Sad Bull Spent His Life Chained To A Rusty Cage. Now Watch His Reaction When He’s Freed.

It’s no secret that the majority of farm animals live in horrible, cramped, unsanitary conditions. A great many are also neglected and when the extent of their neglect comes to light it’s both heartbreaking to hear about and hard to comprehend!

Such was the case of one poor bull in Austria named Bandit. He was tied up his entire life, locked away in a drafty barn, and confined to a tiny space barely larger than himself. It was in a cramped corner stall where he was found by a rescuer, tethered to a pole and kept on a short chain. As you can see in the video, the bull looked miserable and lethargic, as any animal kept in those prison-like conditions would be. However, Bandit’s life was about to change in one of the most positive, uplifting ways possible.

He was one of the few lucky ones who made it out and was given a second chance at living a normal, happy, and healthy life. You can watch his rescue here and see how unbelievably happy he was to escape his chains and romp around freely for the first time in who knows how long. The moment he’s released he runs to the center of the room and bucks with wild abandon before rolling around in a pile of hay. Before he’s taken away to his new home, he jumps around a little more, as if to say goodbye to his fellow animal friends.

Afterwards, Bandit was taken to the farm sanctuary Gut Aiderbichl in Austria and given a large, spacious pen filled with fresh hay to relax and stay in. The delight he feels upon seeing the new digs makes him want to do another dance as he runs and leaps around joyously.

However, it’s towards the end of the clip that one of the most tender, incredible moments of all takes place. Bandit turns and heads towards the man who saved him and nuzzles his forehead gently against his. It’s as if he’s saying thank you and showing his immense gratitude all in that one simple gesture.

Bandit’s life has changed dramatically for the better all thanks in part to the selfless efforts of the Gut Aiberbichl farm animal sanctuary and their loyal team of volunteers who make it all possible. Now he is able to live alongside the 500 other happy cows, calves, and bulls who were rescued as well and call the sanctuary home. It’s a happy ending that he, and others like him, deserve.

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In 1951 He Rescued 2 Girls From a Fire! 65-Years Later THIS Lady Bangs On His Door!

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There are some things that happen in life which are seemingly so random and unbelievable that it’s hard to explain or make any sense of them. Oftentimes we attribute them to random acts of god or miracles, and yet perhaps these events were fated or destined to happen all along. For the people and events in this amazing story, they believe it’s a mixture of all those things and more.

It began one fateful day on December 20, 1951, in St. John’s Newfoundland. Twelve year old Edward “Kip” Malone was out walking to the store because his mother had sent him to get some butter when he noticed that a house was on fire. He heard a woman screaming for help and shouting for someone to save her children who were trapped somewhere in the building.

Without hesitation, Malone headed straight for the door and inside the burning house. There was thick smoke everywhere, but he soon found a little girl on the stairs. He tried to get her to go but she resisted because she said that she wouldn’t leave without her sister who was still somewhere inside. Malone and the girl searched frantically for the missing child and when they were in a bedroom, he heard a voice telling him to sweep his hand under the bed. That was when he found the other little girl hiding and now that he had both children, he hurried them outside to safety as the house burned wildly out of control.

When it was over, the five and three year old girls were okay, but their grandmother sadly perished in the fire. Malone later learned that the girls had six other siblings who, along with their parents, all lived in the house. Since the house was a total loss, the family moved away, and he never saw or heard about them again.

Time went on and over the years Malone often thought about the two girls he’d saved that fateful day. He didn’t know what had happened to them, but 65 years later he soon found out. He and his wife had recently bought a new house and had just moved in when a neighbor came over and introduced herself to them. Her name was Margaret Fowler and after they started talking it didn’t take long for them to discover that Malone and the woman had grown up near each other.

When Margaret told him about how she’d lived on Central Street, the same street where he’d rescued the girls all those years ago, he told her about the fire and what he’d done. As the words came out of his mouth, Margaret nearly fainted, then she told him that she was one of the little girls he had saved that day!

A week later, Margaret brought her little sister Barbara Earle to meet up with Malone for a proper introduction. All of them believe that the long overdue reunion can be attributed to divine intervention and the women say that Malone is their guardian angel of sorts. Both ladies have very little recollection of the fire and events that happened that day, as over the years they found it too painful to ask their mother and father about what had happened. Earle didn’t even know Malone had saved her life and feels nothing but gratitude for what he did sixty years ago.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Cow Cries Thinking She’s Going To Slaughterhouse But She’s Being Saved and Gets Freedom For The First Time

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Emma the dairy cow was acting nervous and rightly so. Earlier in the day she had been loaded onto a trailer and driven for miles to a destination that was wholly foreign to her, a place called the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany. The dairy farm which she’d called home her whole life had recently closed down, and before rescuers stepped in, she’d originally been headed to the slaughterhouse. Although the dairy farm wasn’t a slaughterhouse the conditions were absolutely terrible and poor Emma the cow thought she was going from bad to worse..

When Emma first started her journey she was terrified as her life was suddenly turned completely upside down. At the start of the video, as she’s being placed in the strange trailer, she can be seen crying visible tears of sadness and fear. It’s heartbreaking to witness, but thankfully not for long. I honestly did not know that cows could actually cry. Seeing this beautiful creature in such a state of fear and sadness truly tore me up inside.

However, once she arrived at the animal sanctuary Emma was released into an open, spacious pasture filled with green grass, rolling hills, and lots of other cows. Watching her take these first steps of freedom and her new life is just such a joy to witness! She cautiously made her way into her new home and before long a few of the other cows came up to greet her.

They all took turns sniffing and checking each other out and soon had enthusiastically surrounded her. It’s amazing and as if they were all reassuring Emma that everything was going to be just fine. By the end of the video it looks like Emma has quickly been accepted into her new family and the group goes running off happily into the field. What started out as a terrifying ordeal ended in the best way possible.

Thanks to a group of dedicated people Emma was not slaughtered but instead was brought to the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany to live. The group rescues dairy cows and retires them to a former farm where they can naturally live out the rest of their days. These people are truly human angels with hearts filled with infinite love and care.

Prior to her arrival at the sanctuary, Emma’s life was anything but natural. Cows are best known for producing milk and all of the associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on in an effort to cause minimal stress to both, but it’s also done repeatedly in order to keep cows producing milk. Cows like Emma who end up at the sanctuary are retired, in that they’re no longer impregnated and therefore don’t produce any more milk.

Fortunately for Emma and all of the other rescued dairy cows, they get to stay on the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for the better and now she’s able to live alongside other happy cows and can do all the normal, natural things that cows love do. It’s a happy ending that she, and countless others like her, deserve.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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This Cow Was Saved Right Before He Was Going To Be Put Down. Now Watch His Daily Ritual.

For the first part of his short life Salvatore, a beautiful black and white cow, only knew sickness and despair. He was held in a tiny box and kept under inhumane conditions on a dairy farm in Chile. His eventual fate was to be killed, slaughtered, and sold as veal. That was before the rescue organization Animal Libre stepped in and saved him. Today Salvatore lives on a farm sanctuary called Santuario Igualdad Interespecie. His life has taken a dramatic turn for the better and he has quickly made new friends with a boy and his dog.

The group often hangs out together, laying in the grass, taking in the sunshine. They cuddle up close and Salvatore gets his much loved chin scratches and hugs. You can see the big smile spread across his cow face and how much he enjoys his new home. It is truly a happy and unique sight to behold- a boy and his dog…and his cow!

It is sad to think that this loving, gentle cow was once destined for the slaughterhouse. Thanks to the work, volunteers, and mission of dedicated groups like Animal Libre and Santuario Igualdad Interespecie, animals like Salvatore get second chances to live long, fulfilling, and happy lives.

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A Giant Whale Shark Swims Near This Diver Then He Realizes Something Was Seriously Wrong!

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There is a zero tolerance standard for fishing in the waters, that the group of divers captured in the video below are exploring. This magnificent footage, produced by the Smithsonian, caught a fateful meeting between the divers and a “whale shark”.

The largest species of fish in existence, the whale shark isn’t actually a whale at all, according to the “Nature Conservancy”. It is classified as a Vulnerable species by the IUCN Red List. While it is technically a shark, this “gentle giant” moves slowly and is of no danger to humans unless attacked in a specific way.

It actually makes a great companion for divers as you will see in the video. When the divers came upon this whale shark, they immediately saw that an extremely large fishing rope was wrapped around the animal, cutting into it’s fins.

Using a cutting tool they instantly released the rope from the encumbered animal; judging by the condition of the skin underneath the rope and the rope itself, the divers believed that the poor whale shark had been tied up for a lengthy time, as you will hear in the video.

This Vulnerable species is of great value to Taiwanese and Filipino fisherman, who attempt to capture it, despite the prohibition on fishing in these waters. Their attempt to capture clearly failed, but damaged this beautiful creature for some time.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

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They Spot A Puppy Alone In a Rusty Cage At The Park. Then They See This Disturbing Message Written On His Head

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Anyone who wants a dog needs to be prepared for the responsibility that it entails.  Being a pet owner is a full time job that requires a lot of time and attention, if you can’t give an animal the life it deserves, then you shouldn’t have one.  

Unfortunately, people who have no business owning a pet sometimes end up with one.  Oftentimes they realize too late that they’re not up to the task and so they either surrender or dump the animal somewhere.  That’s what happened in the unbelievable case of Marvella, a 5 moth old puppy who was found abandoned in a Chillicothe, Ohio park by a couple. 

They had gone out for a walk when they suddenly stumbled across a little white puppy locked inside a metal cage. The poor dog had words written in black permanent marker all over its body, including “free”, “good home only”, and “I am a gift from God.”  It was incredibly disturbing to see a dog locked up and abandoned like that, but the messages written in fur were especially cruel. 

The couple ended up calling the police who brought the puppy to the Ross County Humane Society.  When the staff there first saw the dog they were appalled at her appearance and decided to call her Marvella, from the French word “merveille” which means miracle. 

They immediately set out to clean up her fur and washed her gently with a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. When they were done only the faintest marks remained and the staff showered Marvella with all the love and attention she deserved.

They also shared her story online where it quickly went viral, people all over the world were smitten with the cute little puppy’s happy smiling face. 

Adoption applications soon poured in and after sifting through well over 90 of them, one family was finally chosen to be her forever home. Within a week Marvella was out of the shelter and in her new home with the Reitzel family, who were over the moon to be placed with such a great dog.

Perhaps just as important as Marvella’s happy ending was the spotlight her story shone on all the other animals who are abandoned and surrendered every day.  Many people were inspired to donate to the shelter and the awareness she raised helped many other dogs stuck in similar situations.   

Watch the video below for the full story:

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