This Ink-Blot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear In Life

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Fear is an emotion that every single one of us has experienced at many points in our lives. It’s a natural reaction to feel afraid and no matter what you call it; dread, horror, alarm, terror, panic, distress, fright, or threatened, it’ll always have a negative connotation. However, not all fears are bad and it’s actually quite healthy to feel afraid every now and then.

For most people, things like creepy crawlies or heights freak them out. According to various surveys on the topic the most common fears and phobias have to do with snakes, spiders, cockroaches, public speaking, needles, tight spaces, flying, dogs, water, germs, and death. While people can be afraid of virtually anything and everything, they can only fear on thing the absolute most.

What are you the most afraid of in this world? Put another way, what’s the one singular thing, thought, or idea that is truly capable of filling your mind, body, and soul with dread? No one likes to admit it, yet we all have to face what it is that we fear the most. While it’s natural to instinctively repress and avoid the unpleasant thoughts, we eventually need to deal with it and what better way to do just that than with some basic psychology!

This quiz uses ink-blot images to draw out and assess your deepest, darkest subconscious fears and thoughts. What you end up seeing in each picture ultimately depends on your perception of the world. In turn, part of what molds and shapes your interpretation of all the things that you see and come across in life is your unconscious mind.

It’s usually inaccessible, which is why psychologists have developed tests like the one featured here to draw out and uncover the ideas and information it holds deeply hidden. Projective tests, which include ink-blot tests, are psychological tools that use images, words, or situations to analyze how people respond to them.

An individual is assessed in terms of the unconscious personality traits they exhibit towards the stimulus, in this case the image, and from their response hidden emotions are brought to light. In other words, how you view the ink-blots here will reveal what you fear the most.

With that in mind, are you ready to face your biggest fear? Take this projective ink-blot quiz now and see whether or not you agree with the end results. Enjoy!

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What Is Your Sixth Sense?

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Generally speaking, humans have 5 basic senses which include sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. However, if we get more specific then we touch on the extraordinary senses that are lesser known. While there is no consensus as to how many there actually are among researchers and those who study this, they do all agree on one thing.

They agree that there are many other senses that we may possess and use every single day without even realizing. A few examples of these extraordinary senses include the following; thirst, hunger, pain, time (our startlingly accurate sense of it), synesthesia or perceiving sound as a color, pressure, itch, and thermoception which is the ability to sense heat and cold.

Those a just a sampling and many more are thought to exist beyond these more typical, common, and well known senses. Take this quiz if you wish to figure out, and hone in on, what extraordinary sense you may possess.

The result you receive as to what 6th sense you likely have may even surprise you!

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There Are 6 Hidden Words In This Image, Can You Find Them All? Find Out Below.

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People exercise and work out their bodies all the time. Many even dedicate specific days of the week to improving their arms or legs, yet no one ever really works out their brain. Brute physical strength can only get you so far in this world and what really propels a person ahead is mental strength and ingenuity.

The best way to work on and improve your own mental strength is by keeping your brain and mind actively engaged. Everything from painting to reading, writing, drawing, games, and puzzle solving can help to hone your reasoning and logic skills. The more creative reasoning and problem solving you do, the stronger your brain and mental abilities become, it’s that simple.

Studies have found that puzzle solving, and word searches in particular, can greatly improve our memory, vocabulary, focus, and mental sharpness. It’s even recommended that people do word puzzles and partake in games like bingo as they grow older to help keep up their cognitive functioning. An active mind and brain ages slower and by engaging it with puzzles you’re keeping your neural pathways open and firing. That in turn can only help to guard against dementia so make it a habit now to do a crossword, Sudoku, or some other type of puzzle every now and then.

While keeping your brain sharp and in shape is a wonderful goal to have in mind and aspire to, most people do puzzles simply because they enjoy them. This word search image puzzle is like a fun stretch for you brain and it will keep you busy for at least a couple of minutes. The cartoon drawing of a family relaxing together at home in the living room has six words hidden somewhere within it. They have all been strategically concealed and while a word or two may pop out at you, the rest aren’t so easy to find. Take a moment and see if you can spot all six words, then pass it on to friends and family and see how they do. Good luck!

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What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Unique Color Blot Test? Find Out.

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It’s something that everybody has but it often differs dramatically from person to person. Others judge us off of it and are either drawn towards or repelled away from us because of it. Over time and throughout our lives it can be changed, cultivated, and grown. What is it? Personality!

The whole concept of personality is a loaded one. Each of our distinctly individual personalities is a complex mash up of all the many different characteristics, traits, quirks, and qualities that make us who we are. Some people have outgoing and social personality types whereas others fall on the shy side. There are funny people best known for their awesome sense of humor and serious brainiacs who are unbelievably intelligent. In between all of those extremes are the countless other types of colorful personalities.

Without personality as we know it, life would be boring and predictable. We’d basically all be extremely dull copies of each another, devoid of the wide array of emotions, experiences, and feelings that make the human experience so meaningful and diverse. Those things are what help shape our perspective of the world and everything surrounding us. As such, personality plays a huge role in the way we interpret situations and people and how we make decisions.

While the term personality is a blanket word for every attribute that makes us who we are, there can only be one dominant trait that stands out above all the rest. That is the personality trait that factors into your behaviors, perspectives, and interactions the heaviest and is what, in a sense, defines you.

This color blot quiz was designed to draw out your strongest, most dominant personality characteristic. It uses your visual perception and takes into account how you interpret a series of specific images to figure out your strongest trait. It’s based off of the Rorschach inkblot tests and by choosing the one word which best describes the colorful inkblot shown in each image you can easily uncover your dominant personality trait. Try it now and see if you agree with the results you get!

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This Spelling Test Is Designed For 3rd Graders. As It Turns Out Most Adults Fail. Can You Pass?

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Do you remember taking annual spelling tests back in grade school? Usually your teacher would hand out a list of words to memorize on Monday and by Friday you’d have to be familiar enough with them to pass a quiz. Every grade had its own set of words that you’d learn, which got progressively harder as you built up a vocabulary. Looking back on it, all those tests were a big part of our formative years and who knows how many words you ended up learning because of them.

How do you think you would fare if you were to take a third grade spelling test right now? Would you pass or fail?! By the time you were in third grade you were probably around 8 or 9 years old. The average third grade student begins to learn all sorts of new stuff like multiplication and division, basic science, and American history. They also start reading harder, more advanced books across different genres, so they’re constantly being exposed to new words.

Some of the new terms they are learning may look familiar, but are totally different from what they’ve already been exposed to. That’s because many words sound exactly alike, yet their meanings and spellings are either completely different or slightly off by just a letter or two. That makes them really easy to mess up or confuse!

Even though we slowly forget lots of that we’ve learned over time, things like spelling and grammar tend to stick with us. Unless of course you’re a terrible speller and always have been! See where your spelling skills fall and work your way through these 23 questions which cover a variety of words that the average pupil learns in third grade. According to the makers of the quiz, Playbuzz, only about 4% of the population are able to score a perfect 23/23 on this spelling test. Even if you can’t ace it, all that you really need to get is at least 17/23 right in order to pass, so try it now to see if you are as smart as a 3rd grader, and good luck!

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5 Things You Should Avoid Completely During Mercury Retrograde From August 30 – September 22, 2016

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Brace yourselves because Mercury is about to go retrograde for the third time again this year! It all starts on August 30th and will last through September 22. During that time period we can expect disruptions in the main areas that Mercury controls, which includes travel, communications, and learning. But first, here’s a little clarity on what it all means when someone says something along the lines of Mercury being retrograde.

Chances are you’ve heard it countless times before but when someone mentions that “[planetary body X] is in retrograde” do you know what it actually means? The answer is quite simple, it means that the planet will appear to move backwards in its orbit through the sky!

In the most basic terms retrograde is defined as “directed or moving backward,” in the Online Oxford Dictionary. Astronomy and astrology use the word to encompass how all the planets appear to be moving around the sun as compared and relative to the Earth. As such, a planet which is said to be in retrograde will appear to be moving backwards, as if it’s going in the wrong direction, even though it’s not. A point of comparison is that we’re used to planets and their satellites moving in direct, aka prograde, motion from west to east. That type of path through the sky appears normal, it’s what’s expected, and so we don’t bug out nearly as much when Mercury is prograde.

So why does Mercury being in retrograde have such an effect on people? According to astrologers Mercury controls our travel and movement, our ability to think rationally and clearly, veracity and the truth. When it enters a retrograde period and appears to go backwards, all of the things it controls also seem to go in reverse. It’s from this inverse movement that the things in our lives related to truth, travel, and comprehensive thinking get all disrupted and turned upside down. To lessen the effects of this upcoming Mercury retrograde, here are some things that you’d be wise to hold off on or avoid doing all together if possible:

1. Don’t buy big ticket, expensive items!
Oftentimes issues arise with the pricey goods and gadgets that consumers end up purchasing during retrograde periods. Perhaps the bargain is too good to pass up, and it later turns out that’s because the item is broken or defective in some way. It’s best to hold off until later to spend your money and a good rule of thumb to follow is don’t buy unless you absolutely must. For those unavoidable purchases make sure you get something from a reputable seller that is either guaranteed, insured, registered, under warranty, or whatnot. Save the receipt, packaging, and paperwork as well in case you do in fact end up needing it!

2. Don’t ignore your finances!
No one enjoys going over bills and loans but if you’ve been putting off checking your accounts and all that good stuff lately, then do it now. During Mercury retrograde our minds and brains tend to be more willing and able to go over and examine any financial information that needs reviewing. Whether you need to refinance or pay off a loan, plan a budget, balance your checkbook, it will all be easier to get done when Mercury is in retrograde.

3. Don’t switch careers or begin a new job!
While landing a new job is exciting and opportunity is hard to pass by, you may be better off pushing it back or declining it all together. Mercury retrograde has a peculiar way of messing things up. Even the most routine, expected, seemingly fair things get turned upside down and this is especially true in the realm of employment. Maybe your new boss will turn out to be unbearable, you won’t get the benefits or pay expected, the work load will break you, the company will fold a couple of months later, there’s lots that could go wrong so try to avoid starting a new job at this time and wait for Mercury to be prograde again!

4. Don’t travel!
As if traveling isn’t already a huge pain in the neck, during Mercury retrograde it’s ten times worse. There’s often a noticeable uptick in the amount of delays, cancellations, lost bags, reservation mix-ups, and missed flights or connections. Whether you plan on traveling by plane, car, train, or bus, expect service interruptions of any and all kinds. Mercury has a strong connection with travel so when it goes backwards it sends even the best laid travel plans haywire. If you absolutely must travel, you’d be wise to have your itineraries and alternative plans in order. Get travelers insurance if possible and triple check all the times, details, and reservations you’ve made.

5. Don’t sign a contract or close on a sale!
During Mercury retrograde the way people think and comprehend things becomes altered. They may be all for signing on the dotted line when it comes time to close, but soon afterwards they will be questioning their decision and re-thinking all the options. They may try to get out of it all together or breach their duty and leave you taking a big hit. In case there is no way around entering into a contract, be extra careful no matter who you may be dealing with. Make sure you fully understand and double check all the fine print, know all the terms, conditions, exceptions, and every possible detail of what you’re about to sign and agree to. In the end, a signed writing is the one key piece of evidence that can make or break a contract, and make it fully enforceable against you down the line.

On a final note, after September 22nd Mercury won’t be in retrograde anymore until December 19th so until then good luck!

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