Every Body Part Is In The Palm Of Your Hand – Press The Points For Wherever You Have Pain!

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Western medicine has made many wonderful advances to deal with disease.  However chronic pain or discomfort in varying parts of our body have not been satisfactorily addressed.  Alternative medicine can often be lightyears ahead of western medicine when it comes to relieving pain.

Although a combination of both Western and alternative medicine, is probably the most sensible route overall, it is worth looking at the benefits of an alternative form of pain resolution, such as reflexology. The principles of reflexology have led to the idea of finding the pressure points within the palm of your hand that are connected to the part of the body causing you pain.

By pressing the thumb point into the corresponding part of the hand for 5 seconds, releasing for 3 seconds, pressing again and repeating this cycle for several minutes, several times a day you will get results.  This methodology as well as others are demonstrated in this video.

In the video you are about to watch, Dr. Oz’s guest is a reflexologist who explains that both the hands and feet can be seen as a microcosm of our entire body.  Five audience members come to the stage to explain what part of their body is causing them chronic discomfort or pain.

For each malady, the reflexologist explains which part of the palm is connected to the body part involved.  She then demonstrates how using one hand, different forms of pressing or massaging of a particular part of the palm of the other hand will, over time, alleviate the pain experienced.

The audience members in this video suffered from: (1) Constipation and bloating (2) Insomnia and exhaustion (3) Sinus congestion (4) Upper back pain (5) Low libido.  The reflexologist showed them how to work on their own palms to alleviate their pain or problem.

She explained what sensations they would experience as they applied pressure and massage, that would signal that they were working in the correct area.  Her explanations were fascinating and easy to follow.  After watching this I will try a few of the methods demonstrated for things that I need relief from.

Let us know what you think about reflexology after watching the video.  Have you ever tried it and had success?  Will you give it a try?

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Are Your Hands and Feet Always Cold? THIS Is What It Means and Why!

Do you complain that your hands and feet are always cold, while others don’t seem to have that problem?  You may have been told that this is due to poor circulation, but contrary to popular thought, this is usually not the case!

Exposure to cold, for us “warm-blooded” humans, causes us to try to keep our internal body temperature normal, and the body does this by constricting small blood vessels.  It happens that the location of these small vessels are just under the surface of our hands and feet, which causes less blood to flow there, so that the deeper part of our body stays warm.

Your core stays warm while your extremities get colder faster.  In actuality, some people just experience the cold in their extremities moreso than others, but nothing may actually be wrong with your circulation.  There are some exceptions, that may have to do with nerve damage, or in Reynaud’s disease.  As with all issues, if you are concerned, go get checked out by your doctor.

I found the video you are about to watch below, really interesting and informative, about why some people seem to complain about being “always freezing” or “chronically boiling hot”.  Often married people argue about room temperature, because men tend to be hotter than women.

However, as you will hear, although weight and size, gender, diet, age, sleep patterns, lifestyle and how happy you are in your environment can influence warmth perception, there is something else going on here.

As “D News” explains in the upcoming footage, though all humans are warm-blooded…capable of regulating our internal body temperature regardless of the temperature of our environment, as individuals we vary widely on how hot or cold we feel. The key factor in temperature regulation begins in the BRAIN, and this is controlled by HORMONES.

Their discussion of of this crazy phenomenon goes into detail about gender differences, age, lifestyle, the effect of estrogen, your BMI and many other factors.  You may be surprised to hear of a study which found a link between loneliness and your perception of cold!  If your hands and feet are always cold, some lifestyle changes in becoming more active, are suggested.

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Make a Fist, Look Down and See Which Type You Are. It Can Determine A Lot About Your Personality.

Throughout time and history people have sought to make sense of the surrounding world and everything in it. There’s still so much we don’t know about the planet, just think about the pyramids and all of the new forms of life that are still being discovered to this day. However, one of the biggest mysteries that humans have tried to unlock isn’t part of the physical or tangible world at all, rather it’s a mental construct that we all exhibit. I’m talking about personality, which is all of the different personal characteristics and types of qualities that make us who we are as individuals!

Scientists, psychologists, and other researchers have made many attempts at figuring out personality types. One major area happens to involve an individual’s personality being linked to certain physical parts of the human body. For example, there are theories as to what your finger or toe length may reveal about who you are and many more similar types of notions. In particular, it seems that the one physical attribute which stands out above all the others is our own two hands.

The hands are believed to hold the most information about our lives. It follows that many people think that hands can reveal all sorts of subtle clues in regards to a number of human traits and behaviors, including things like the way we act and make choices. A very simple and basic way in which these beliefs play out can be seen in how we often compare left-handed to right-handed people. Someone who is left hand dominant is more likely to be a better artist, whereas right hand dominant people are harder to scare or anger than their lefty counterparts.

In a similar alternative, the way in which an individual makes a fist with their hand can indicate things about their character traits and overall personality type. All you need to do is make a fist and then closely examine how you curl up your hand. Pay special attention to where you place your fingers and then compare the fist that you make with the three distinct types shown in the accompanying illustration.

Go ahead and make a fist, now see if you are type A, B, or C. The results for each fist represent a personality type and once you choose the one you are you can read about what it means. Included is a breakdown of the special qualities, traits, and attributes which are associated with both your internal and external personality. Also, your love personality is provided as well so be sure to check it out if you’d like to see how you’re likely to act in a relationship and what you tend to look for in a partner!

This is super easy and all that you really have to do is make a fist, then compare it against the choices to see what your hand reveals about your personality. Pass it on and enjoy!

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If You Press and Hold This Point On Your Forefinger For 60 Seconds THIS Happens To Your Body

There is an ever ongoing and constant search for alternative, natural ways to help treat health conditions and disorders. People don’t want to be forced to rely on modern health options that usually involve harsh, complex, and expensive pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the answer lies not just in the complex modern products out there, but also in the more simple and ancient practices that were developed centuries ago.

Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance, restore, and heal both their bodies and minds. One of the most popular, effective, non-invasive, and natural treatment methods comes from the alternative medicine field of reflexology. Reflexology is the stimulation of reflex points to relieve and help regulate abnormalities between different body parts.

By massaging and applying pressure to specific points you can help bring about physical changes to your body. It works by increasing the blood flow and stimulating the thousands of nerves located in our hands and feet. In fact, human hands and feet have well over 15,000 nerves and they all connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands.

Reflexology offers an easy, all natural way to help treat a variety of health issues and people have found that by using the simple techniques at home they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by many common ailments.

One major point found on the hand is primarily used to help relieve pain and discomfort stemming from headaches and migraines. The point is located right above the webbing between the thumb and index fingers on each hand. To activate it, press firmly down on the point while massaging and rotating in a circular or back and forth motion for at least 60 seconds and up to a couple of minutes at a time.

Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, sit back and close your eyes, and breathe evenly in and out. This may be done anywhere at anytime of the day and it can be repeated however many times you’d like. The accompanying video shows you exactly where and how this self-massage should be done and also demonstrates a number of other hand reflexology points and techniques.

Who knows, a simple hand and finger massage may be just the thing your health and body could benefit from. Either way, it’s a great way to both start off and unwind after a long stressful day. Plus, there’s no harm in trying so you may as well do so today. Don’t forget to pass this along to help others find comfort and better health in their own lives!

Below is more information on what organs and bodily ills each finger corresponds with:

Thumb: Linked to the stomach and spleen. It helps eliminate stress, digestion, and tension in the upper body, lungs, and head. It also helps with nervousness, headaches, skin issues, and stomach aches.

Index Finger: Linked with the kidneys and bladder. It helps eliminate mental confusion, fear, frustration, and self-criticism. It also helps with backaches, constipation, digestion, and jaw, teeth and gum issues.

Middle Finger: Linked to the liver and gall bladder. It helps eliminate irritability and anger. It also helps with eyesight, frontal lobe headaches, indecision, and feelings over general fatigue.

Ring Finger: Linked to the lungs and large intestine. It helps eliminate negativity, sadness, grief, and feelings of rejection. It also helps with skin conditions, excessive mucus, ringing in the ear, respiratory functions, and negative attitude.

Little Finger: Linked to the heart and small intestine. It helps to eliminate insecurity, nervousness, and low self esteem. It also helps with blood pressure, sore throat, bloating, bone and nerve problems, and heart conditions.

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What Does Your Finger Shape Reveal About You?

There are many ways in which an individual’s personality has been linked to various personal physical attributes. However, there is one body part that stands out above all the rest, and that is our hands. For example, we often compare and contrast left handed people with individuals who are right hand dominant.

Alternatively, in palmistry the lines on the palms of our hands are closely examined, which can indicate our character traits, personality, and destiny in life. Our hands seem to hold the most information about our lives and they reveal subtle clues in regards to the way we act, make choices, and behave in general.

Another way in which we can analyze our personalities is by looking at the shape of our fingers. You can do this yourself by simply analyzing your fingers and comparing them against the illustration to see if A, B, or C matches up the best with them. Once you choose the closest match it will reveal certain personality aspects that are commonly associated with your finger shape.

The type A finger shape is relatively straight, which corresponds with the following:

– You hide your feelings and don’t like to show outward emotion, yet you’re emotional on the inside – Instead, you pretend to be cool, calm, and collected at all times and like to portray yourself as independent and strong, even if you are not. – You dislike lies and deception, and prefer the truth and fairness.

– You like to laugh, even when nothing is funny, are eccentric, arrogant, helpful, and kind hearted.

– When you first meet someone new you are distant and cold, but once you get to know someone you’re very open and warm.

Type B people have slightly crooked, irregular shaped fingers, which corresponds to:

– You are passive when meeting new people and leave it up to them to make the initial approach.

– You’re a daydreamer with an active imagination, and when you feel hurt you act like you’re okay

– Once you make up your mind to do something you almost always follow through and complete it

– Even though you are the sensitive type, you don’t appear to be so, because you often play off your sensitive side by pretending to not know things in an attempt to protect someone’s feelings.

If you have a type C finger shape, that bulges slightly in the mid section, it corresponds with:

– You have a strong distaste for challenges and don’t deal well with unfamiliar things

– When it comes to other people’s opinions you are respectful and you don’t like to play pretend

– You know what you like and don’t like, can be overbearing at times, are easily touched, and keep your feelings and emotions to yourself.

– You hate being in a fight and rarely stay mad at someone. Instead you forgive easily when someone apologizes, but have to watch yourself because you have a sensitive heart and can be easily hurt.

Check out the short video for more personality information on each of the three types and see if what they reveal about personality traits matches up to yours. This is a fun, easy, and different way to take a moment to yourself in which you can reflect upon, and dig a little deeper into, what makes you who you are! As always, have fun and enjoy!

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THIS Simple 5 Minute Hand Exercise You Can Do At Home Will Balance Emotions and Boost Your Energy!

When it comes to cancer there has been an ongoing, all out search for both a cure and ways to deal with its painful, exhausting, and debilitating side effects. There are many areas of medicine and science devoted exclusively to studying and searching for different compounds and medications to make humans healthy and cancer free.

Perhaps the answer lies not only in the modern, complex products being developed, but also in simple, ancient practices developed centuries ago. There are many alternative treatments which are currently being offered and studied in terms of their effects on cancer and its treatment’s side effects.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is one of them. It is a simple, all natural, and effective form of acupressure. A specialist trained in the art uses both of their hands to hold specific points on the body. There are a total of 52 points which must be held in particular ways. By using just their fingertips a practitioner listens for, or feels, the energy flowing throughout a patient’s body.

Once they get a feel for this flow they simply hold the point and wait until they feel the patient’s body relax and open. What the practitioner is doing is opening up the energy pathways in the body so that it flows better and more evenly. The human body contains several energy pathways that connect and give life to our cells.

If one more of these paths become blocked the result is that the overall energy flow is disrupted and not in harmony. This can cause pain, discomfort, and other ill effects. Thus, by listening to a bodies energy flow a practitioner can sense where there is a block and treat that area by holding a certain point and opening up the path once again.

Many people who have undergone jun shin jyutsu have reported it as beneficial and effective in helping them cope with the mental, emotional, and physical side effects of their cancer treatment and diagnosis. It can also help people who suffer from low energy and stress, and balance emotions. Best of all, you can do it yourself right in the comfort of your home.

All you need to do is refer to the hand chart and see which emotion you want to alleviate, then hold the corresponding finger for 3-5 minutes. It helps to breathe deeply the whole time and soon you should begin to notice your stress and tension giving way to more relaxed feelings. Here is more information on what organs and bodily ills each finger corresponds with:


There you have it! This simple practice may be the best route to go when trying to stay healthy. It’s a great way to both start off and unwind after a long stressful day.

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