Strange Animal Seen Creeping Around Woman’s Backyard and The Species Has Finally Been Determined

If you spotted this strange, mutant looking creature in your backyard would you scream and run away or take a picture of it? The woman who found the creepy, snake-like, two-headed thingy had both of those reactions and she even called her friends over to take a look at it. Naturally she wanted to know what the heck it was she was dealing with because you don’t see something like this everyday..

Lujan Eroles filmed the odd little creature in her Santa Fe, Argentina driveway and when she was still unsure as to what exactly it was, she posted it social media. According to Lujan, she and her friends “all thought it was a mutant animal, which is why we filmed it and put it online for people to give us their opinions.” The post has since gone viral and the answer as to what the creature is has been narrowed down to two possible answers, neither of which include any mutants!

The main explanation that people seem to agree on is that it’s either one of two caterpillars which are native to where Lujan lives in Argentina. The first one is what’s known scientifically as Eumorpha labruscae which is also more commonly called a gaudy sphinx. When in the larval stage the caterpillars look like mini-snake heads, as you can see in the picture, and after they pupate they transform into moths as adults.

The second possibility is that the caterpillar is a different type of moth, Deilephila elpenor, aka an elephant hawk-moth. These moths also display a snake-like appearance as a means to ward off predators, mainly birds, and to keep from being eaten. The color patterns and placement resemble serpent scales, while the black patches give it eyes on both ends. The creepy look is all part of the little caterpillar’s first line of defense and without it they’d be plucked up by a hungry bird!

Regardless of whatever species caterpillar this snake-worm insect creature belongs to, it’s ugly and creepy up close and it’s not anything I’d want crawling on me. Make sure you check it out and weigh in with your opinion as to what type of caterpillar you think it is!

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This Guy Adds Butane To a Bottle Of Coke. The Result Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Although we wouldn’t call this video a DIY, as it is too dangerous to try at home, we would certainly call it a hack. It comes to you from a YouTube channel, Kreosan, which is a place where experiments are done that have the potential to be quite dangerous.

Kreosan is inhabited by two crazy Russian “scientists”, who mix incredibly creative scientific concoctions, with a twist of quirky humor, that is both entertaining and fascinating for the world to watch. Some of their videos are fully subtitled, but this one just includes funny one or two word written exclamations that accompany the different steps of the experiment.

The underlying concept to their “mad science” is pretty self-explanatory, but offers some crazy entertainment! Their comedic timing is priceless as they demonstrate the making of a Coca-Cola rocket. One of the main things lacking in making science is interesting is comedy and entertainment to make the experiments fun to watch and educational!

Mixing butane and Coke in the soda bottle, the hilarious “mad scientists” take it outdoors in different locations, to demonstrate the sheer power of this simple mixture.

A coke rocket is created! Enjoy this wildly amusing video! and remember don’t try this at home or under professional supervision!

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Apparently Scientists Say THIS Is Why You Should Never Make Your Bed Again!


Image via: Shutterstock

From an early age most of us are taught to make the bed after we wake up and before we begin our day. The practice helps parents to establish routine and responsibility in young children and it’s often something that sticks with people all throughout their lives. Plus, for some people making the bed makes it less likely that they will crawl back into it, and it tidies up the entire room instantly. However, scientists are now saying that this age old practice is not only unnecessary, but it could also be making us a lot less healthy.

It all comes down to the millions of unseen dust mites that live in our beds. The bizarre, alien looking critters feed on the dead skin flakes that fall off our bodies and into our beds. This makes mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, and whatever else you have on your bed the perfect breeding ground for the microscopic creatures. Since people sleep for long hours in bed, their bedding takes up moisture from the prolonged body contact, and that also allows the dust mites to survive and reproduce.

Now scientists are recommending an easy and effective way to cut down on the number of dust mites in your bed, simply leave it unmade. Dr. Stephen Pretlove spoke to the BBC and explained that “We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body. Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.” In turn, less dust mites can lead to better health since they often cause the asthma and allergies which many people suffer from. Plus, who wants to share their bed, a place of coziness and warmth, with millions of freaky little bugs?

The next time you wake up, skip making the bed and save yourself an extra minute or two. There is nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain by doing so, because you can only end up healthier, and thus happier. Please share this information with others so they can lean about the science and benefits of an unmade bed!

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43 Japanese Men Throw A Coin In The Air At The Same Time. The End Result Is Mind Blowing!

There are many strange and quirky things that people dream up, and some of those ideas eventually see daylight. The feat accomplished in this video clip is a prime example of one of the concepts that made it. The clip was uploaded to YouTube on the Japanese beverage company Suntory’s channel as a promotion for an energy drink they make called Schuchu Regain.

It appears that the events depicted in the video are for the sole purpose of promoting the brand and drink. Either way, the results are pure entertainment that makes you think, “wow!” and “how many takes did it take for them to get the perfect shot?”

The masterpiece is titled “The Extreme Minuet” since it is a partial performance of one of musical genius Mozart’s minuets. A total of 43 people were arranged standing in an arc formation directly across from 43 corresponding beakers.

Each glass beaker was filled with a very specific amount of colored water in order to create a musical note whenever a coin was tossed into it. In the beginning of the clip some math-related images are shown, as well as computer visuals which hints that there was a lot of planning and thought put into this event.

Also, each of the 43 performers had an electrode attached to the inside forearm of their coin throwing arms, which were presumably there to help control and time the tosses perfectly. A piano tune leads up to the big toss and right after a certain note the first man throws his coin, then the rest of the performers immediately let their coins fly.

The visual of all the arms going up for the toss is just as cool as the sight of the coins landing perfectly into the beakers just fractions of a second apart from one another. At full speed it only takes about 2 seconds for them to all complete the coin toss, and only when it is slowed down do you really get to see how amazing it all is.

The musical notes created by each beaker end up playing the “Minuet” and there is a reason behind this choice of music. There have been studies conducted that found listening to Mozart can help improve overall focus, concentration, and make you smarter.

These findings are now known as “the Mozart effect” and the energy drink makers wanted to link their product with those properties. The video is a clever marketing illustration of how Suntory’s energy drink can make consumers concentrate on a higher level than ever before.

In the end, this neat project may just qualify for some sort of Guinness World Record. It’s very creative and a lot more complex than I ever imagined when I first saw it. There really is more than meets the eye with this stellar performance!

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This Ink-Blot Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Fear In Life

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Fear is an emotion that every single one of us has experienced at many points in our lives. It’s a natural reaction to feel afraid and no matter what you call it; dread, horror, alarm, terror, panic, distress, fright, or threatened, it’ll always have a negative connotation. However, not all fears are bad and it’s actually quite healthy to feel afraid every now and then.

For most people, things like creepy crawlies or heights freak them out. According to various surveys on the topic the most common fears and phobias have to do with snakes, spiders, cockroaches, public speaking, needles, tight spaces, flying, dogs, water, germs, and death. While people can be afraid of virtually anything and everything, they can only fear on thing the absolute most.

What are you the most afraid of in this world? Put another way, what’s the one singular thing, thought, or idea that is truly capable of filling your mind, body, and soul with dread? No one likes to admit it, yet we all have to face what it is that we fear the most. While it’s natural to instinctively repress and avoid the unpleasant thoughts, we eventually need to deal with it and what better way to do just that than with some basic psychology!

This quiz uses ink-blot images to draw out and assess your deepest, darkest subconscious fears and thoughts. What you end up seeing in each picture ultimately depends on your perception of the world. In turn, part of what molds and shapes your interpretation of all the things that you see and come across in life is your unconscious mind.

It’s usually inaccessible, which is why psychologists have developed tests like the one featured here to draw out and uncover the ideas and information it holds deeply hidden. Projective tests, which include ink-blot tests, are psychological tools that use images, words, or situations to analyze how people respond to them.

An individual is assessed in terms of the unconscious personality traits they exhibit towards the stimulus, in this case the image, and from their response hidden emotions are brought to light. In other words, how you view the ink-blots here will reveal what you fear the most.

With that in mind, are you ready to face your biggest fear? Take this projective ink-blot quiz now and see whether or not you agree with the end results. Enjoy!

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As The Plants Pressure Builds Seeds Are Exposed Then I Was Stunned When They Did THIS

Plants have evolved some unique ways to survive and prosper in every corner of the globe. Some give off horrible stenches to attract bugs to them so that they can pollinate it, like the corpse flower. Then there are those that are carnivorous and feast on insects, such as the Venus fly trap and pitcher plants. And now we can add plants that explode to the list, as the Smithsonian Channel has uploaded a video featuring this fascinating natural phenomenon. It may sound violent and harmful but the plants have a very good reason for developing the explosive tactics.

The plants shown in the video have evolved the tactic in order to disperse their seeds as far as away as possible from the mother plant. By dispersing seeds in this manner the plants can spread them anywhere from less than a foot away all the way up to 200 feet. That way the plants don’t have to rely on animals to eat them and spread the seeds by expelling them in their droppings. It also eliminates the need for the seeds to be light enough to travel and disperse by the wind, which is what many plant rely on to help scatter them far and wide.

The Smithsonian footage shows three different plants exploding, including violets, touch me nots, and squirting cucumbers. The violet pods slowly dry out and shrivel up which causes the shrinking pods to squeeze the seeds until the pressure becomes too great and they burst open. That is when the seeds launch through the air and away from the plant. Touch me nots are similar in that they build up immense pressure until the slightest disturbance sets them off like a firework.

Even a tiny droplet of water falling onto one can be just enough of a contact that makes them explode. Finally, the coolest and craziest plant in the video is the squirting cucumber. When it becomes ripe it can be set off by the slightest vibration or disturbance. As the cucumber falls away from the plant it forcefully spurts out a steady stream of seeds and liquid. This ensures that all of the seeds get randomly spread out all around and away from the mother plant, and the next generation lives on.

The awesome spectacle is neat to see, especially in slow motion. People like to say that mother nature always puts on a good show and that adage rings true here.

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