5 Clear Signs That Reveal You Are In a Relationship With a Sociopath.

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We’ve all called someone a psychopath, or been called one ourselves, at some point in our lives. Usually the term is hurled around in either anger or jest, but sometimes we really and truly mean what we say!

In clinical terms, a sociopath is someone who is diagnosed as having what is called Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) APD “is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture.

There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths.” The DSM lists a number of diagnostic criteria that expand upon this general definition and nothing about it is good.

Sociopaths are master manipulators who often appear to be charming and interesting, but they only care about themselves and will lie, cheat, and intimidate you to get whatever it is that they want! If you’ve recently met or are dating someone new and want to make sure they aren’t a sociopath then you need to know the tell-tale signs of the personality disorder.

Sociopaths tend to be really good at these:

1. Lack of inhibition – Sociopaths don’t hold back and often flout the rules or laws because they think they are above it all. They lack control, live in the moment, and don’t care about consequences because they believe those don’t even apply to them!

2. Quick to anger or resort to violence – People who are easily angered and who react by quickly resorting to violence without thinking about the future implications of their actions, are representative of such a personality. They will also let go of any negative feelings just as suddenly, as if nothing were ever amiss in the first place!

3. Selfish and act aggressively – A sociopath will act aggressively in order to get what they want, while failing to take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of others. To them, the ends always justify the means, but only if it turns out that they get exactly what they want and most desire.

4. Narcissistic – A common characteristic displayed by sociopaths is egoism, and when it comes to their own self-interest, they can be extremely narcissistic. This makes them very selfish and absorbed in their looks and appearance. They will always love themselves above any and all others and often have warped views of love and affection towards those they claim to love.

5. Lack of empathy – Sociopaths don’t understand or experience the thoughts and feelings that others go through. They think differently than normal people and have a warped sense of what is right and what’s wrong, as such they’re unable to relate on an emotional level.

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If You See A Spot Like This On Your Child’s Cheek Go To The Hospital ASAP. The Reason Is Terrifying!

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Summer is on it’s way.  As parents we are happy that our kids can spend more playtime outside, and most of us slather them in sun block, to protect them from the harmful UV rays of the sun.  Depending on what part of the country we live in, and how woodsy or grassy the area is, determines the extent to which we check our kids for ticks that could potentially carry lyme disease.

Checking for tick bites as soon as your child has come in from outdoor play is critical.  Ticks take some time to fully imbed in the skin, so that if you can remove it fully with a tweezer, this may happen in time to prevent the transmission of Borrelia Burgdorferi, should the tick carry it.

Lyme Disease is no laughing matter; it isn’t just something that runs it’s course, and life goes on.  If not properly treated, often with several courses of antibiotics it can potentially leave both children and adults with long term, chronic debilitating effects on their health.

Luckily 70-80% of people who contract Lyme Disease have a visible erythema migrans (EM) rash, that appears like a red bull’s eye.  It is often initially accompanied by extreme fatigue.  Your child, or anyone seeing this rash should immediately be seen by their doctor, to be tested and begin antibiotic therapy quickly.

The video you are about to watch below, does a very comprehensive job of describing initial symptoms, and the problems often encountered with only one course of antibiotics. The faster and more comprehensive the treatment, the better the chance that the later, more grave symptoms can be prevented from occurring.

Later symptoms that become more chronic and debilitating, without or with only partial treatment of Lyme Disease, include: Headaches; Severe Joint Pain and Swelling; Facial or Bell’s Palsy; Heart Palpitations or an Irregular Heartbeat (Lyme Carditis); Dizziness; Difficulty Breathing; Inflammation of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Nerve and Shooting Pains; Numbness; Hand and Foot Tingling and  Difficulty with Short-Term Memory.

For further discussion of these dangers, as well as other dangers to the Heart and Central Nervous System, watching the upcoming video is critical.  The narrator will also advise you on the best modes of prevention, and why assuming that one course of antibiotic treatment is enough, can leave you vulnerable to the later, more serious symptoms.

Prevention and Proper Treatment can make a significant difference in the quality and longevity of people’s lives!

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Police Are Warning People That Turning Off THIS Light In Your Home Could Be a Dangerous Risk!

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As a mom of two single young adult daughters, who live alone, their safety is always on my mind.  They are fiercely independent, have learned some self-defense, and carry an alert device when they are out in the world. All that being said, they can never be too safe, and decreasing their vulnerability when they are home alone is very important.

The following video offers invaluable safety tips for women (and certainly can be used by men).  Unfortunately we live in a world that has grown more dangerous on many fronts; being aware of potential dangers when you are at home, and remedying them so you can rest easy, is a huge plus.

The  safety video offered by Officer Kandy Perry and the Fox 4 News team, is geared towards women, but truly can be used by anyone to keep from falling prey to home intruders.  I was amazed at how many things that wouldn’t naturally occur to me, both signal and allow twisted individuals to invade your home.

She actually starts with a scenario in a parking lot, as you are going toward your car, with your purse in the cart.  Not only can you lose your valuables, but important information that can lead a criminal to your home is now in their hands.  Officer Perry goes from that scenario to an amazing safety trick as you drive into your garage, and then on into your home.

Listen for the tip on what lights on, off and in which sequence can go a long way towards preventing intruders.

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THIS Mother’s Son Died 1 Hour After He Swam In The Pool. THIS Reason Is Terrifying!

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Johnny Jackson, a 10-year-old boy from South Carolina, was enjoying a hot summer day at the neighborhood pool.  His mom Cassandra walked home with him, having no idea that tragedy was about to strike.

He had been playing all afternoon and told his mom he felt really sleepy.  He went to take a nap, which certainly didn’t seem unusual after a hot day at the pool; Cassandra had no way of knowing that her little boy was slowly DROWNING!

When she checked on him one hour later, Cassandra found a foam-like substance covering his face.  She immediately realized he wasn’t breathing and rushed him to the emergency room, but it was too late.  Johnny was declared dead due to “Asphyxiation by Drowning.”

In the interview you are about to watch in the video below, you will hear Cassandra’s heartbreaking description of what happened to her son.  She was explained that Johnny had “dry-drowned” because he had swallowed too much water while swimming.

This phenomenon of a slow death due to impaired lung function, happens when water prevents enough oxygen from reaching the blood, which in turn prevents carbon dioxide from being released.

You will hear a pediatrician, Dr. Daniel Rauch, interviewed about “dry-drowning” on the Today show following this tragic incident.  He explains what to look for physically as well as in a child’s behavior, that might indicate something abnormal is going on.

A death by “dry-drowning” can even occur if too much water is swallowed in a bathtub.

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THIS Couple Went For A Morning Walk They Had No Idea THIS One Text Would Change Everything!

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On a beautiful sunny morning in March, Leslee and David Henson of St. George, Utah, decided to take a walk together.  Parents of three children and twelve grandchildren, they had moved to this lovely neighborhood to enjoy as much time with their expanding family as they could.

They had no way of knowing that their walk would change their lives forever, as a driver’s distraction would result in tragedy.  In the video below you will hear Leslee share what happened, in the hopes that her story will finally be the wake-up call about the destruction caused by texting while driving.

Carla Brennan, 52, was late for work that morning.  She didn’t wake up with the intention of hurting someone…just in a rush, she was speeding and texting.  She rear-ended another vehicle which hit the Hensons; David, 57, died on the way to the hospital, and Leslee suffered multiple fractures to her neck and lower back, as well as other injuries requiring 5,000 stitches.

Shockingly, Brennan only received a 240 day jail sentence with a plea deal.  Her car was unregistered and uninsured, and she was driving 20 miles over the speed limit when she crashed. ABC 4 UTAH reported the Henson’s daughter, Haley’s, anguished recall; because a woman had to text that she was late to work, she lost her father and her children their grandpa.

In order to raise awareness, and to help ease the overwhelming pain over the tragedy that befell her family, Haley founded “Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks.”  Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of the Henson family, the state laws of Utah were changed in 2014, strictly prohibiting texting while driving.

Despite the fact that so many states have these strict laws, texting while driving still persists.  Watching Leslee’s story in the footage below, provides more information that brings home the consequences of distracted driving.

The Henson’s are one out of thousands and thousands of families whose lives are ruined, because people still believe nothing will happen if they look away from the road for a moment.

Help spread their story and stop tragedies like this happening in the future.

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They Asked Him What It’s Like Having An Autistic Brother. THIS Unexpected Response Left Me In Tears

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Don’t for one second think that you are about to watch a video about the limitations of autism, and how it effects a brotherly relationship.  It is not! It is about one older brother, Mitchel Timme who was born with autism, and what his spirit has done to enrich his younger brother’s life.

The video was made by Spencer Timme, a San Diego resident, who had a deep need to express his gratitude for his incredible brother, Mitchel.  He artfully has created a voiceover, as the boys travel to the beach, describing what makes Mitchel so special.

It is not the fact that he far exceeded the capabilities that doctor’s forewarned his parents.  The fact that he is able to draw, cook, type, sing, SURF and dance, despite his autism, is not what makes him special to Spencer.  Rather it is his “ability to make everyone around him happy…especially me.  He makes me a better person.

He has taught me to find the joy in the little things.  He has taught me patience, understanding and perspective.”

Watch the footage below and let us know how you feel!

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