Bear Hit With a Tranquilizer Is Suffering In The Water. Then THIS Guy Swims Towards It and Does The UNTHINKABLE!

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Most people have very few interactions with real wildlife. Sure, you might see the occasional rabbit in the garden or deer crossing the street. However, we mostly see pest animals like squirrels, seagulls, and a bug or two. Seeing a rare animal is equally intriguing as it is dangerous.

One day, in Alligator Point on Sait James Island, Florida, such an interaction occurred. A 375-pound black bear was sniffing around the neighborhood. Naturally, when he entered a home, wildlife conservation officers were called. When the officers arrived, everything was going fine. That is until they shot the bear with a tranquilizer.

A common misconception about tranquilizers is that they all immediately neutralize the recipient. This is, of course, true of some. To the dismay of everyone involved, this situation was not one of those examples. Instead of subduing the creature, the tranquilizer sent the bear into a panic.

The bear bolted with the officers close behind. He quickly reached the nearest body of water and began swimming out. It was at that point that the sedative began to take effect. The bear began to lose its bearings.

Back on land, one of the people handling the situation was Adam Warwick, a biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Warwick immediately noticed the bear’s change in behavior and knew that if he didn’t act quickly, the bear would surely drown. Without hesitation, Warwick dove into the water and started swimming toward him.

Warwick grabbed the bear and began swimming back towards shallow water and the other officers. The bear was not entirely asleep and tried to stay afloat by climbing on top of Adam. The bear’s attempts were in vain as it was losing control of its legs. In retrospect, this was probably what saved Warwick’s life. He safely got the bear back to the officers with barely a scratch on him. Despite immense risk, Warwick miraculously put his own life on the line to save the animal. Would you do the same?

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Raven Strangely Squawked At Them For 60 Minutes. Finally They Figured Out He Was Desperate For Help

Ravens are often overlooked and dismissed by many people for being noisy, annoying, pesky birds. They really don’t get the credit they truly deserve for being one of the most intelligent animals out there. In fact, they rank among the smartest animals in all of nature and are considered just as smart as our closest animal relative, chimpanzees.

Research backs this up, ravens have been scientifically tested and scored highly on intelligence tests where they even topped the avian IQ scale! Ravens have also been observed using various objects as tools. That type of calculated behavior is something associated only with intelligent animals, like the raven in this heart warming video!

The story behind what you see here all started when a woman from Nova Scotia heard a loud racket outside her home. Gertie Cleary couldn’t help but notice who was making the noise, a black raven fledgling was perched on the fence relentlessly screeching. She tried to ignore it but when the squawking didn’t subside she went out to take an up-close look at the bird.

With her daughter by her side, the pair slowly approached the distressed raven. Once they were close they saw what bothering it, the poor bird had porcupine quills stuck in his little body, three in the side of his face and one in his wing. If he was going to survive the quills had to be removed.

Gertie went back to the house, put on some gloves for protection, and headed back out to the raven. Slowly she began to earn his trust until she was able to softly stoke his feathers. Soon after she made her move and quickly pulled a quill out of the bird. Seconds later she pulled another one which caused the raven to caw out in pain. Even so, the bird remained on the fence and didn’t threaten her, it seemed to sense she was helping and meant it no harm. The last quill was the hardest, by that point the bird likely had enough, but with a bit more coaxing Gertie was able to quickly remove it.

The poor raven’s painful experience was over, he was free to fly away without being hindered by the sharp barbs poking into his body, yet he stuck around for the remainder of the day. Gertie and her daughter ended up naming him Wilfred but the next day he was gone.

The incredibly quick witted bird seemed to know exactly where to turn to for help and thankfully Gertie recognized his situation and took the time to remove the quills.

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These Children Are Laying Down In an Empty Field Frozen. A Cop Sees THIS and Immediately Begins Running!

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A couple of years ago on Easter weekend in Capel, a small village outside of London, a group of families gathered to hunt for Easter eggs. About 30 children were taking part in the charity event and happily took to a large field to look for chocolate eggs that had been hidden while their parents watched on from the sidelines.

Suddenly the peaceful scene was interrupted by a loud helicopter that appeared in the sky above them and they could see that it was a National Police helicopter circling overhead. A few moments later, some of the kids spotted a man running along the edge of the field. He was a stranger no one recognized and as they watched him, he took off his shirt and wrapped it over his head. The kids put two and two together and realized the police must be looking for this strange man, but from where the helicopter hovered over the trees, the cops wouldn’t be able to spot him.

Wanting to help, the children jumped up and down, waved their hands, and pointed towards the man but the helicopter didn’t seem to notice or respond to their actions. If they didn’t act fast the man was going to get away and so the kids suddenly began to all drop down to the ground. The quick thinking kids had laid their bodies out to form a human arrow that clearly pointed the way towards the suspect and there was no way the pilots could miss them!

Up above in the helicopter the pilots were somewhat unsure about what they were seeing down below. At first, they assumed the kids were trying to trick them but then decided to check out the unexpected tip anyways. They flew over the woods where the arrow pointed and switched on the thermal imaging cameras, that’s when they saw a person moving erratically through the dense thicket of trees. They had their man and after relaying the information to police on the ground he was soon captured and brought into custody.

As it turned out, the Surrey police had received reports of a break in at an old abandoned factory nearby and had called the helicopter to aid in their search for the suspects. They ended up arresting two men on suspicion of burglary charges.

Once the search was over, the helicopter team landed nearby so they could thank the kids for their help. Everyone was excited and happy that it had turned out so well and some of the children even shared the chocolate eggs they had found with the officers. When the Surrey police shared a picture of the children forming the human arrow, it quickly went viral. The kids still can’t believe how much attention their clever action has received and are just happy to have been able to help.

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THIS Deer Attempts To Reveal Something To This Family In The Yard. After They Spot THIS They Immediately Call The Cops!

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It is no big secret that animals have feelings and emotions. If you have ever had a dog you know that when they do something wrong and they are caught with their paw in the cookie jar they know they did something wrong and feel guilty.

Dogs aren’t the only animals with feelings, almost all animals large and small express feelings and try to communicate them to the outside world. In the wild, fear of a predator will have animals calling out to eachother and warning that danger is lurking nearby. Animals truly do have remarkable instincts and highly developed brains which make them capable of so so much.

Today’s story features a wild deer who was named Hank by his neighbors in Texas. One day a family was having breakfast when they looked out the window and saw a strange sight at a nearby house. A deer was just standing by a tree but it looked like he was struggling a bit and they couldn’t really tell what exactly was going on. Their curiosity led them outside as they walked towards the deer who seemed to have been trying to get their attention and finally had succeeded.

When they got closer to the deer they noticed something very odd, it looked as if he was tied by a rope or leash to the tree and wasn’t able to free himself. The family saw the struggling deer who was desperately trying to break away from the tree he was tied to however he was having no luck. They decided that instead of them intervening on their own, they would call the police and hpefully somebody from animal control could help them free the deer and bring him to a safe place in the forest.

Finally the police showed up and they immediately began asking questions to try an understand the current strange situation. Then they quickly jumped into action by removing the leash. The weird thing is, after the leash was removed the deer didn’t immediately run away into the woods! It seemed like he just wanted to hang out with the police and this family on this beautiful afternoon. After a bit of coaxing the officers finally got the deer out of sight as it made its way back into the forest.

Local news ended up arriving at the scene because this story was just too interesting to pass up. They interviewed the family first then as they were interviewing the police officer all of a sudden the deer popped out of the brush and walked right up to the cop who saved him. It almost looked and felt as if the deer was trying to give this police officer a proper thank you for freeing him from the shackles and tree he was tied to.

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They Spotted THIS Strange Horse Shackled To A Tree! But They Were Sickened and Stunned When They Realized Why!

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In September, Spanish police encountered a pony tied to a tree. The elderly animal was not in a good place. The pony had been abandoned in the heat of a Spanish summer. Essentially, the animal was not in prime condition.

When the police officers approached, they couldn’t help but gasp at the poor pony’s emaciated body. Evidence of poor treatment was all over the animal’s torso. When the officers got closer, the animal wouldn’t even look up at them. Luckily, the officers knew what they were doing.

The officers were from the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) located in a village nearby. The officers brought the pony to the center. Specialists estimated the pony to be around 20 years old. They noted that upon arrival, he was malnourished, dehydrated, and weak. Worst of all, one of the pony’s eyes was literally rotting inside his head likely caused by a neurological disorder.

Luckily, the pony was finally in a place where he had the opportunity to experience real love and care. After taking care of his immediate injuries and thoroughly feeding the pony, the EHCRC devoted a page on their website to the animal. They wrote on the page that while the pony was a special needs animal and would require special care, he is already much healthier. It was truly a miracle that the officers found the poor animal in time.

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Everyone Thought THIS Dog Was Guarding Her Humans Gravesite. But Then This Rescuer Discovers an Unthinkable Secret!

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A little while back animal lovers across the internet were moved by a sweet photo that went viral. The picture was from Serbia and depicted a german shepherd lying at a grave. Many thought it looked like the dog was grieving for his deceased master. However, something about the photo was not quite how it appeared.

Science has confirmed that dogs can actually feel love for you as they have the intellect equivalent similar to a two-year-old. Since dogs can love, is it possible that the dog was truly mourning? Possibly. There are certainly examples of dogs doing the same thing in history. One animal rescuer was not fully convinced.

Vesna Mihaljoski investigated the grave. Upon arriving, she confirmed that the dog was still at the grave. She looked closer. First, she noticed that the dog was actually in a hole that it had dug beneath the grave. Second, she was actually cuddling a litter of puppies.

The real reason that the dog refused to leave the grave was now clear. She had dug a den to protect her puppies. Luckily, Mihaljoski decided to adopt the mother and her pups. It turns out that the dog wasn’t mourning at all. With that discovery, the story turned from a tragic one into a happy one!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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