former farm where they can naturally live out the rest of their days. These people are truly human angels with hearts filled with infinite love and care.
Prior to her arrival at the sanctuary, Emma’s life was anything but natural. Cows are best known for producing milk and all of the associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.
This separation of mother and child is done early on in an effort to cause minimal stress to both, but it’s also done repeatedly in order to keep cows producing milk. Cows like Emma who end up at the sanctuary are retired, in that they’re no longer impregnated and therefore don’t produce any more milk.
Fortunately for Emma and all of the other rescued dairy cows, they get to stay on the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for the better and now she’s able to live alongside other happy cows and can do all the normal, natural things that cows love do. It’s a happy ending that she, and countless others like her, deserve.
let us know what you feel about Emma’s story in the comments
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This Depressed Bear Chained For 30 Years Finally Get It’s Freedom For The First Time
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In the winters, we humans like to cuddle up and ‘hibernate like a bear’. Bears in the wild actually DO innately curl up and go to sleep for approximately 8 months! Human beings know how terrible we feel when we lose sleep, but can you possibly imagine what it would be like to be robbed of a good night’s sleep for 30 years?!? If Fifi the bear could speak, she would tell you about the terrible impact of this loss. As a cub, Fifi was purchased by the Pennsylvania roadside zoo. Usually the living conditions for any animal in any zoo are pretty terrible, this one however was particularly bad!
Forced to perform tricks for their shows for the first 10 years of her life, Fifi further suffered when the zoo would close, as they left her caged in a minuscule, rusty cage for over 30 years! It’s truly unimaginable what kind of adversity this poor creature had to endure for the majority of its life.
Fiji’s horrible neglect and torturous existence ended in July, thanks to the rescue by PETA and The Wild Animal Sanctuary. Robbed of her natural need to hibernate due to her imprisonment in that tiny cage for over 30 years, they found Fifi in a very deteriorated condition, with untreated arthritis. Fifi’s condition was almost to the point of no return.
Her condition was so bad that they had doubts about whether she would be able to regain a strong, healthy state. As you will see in the video, Fifi’s rescue did allow her to slowly improve…. after 5 months at the sanctuary, you will witness what the miracle of good and loving care, will render. My faith in humanity has officially been restored!
Enjoy this wonderful story of recovery, and finally what a good sleep can do…Fifi is just awakening from her 30 year wait for a winter of hibernation in her cozy den! Even though this bear faced years of hardship it’s good to know it got a happy ending and there are still good people in the world!
let us know what you think of the story in the comments:
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Watch As This Wild Bear and House Cat Meet Face To Face On The Porch
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When a person comes across a black bear, or any type of bear, they usually react with surprise and fear out of concern for their health and safety. In marked contrast, when a 2 year old cat named Nani came across a bear, she surprised the hell out of it. The brave cat’s fearless reaction to a wild black bear that had wandered right up to her was caught on video by her human caretaker, Darlis Elliott. Nani and Elliott live in Alaska and are used to being immersed in nature and bears hanging around!
The fuzzy black bear in the video wandered right up the driveway and around to the rear of their house to check out the back porch. Inside, the family was silently checking out the bear as he ambled up to the door, and Nani decided to get a closer peek at him. She crouched down low in front of the glass door, like how cats hunker when stalking things, and laid in wait. The bear was only feet away when it turned to look inside, directly facing the cat, and that’s when Nani jumped up and pounced at it!
The sight of a cat suddenly appearing out of nowhere and springing right up in his face was too much for the poor bear. He goes from curious to terrified in milliseconds and quickly scrambles backwards away from the crazy cat, appearing to almost moonwalk bear-style backwards off the porch. The shocked bear may seem to have an irrational fear of cats, but it’s just being overcautious and in situations like this they can be easily spooked.
When a bear gets that close to a human’s house they experience a lot of stress and try to avoid any unnecessary risks or noisy activities. If anything, this bear was on the lookout for people, food, and possible threats, but it definitely wasn’t keeping one eye open for sneaky little cats. Elliot said that she hasn’t seen the bear since, and after this experience it’s highly unlikely that he will ever be back to sniff around again.
One more interesting thing about this video is that it was shot in Eagle River, a community within the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, where occurrences like this are common. The town was recently the sight of another viral video which featured a family of moose playing and cooling off together in a sprinkler on a sweltering hot day. The area is surrounded by millions of acres of both undeveloped and protected national forest land that borders rivers and the nearby Gulf of Alaska. It may just be one of the wildest places left in America where large animals still roam freely, and cats patrol and protect their human counterparts.
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Husband Films A Bear In His Yard. But Then He Sends Out His Wife The Intimidator To Get It To Leave.
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The Grillo family has been getting an unexpected visitor on their porch for the past few weeks. They weren’t really sure what their best course of action was to going to be to handle this specific situation. Everyday a black bear would show up around the same time of day and take a nice stroll through the backyard, exploring the Grillo family’s property. A few times the bear got a little too curious and caused a little bit of damage and left a mess. Finally on this day they had enough of their new neighbor taking over their property when ever he felt like it.
The patriarch of the family Mr. Grillo grabbed his video camera and started filming the bear doing his usual walk across the property like he owns the place. Then the bear ascends the staircase on to the porch which he likes to do most of the time. Mr. Grillo knew his wife was sick and tired of this big old black bear taking over their backyard so he yelled for his wife when he saw the bear about to make himself comfortable on the porch.
At first there was no response, however soon Mr. Grillo’s intimidator/wife Mrs. Grillo swings the door open like she is ready to have a championship boxing match against Mike Tyson in his prime! She comes around and you can tell by her body language and voice she is not messing around and she means business!
Mrs. Grillo makes her presence known and stands up to the black bear with absolutely no fear. Instead of running the opposite way like most people would do if they were standing toe to toe with a big old black bear she walks right towards the confused animal! I know if I was her I would be terrified and immediately run back inside, but she doesn’t even flinch.
Watch the below for the full story and enjoy:
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